
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

TheMainPlagiaris · Movies
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88 Chs

Machine Man 29

As the mid of 2007 arrived, I instructed Skynet with a mission to search for metahumans around the world. To my lack of surprise, there were no mutants like Magneto or Charles Xavier, and even the notorious Apocalypse seemed absent from any historical records.

The only thing to note of are some random meta users on the hide, but they all seem weak, like the guy who controls fire. I might reach out to him but there is no rush now.

I also directed Skynet to focus its efforts on locating the twins, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. I wished I could do more than randomly search for anything supernatural, but my knowledge was limited to the Movies and Spider-Man cartoons.

Wish I could do more but I could only recall fragments of information from clips of series like Loki, Agent of Shield, and that regrettable She Hulk adaptation.

Locating the twins, however, proved challenging. Skynet scoured the globe but couldn't pinpoint their location. The possibility of them being taken by Hydra was high. I refrained from digging deeper to avoid alerting them. We did hack onto HYDRA's database, but we did not find anything. Plus, with the twins being high on revenge, it will prove difficult when I ask them join my team. I'd rather for them have their powers before I do anything.

Yearning for a more formidable adversary, I found myself in a position where my current abilities needed a true test. Facing Madam Gao again seemed like an option, and I was confident that with my recent upgrades, dispatching her would be a relatively easy task.

Previously I was just no better than a bootleg Captain America with a bit of advantage like my cyberware enhancement. I could have gone full borg and be like Adam Smasher but I really don't want to loose my balls at the moment.

But now the arsenal at my disposal, including an Ironman-inspired Armored Suit equipped with two plasma reactors, granted me enhanced capabilities. It's a culmination of Predator and Terminator tech. But compared to the Ironman suit this one lacks power of an Arc Reactor. Though its incapable of firing a Repulsor beam, it still has its flight capabilities.

Plus I rather have external weapons like guns or vehicles, not only do they not consume any energy in my suit they can easily be change and upgraded on the go.

As for the reaction to the prosthetic launch, it was a resounding success, as evidenced by numerous magazines featuring me on their front covers. Publications such as Time, Success, Lifestyles, and even a special issue of Forbes showcased my golden silver prosthetic arm prominently.

Good thing I partnered with OSCORP even with its diminishing influence it's still has more prestige compared to my current company. We easily got all the approval we need and di not encounter any hindrances from others.

Even with small hiccups like the Militaries inquiries to develop similar weaponize prosthetics, we strongly declined such offers, It seems that my friends are really adamant about not going into weapons which align with my interest. I really don't want someone to be attack with the last thing they saw is the ARASAKA logo on the weapon before getting their powers.

Despite our refusal, Skynet reports that Military from different countries, SHIELD, and various government agencies worldwide are actively researching similar technologies. However, it's evident that their attempts may fall short, given the advanced software in our prosthetics, enabling realistic movement and sensation.

Even if the technology is not that complicated its still unmatched and I could dare say its technology is 70 years more advance than whatever they have. There is a high possibility that a random genius can make something close to what we have in a few years, but to be honest I really don't care. It would be even better, if that happen as it might give a window for me to sell more cybernetics implants like a liver or heart.

As for HYDRA, they already have similar technology, and it's more geared towards battle. They even seem nonchalant about it. Some of their scientists even disdain it, thinking their arm offers more than finesse and control since its geared for battle.

But they can't deny the price different, since our cost lest than a fourth of what they made might even be cheaper. Plus if only they knew the capabilities of a fully functioning cyberarm, they wouldn't be like that.

Concerning my vigilante activities, I'll be honest – I've grown weary and tired of it. Originally, I engaged in it to enhance my combat skills, to prepare for the inevitable Snap. But I have already mastered all the shards in my arsenal.

So, to ensure that Specter will always be out there in the night, since his now somewhat a symbol of justice in New York. I created a formidable protector – the T-950. Drawing inspiration from the T-900 Anti-Terminator model, the T-950 surpassed its predecessor in speed, strength, and durability, being five times as potent.

Its combat chassis boasted significant defense, a plasma reactor for power, and cyberware components inspired by my own enhancements. To enhance its capabilities further, I replaced its left arm with a T-X model, providing an additional edge in combat and instead of a sentient AI we just add in the same level of AI that Jarvis has but will still be fully monitored and can be overruled and controlled by Skynet.

Unlike the T-800, Ghost Protocol, or just Ghost, as I named the T-950 unit, lacked synthetic rubber skin, embracing a pure machine form. This design choice aimed to prioritize functionality over human mimicry. Paired with the new Armored Suit, both creations were meticulously monitored and controlled by Skynet like a drone, ensuring seamless coordination in their tasks.

The T-950 featured advanced functionalities, including self-repair capabilities, an EMP shield its even capable of redirecting power or discharging energy base attacks and a crucial self-destruct protocol in case of programming tampering.

These precautions were essential, considering the risks associated with such a powerful android falling in the wrong hands. While Ghost served as a powerful shadow of mine in maintaining peace, I remained vigilant; incorporating multiple layers of backup plans to safeguard against any unforeseen circumstances.

Regarding the company META, which Peter, Gwen, and I shared, it has already gone public. Although I still maintain control since I haven't given up my share, Peter seems to buckle under the pressure from investors, and Gwen complies with his choice. As a result, albeit not to my liking, META's stocks are soaring with each passing day.

On the other hand, Arasaka remains a private entity. Despite the constant clamor from financial opportunists, I ignore their calls to make my company public. To alleviate the stress of these corporate demands, I sometimes indulge myself in patrolling the night, as beating up criminals serves as a great source of stress relief

As per Ghost's, this move should divert the attention of SHIELD. With access to their database, I've identified the agents they've sent to monitor META and Arasaka. Strangely enough, they appear more focused on Peter and Gwen than on me. It seems I should prepare a T-1000 or a T-800 to act as Peter's double when the need arises. For now, I observe how Peter clumsily navigates through this situation.

The next day, on a sunny morning. While pulling through the city in the attention-grabbing Model-A Alvarado, I pondered whether my changing tastes were a result of my new body or the evolving environment. Flint Marco navigated the streets expertly as we headed to Inès, where Harry assured me the coffee and pastries were top-notch.

As Flint stop in front of the cozy coffee shop to drop me off while he parked, I stepped out and made my way inside, ready to indulge in a cup of my favorite brew. Little did I know, a chance encounter awaited me. Amidst the morning hustle, I saw a familiar woman carrying a tray. In a split second, I recognized her—or so I thought—it was Jessica Alba, I use to have such a huge crush on her watching reruns of her series Dark Angel as a kid.

Reacting on impulse, I "accidentally" bumped into her, skillfully intercepting the falling pastries with the tray she carried. The move saved us both from a potential mess. Chuckling, I offered my apologies, "Oops, sorry about that. Are you alright, miss... Jessica?" I apologized, extending a courteous gesture.

"It's Sue, Susan," she corrected with a friendly smile, graciously accepting the tray. As we exchanged apologies, I couldn't help but find humor in the unexpected encounter, here I was thinking I got to meet a celebrity but turns out it was someone better.

"Oh, my apologies. I thought you were the celebrity Jessica Alba," I admitted, a hint of embarrassment in my tone.

Susan, still smiling, took the tray from my hand, saying, "Yes, a lot of people mistake me for her. Well, it's nice to meet you. Mr...?"

"Alex," I smiled back, extending my right hand for a shake. However, she paused midway, her right hand holding the tray, attempting to use her left hand for a handshake. So I extended my flamboyant prosthetic, which seemed to have shocked her momentarily. Without making a big deal out of it, I used my prosthetic hand to shake hers. As we said our goodbyes, I headed back to the car with my morning coffee, giving Flint his share.

As we drove away from the coffee shop, Flint glanced at me and asked, "Where to now, Boss?"

I leaned back, sipping my coffee, and replied, "Let's head back to Arasaka HQ for now."

While Flint navigated through the bustling city, my mind lingered on the recent encounter with Susan Storm. Recalling she was part of the Fantastic Four and seemingly hadn't gained her powers yet, I wondered if I could acquire abilities similar to theirs. Lost in thought, I decided to consult Skynet.

"Hey Sky, can you bring up information on Susan Storm?" I inquired.

Curious, Flint chimed in, "You met someone in there, boss?"

Smirking, I answered, "Yes, a very interesting woman."

Skynet's voice came through the coms, "Has the youth of your spring finally come, Alex?"

Chuckling, I responded, "No, but I do have a certain interest in their group."

Skynet pulled up Susan's profile, revealing her age and occupation. Flint, finding amusement in the situation, pointed out, "Boss, she's the same age as you!"

Shaking my head at their reaction, I clarified, "It's not what you think. I'm actually interested in Doom Industries. Skynet, do we have any business or deals with them?"

Skynet informed, "We actually do, boss. By next week, we're supposed to provide them with 5000 set of the latest computer equipment and an advanced Main Frame to be use on their Space Station."

Pondering the information, I leaned back in my seat, contemplating the potential implications of this business arrangement. "Well, isn't that interesting," I mused. "Looks like our connection with Doom Industries might open up new opportunities."

Flint nodded; his eyes focused on the road. "Seems like your tech is making its way into space now," he remarked.

Smirking, I replied, "I just hope there won't be an incident that will give us a bad name but, let's see what the future holds for Arasaka and our first product going to space."

As the car seamlessly navigated through the city streets, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the developments that lay ahead, both in business and, perhaps, in encounters with extraordinary individuals like the Fantastic Four.