
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

TheMainPlagiaris · Movies
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Machine Man 28

As I stepped into the opulent office space where the crucial meeting was set to unfold, it was evident that the room was filled with luxurious furniture. The familiar faces of the elite were present and few of my friends like Peter, Harry, and surprisingly, Gwen. Alongside them were other shareholders and members of the board, all seated in anticipation. The ostentatious OSCORP logo adorned a prominently on the wall.

Walking towards the central seat, the extravagance of the surroundings became even more noticeable. The square black marbled table, impeccably expensive, commanded attention at the meeting room. As I took my place, a procession of greetings and handshakes followed. A stunning lady, whose impeccably dressed in office attire, approached me taking the documents I carried, gracefully distributing it among the seated attendees.

"No need to stand on ceremony, please take a sit". I said as I invited everyone to take their seats once again. The luxurious setting, coupled with the high-stakes atmosphere, made it clear that decisions made in this room held significant consequences.

Offering a brief overview of the current share distribution, I highlighted my major stake of around 32%, obtained with the assistance of Skynet's mysterious funds. Peter and Gwen collectively held 14%, while Harry Osborn and his incarcerated father controlled a substantial 27%. The remaining shares were distributed among those who either inherited them from Green Goblin's victims who we're unable to sell all their shares or harbored a genuine interest in Oscorp. In this room of wealth and influence, I stood as the primary shareholder, ready to steer the course of the company.

"Welcome, everyone. I must apologize for dragging you all here, considering your busy schedules. However, as you are aware, we have urgent matters that need immediate attention.

First on the agenda is to bring the company back to its peak and second but most important thing, is the selection of a new CEO for the company. Although we have Harry and some of the board managing the company having many people at the helm is detrimental to the company's stability. With the unfortunate incident involving Norman, we can't afford to navigate this ship without a captain for an extended period."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"As you all know, the super-soldier serum project has turned out to be a failure, and the military contract associated with it has been revoked."

"So, why don't we share ideas to get this company back on track? Does anybody have any proposals?" Alex looked around the opulent room, waiting for suggestions.

A young man, apparently from a wealthy background, nervously raised his hand. "Uh, Mr. Arasaka, my name is Flynn Bancroft. We do have those working exosuits. We could... um, repurpose the Glider and the Exosuit that was proposed to the military before?"

Alex, displaying a calm demeanor, encouraged Flynn. "Please, just relax. Stand up. Take a deep breath. So, tell us, what is your suggestion?"

Flynn, still a bit jittery, explained, "We could repurpose the Glider and Exosuit for commercial use. Maybe in private security?"

Alex, with a nod, responded, "As much as I would like to do that, the military deemed them unfit for battle. The Exosuit is expensive and challenging to maintain, making it impractical for common use. And the gliders can be easily shot down, posing a significant risk."

Flynn, realizing the reasoning, took his seat. Alex looked around, "Does anyone else have suggestions?"

Peter, breaking his silence, spoke up. "What about research and development for medical technology? We could focus on innovations that can make a significant impact on healthcare, like advanced prosthetics or life-saving medical devices."

Alex nodded, acknowledging Peter's idea. "Medical technology is a promising avenue. It aligns with my thought will get to this more. Any other thoughts?"

Harry chimed in, "We could explore renewable energy solutions. Oscorp could invest in clean and sustainable technologies, positioning us as leaders in environmental innovation."

Alex considered Harry's suggestion. "Renewable energy is indeed a critical sector. We do have a proposal from someone named Dr. Otto Octavius about this matter. It not only addresses environmental concerns but also opens up new opportunities for growth. Excellent suggestion, Harry."

As the room fell into a contemplative silence. Alex, breaking the silence, continued, "I also propose a new product – As the room buzzed with renewed energy, I took my suit jacket and gloves to show my left arm, revealing a concealed prosthetic attachment seamlessly connected to my shoulder. 

This is a new product created by my research team. I would like to have a joint venture between Arasaka and OSCORP to launch this product.

The room fell silent once more, as everyone's attention shifted to the intricate creation before them. The prosthetic was a marvel of craftsmanship, a blend of gold and silver, with delicate detailing that made it look more like a work of art than a functional limb.

Gwen and Peter, though already familiar with the existence of the prosthetic, exchanged surprised glances. While they had seen a similar one that I used, albeit more advanced and geared for combat, they did not expect that I would create a version intended for public sale.

Alex, displaying the prosthetic, said, "This is just a sample – a fully functioning arm. Of course, for public use, we would opt for a less fancy design, but the technology remains the same. Its connected externally and controlled using a neural transmitter."

The prosthetic glinted under the room's ambient light, showcasing its detailed contours and precision engineering. "It's not just about functionality; it's about restoring a sense of normalcy and providing individuals with a chance at a more fulfilling life," Alex added, his eyes reflecting the passion behind the project.

Gwen, hearing what Alex said which seems different to the cybareware he normally uses. Got intrigue, her professional curiosity piqued, inquired, "The neural transmitter – how does it work?"

Alex, ready to dive into the technical details, explained, "The neural transmitter communicates with the user's nervous system, allowing for natural and intuitive control. It's non-invasive, attached externally to the back of the neck. Plus, we've incorporated haptic feedback technology, allowing users to feel a sense of touch through the prosthetic."

Peter, examining the prosthetic closely, remarked, "This is groundbreaking, Alex. Imagine the impact it could have on people's lives, giving them a chance to regain independence and confidence."

Harry, shocked, couldn't help but ask, "But why not just sell it on your own without sharing it with OSCORP?" The rest of the room seemed puzzled as well.

Alex explained, "Well, to be honest, if Arasaka is the only one selling this, it will take a long time before it gets approval from the FDA. Even the military will come knocking on my door to make a weaponized version of this. If I'm being honest, I only want this to be a product used by those who really need it."(Plus dealing with military matters is annoying, but I did not say that outload.)

While I was observing the boards stupefied reaction, internally, I couldn't help but think that I essentially used some of the Cyberpunk prosthetics technology without any combat ability. I considered adding more features, perhaps giving the arms amazing finesse like a surgeon, but I didn't want to disrupt the timeline any more than I already did. The last thing I needed was a mysterious bald lady sending my astral as$ to the moon.

As the room transitioned to another matter, Alex addressed the need to select a new CEO. "Now, onto the next matter. We need to select a new CEO for the company."

"Given the circumstances, I would like to nominate Harry Osborn to be the acting CEO," Alex declared. "Considering what he has done so far, I couldn't see anyone better to vote for."

The room erupted into a discussion. Flynn Bancroft, eager for a leadership role, voiced his desire to be the CEO. However, as the conversation continued, it became apparent that most shareholders agreed that Harry Osborn was the best fit to lead the company.

"Harry has shown dedication and innovation in his recent endeavors this past year. I believe he can guide Oscorp through these challenging times," Peter emphasized, rallying support for his nomination.

After a thorough discussion, the majority leaned towards supporting Harry Osborn as the acting CEO. The decision was reached, and the room seemed to align with the choice.

"Thank you all for your input. I believe Harry will lead Oscorp to new heights. Let's move forward with this decision," Alex concluded, signaling a turning point for Oscorp under new leadership.

In the wake of this announcement, Harry Osborn, a figure of quiet determination, rose from his seat to express gratitude to the board. His eyes reflected a mix of humility and ambition as he faced the gathering.

"Thank you, members of the board, for entrusting me with the responsibility of leading Oscorp into this new era. I understand the challenges that lie ahead, and I'm committed to steering this company toward success," Harry spoke with a measured tone, acknowledging the weight of the role he was about to undertake.

The applause that followed was not just a show of support but a recognition of the potential they saw in Harry Osborn. The board members, along with Alex Arasaka, nodded in approval, their confidence evident in this pivotal decision for Oscorp's future.

With a clear path ahead, the shareholders concluded their discussions about the company's revitalization and the potential challenges that lay ahead.

As I made my way out of the office, my Kirisho optics, a cybernetic enhancement, detected a familiar face – Max Dillon, also known as Electro, one of my target. Despite the grandeur of the surroundings, Max still seemed to embody the awkward and easily bullied persona, displaying traits that hinted at a bit of autism.

As Max attempted to enter the elevator, he was abruptly halted by an authoritative figure – Smythe.

"Max Dillon. You stay here," Smythe stated with an air of condescension.

Max, puzzled, responded, "What?"

Smythe, with an indifferent demeanor, explained, "There's a current flow problem in the lab. Why don't you take a look?"

Max, realizing the situation, protested, "It's my birthday. Everybody else is leaving. Why do I have to stay?"

Smythe, with a tone that carried a sense of sarcasm, replied, "Because you're special."

Max, attempting to assert himself, called out to Smythe as the elevator doors began to close, "Smythe. I mean, Mr. Smythe."

In a parting remark, Smythe wished Max, "Happy birthday."

As I observed the encounter between Max Dillon and Smythe, a memory flashed in my mind – a scene reminiscent of the movie plot where Max had an electrifying encounter with a genetically engineered electric eel. Concerned, I swiftly moved towards Max and greeted him.

"Hey, aren't you Max, the one who designed the electrical grid for New York?" I inquired.

Max, taken aback, stammered in response, "Y-you are Alex Saburo Araksa! He-hello, sir. Yes, yes, sir, it's me." He hastily tried to fix his disheveled button-up shirt.

With a smile, I reassured him, "I'm actually working on getting you credited."

Max, still surprised, uttered, "You are, sir?"

I nodded. "Of course. I read the file, you know. I can't have a genius's hard work without having them recognized for it."

Expressing his gratitude, Max said, "Thank you. I really appreciate it."

As Peter and Gwen walked over to where I was conversing with Max Dillon, I decided to introduce them to each other.

"Max, this is Peter and Gwen, shareholders of Oscorp," I said, gesturing towards them.

Max greeted them, shaking their hands in an awkward manner. Peter and Gwen reciprocated with friendly smiles.

"Hey, Max, from what I could remember, today is supposed to be your birthday, right? Why are you still working?" I inquired.

Max explained, "Well, sir, Mr. Smythe said that there is a problem with the current flow in the lab, so I need to fix it."

The mention of Smythe's name struck a familiar chord with me, but I set that thought aside for later. For now, my focus was on preventing the birth of Electro or, at the very least, gaining Max's goodwill. Spiderman had a similar opportunity in the movie but missed it, and I intended to seize the moment.

"Nonsense. Come with us. You can leave that for now. Let's celebrate your birthday instead, okay?" I suggested.

Peter, curious, asked, "We are?"

Gwen, seeing that Max seems to be a special needs person and catching on quickly, nudged Peter with her elbow and added, "Of course we are, Peter. That would be lovely, Alex. Don't you think, Max?"

Max, still surprised by the unexpected turn of events, nodded enthusiastically, "Y-yes, definitely! Thank you, Mr. Arasaka. Miss Stacy."

As Max blushed in response to the beautiful lady wishing him a happy birthday, we continued our way out of the elevator. Waiting for us was Flint Marco, my loyal bodyguard. I wasted no time introducing Max to Flint.

"Flint, this is Max, an amazing electrical engineer and a genius, It's his birthday today, so as his employer and a very important employee of Oscorp, I can't have him working overtime."

Flint extended his hand to Max, greeting him warmly. The trio then made their way towards the exit, ready to celebrate Max's birthday and leave the lab's current flow problems behind for the day.