
Marvel: I Summon Heroes from Various Worlds

Location: Sokovia in Marvel Universe 838 Time: November 2000 (during the Civil War) Golden Finger: Allows loading of protagonist templates such as Goku, Naruto, Ichigo Kurosaki, Sakura Kinomoto, Natsu, Seiya, Simon, etc. Each template can only be loaded for one hour per day. After loading, the protagonist's body gains the respective protagonist’s bloodline and memories, which can be used for self-training and improvement. This is not a clichéd story; protagonist templates are unlocked through the accumulation of justice points, where the standard for justice is determined by what the protagonist believes is just.

Zaelum · Movies
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30 Chs

Chapter 16

After spending some time joking around with Wolverine, which seemed to lighten his mood a bit, Hawking turned to head upstairs to spend time with Wanda and Pietro. However, as soon as he reached the staircase, he was stopped by Magneto and Mystique.

"Kid, do you know you have great potential?"

"Yeah, I've always felt that I'm destined to be a significant figure in the future," Hawking replied with a smile, confident in his self-awareness.

Even with just his Saiyan heritage, if properly developed, he could carve out a place for himself in the Marvel Universe, not to mention he had more than one protagonist template.

"That's good. I like your confidence. But you're wasting your time here. Follow me, and I can help you unlock your potential and let you fully utilize your abilities," Magneto began to pitch, espousing his mutant supremacy ideology and envisioning a bright future, attempting to persuade Hawking to join the Brotherhood of Mutants.

"Teachers have told me you're a bad guy, but I find myself agreeing with some of your views. However, I think the School for Gifted Youngsters is a better fit for my growth for now. Your place seems a bit poor, always running around being chased. Maybe I'll consider it when I'm older," Hawking tactfully declined Magneto's offer after patiently listening to him.

His rejection was based on practical reasons; as generous as Magneto might seem, he lacked Professor X's wealth. Why join a persecuted group when he could enjoy the comforts provided at the mutant school? He wasn't prepared to make that shift even if he truly was a mutant. 

He also left Magneto with a bit of hope, ensuring that if they ever faced off, it might not be to the death.

"It's alright, whenever you're ready, feel free to come to me," Magneto responded, not too surprised by Hawking's answer and still smiling amiably.

It was normal, he thought, for a student brainwashed by Charles not to immediately see the reality of humanity's hopelessness.

"And you, beautiful lady, could you let me pass, please?" Hawking turned to address Mystique, who was in her blue-skinned form.

Truth be told, Mystique's figure was indeed striking, though her blue skin took some getting used to. However, her ability to mimic anyone's appearance, complete with iris, fingerprint, skin texture, voice, and gender, more than made up for any initial aversion.

With Mystique's powers, one essentially had the whole world at their fingertips, a never-ending source of novelty to fulfill any imagination.

The real question he pondered was whether Mystique's blue-skinned form counted as being clothed; if not, then it was like she was naked all the time.

"This little guy is quite pragmatic and slick," Mystique commented with a lick of her lips once Hawking had moved on.

"It doesn't matter. The more he is like this, the less likely he will stay here long. He'll join us eventually," Magneto nodded, experienced enough to see from Hawking's mannerisms that he was not one to sit quietly in the shadows, nor was he an idealist like Charles.

"I hope so. I actually don't mind this sweet-talking kid," Mystique shrugged, then used her ability to morph into Jean Grey in a sexy tank top.

"I'll go tease that dumb wolf."

"Just don't overdo it. We still need them until the plan is complete," Magneto cautioned with a smile.

"Don't trust anything Magneto says. Last time, Rogue nearly got killed by him," Storm suddenly appeared as Hawking reached the second floor.

Aware of Magneto's tendency for mischief, she did not trust him to wander the mansion unwatched.

"I know, he wanted me to join his Brotherhood, but I've already declined," Hawking didn't hide the truth from her.

"But, Professor Ororo, we should be cautious of Magneto during the mission to save the Professor. If Stryker can use the Professor to eliminate all mutants, it's not unimaginable that Magneto might exploit the situation to have all humans killed."

Storm's pupils dilated at Hawking's warning.

"Yes, I hadn't considered that. It's very likely he might do something like that," she realized, seeing how proactive Magneto had been in seeking their collaboration.

"Thank you, Hawking. This is crucial information. I'll be careful!"

"Of course, it's just a theory. Maybe he's not that bad," Hawking shrugged.

By sharing his suspicions about Magneto's potential plan, he helped ensure the others would be on their guard. It also helped reinforce his image as a wise counselor, offsetting any negative perceptions due to his youth.

"He's exactly that bad. Looks like we'll need to keep a close eye on him!"

Now convinced of Magneto's potential threat, Storm was prepared to inform the others, including Wolverine, Colossus, and Nightcrawler.

"Oh, and there's one more important thing," Hawking said as Storm was about to leave.

"What's the important matter?" she asked, now taking him much more seriously.

"My abilities enhance my physical fitness and allow me to release energy attacks after I've burst, which I think I mentioned after the meeting," Hawking began.

"Yes, you did mention that."

Everyone needed to understand each other's capabilities for effective collaboration in the upcoming mission.

"Since Magneto was there, I didn't finish explaining. On nights of the full moon, looking at the moon will greatly increase my strength, but I'll lose my sanity. If it really comes to that tonight, remember you must cut off my tail. That's the only way I can revert," Hawking shared his unique condition in advance.

Initially, he considered keeping this a secret, as revealing it wasn't necessary unless the situation demanded. However, an uncontrollable giant ape form, like the Hulk when enraged and feared by all, was not desirable. If no one knew that cutting off his tail could revert him to normal, an entire night as a rampaging giant ape would have unimaginable consequences.

"There's such a thing!" Storm was taken aback but trusted Hawking enough to take his words seriously and decided to share this information with Wolverine, Colossus, and Nightcrawler as well.

(End of Chapter)