
Marvel: I Summon Heroes from Various Worlds

Location: Sokovia in Marvel Universe 838 Time: November 2000 (during the Civil War) Golden Finger: Allows loading of protagonist templates such as Goku, Naruto, Ichigo Kurosaki, Sakura Kinomoto, Natsu, Seiya, Simon, etc. Each template can only be loaded for one hour per day. After loading, the protagonist's body gains the respective protagonist’s bloodline and memories, which can be used for self-training and improvement. This is not a clichéd story; protagonist templates are unlocked through the accumulation of justice points, where the standard for justice is determined by what the protagonist believes is just.

Zaelum · Movies
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 10

After settling Pietro and Wanda to sleep, Hawking sat up again to continue his training with Qi, focusing deeply into the late hours.

"Time to sleep," he noted, glancing at the clock which was nearing midnight. Just as he was about to get into bed, he picked up faint footsteps above his room. His enhanced senses, stronger than a normal human's, alerted him to the unusual noise.


Just then, a girl about his age suddenly phased through the ceiling, falling right into his room. Hawking quickly got up and caught her, "What's happening?"

It was Kitty Pryde, known as Shadowcat, whom he had met during dinner. Her ability to phase through solid objects was now proving quite handy.

"There are people with guns in my room, trying to attack me!" Kitty explained anxiously.


Her words were barely out when a horrifying scream pierced the air, reverberating through the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

Hawking, Kitty, and the now awake Pietro and Wanda clutched their ears in pain.

"That's Theresa," Kitty managed to say over the noise. Theresa, another student at the school, had the ability to emit powerful sonic screams, clearly under duress like Kitty.

As the scream subsided, heavy footsteps approached quickly from outside the room.

"Load main character template," Hawking commanded without hesitation, pulling up Goku's template from his panel. In his current state, he could handle unarmed combat against a few strong men but dealing with a group of armed elite soldiers was a different matter—especially when he needed to protect Wanda and Pietro.

Instantly, his hair spiked up and he donned Goku's iconic orange gi and the Power Pole, ready before the door was even kicked down.

"Stay behind me!"

Now in full Goku mode, Hawking dashed forward as the door burst open. Three soldiers aiming tranquilizer guns didn't stand a chance as Hawking quickly knocked them away with swift, powerful blows. Each soldier was sent flying as if hit by a speeding car.

"Let them go!"

Hawking had planned to secure a safe spot for Wanda and the others before jumping into the fray, but the sight of other children being grabbed by the intruders triggered his Goku instincts, and he charged into battle without a second thought.

The heavily armed soldiers coordinated a volley of shots at him, but Hawking deftly spun his Power Pole, deflecting the tranquilizer darts with ease. Bullets would barely hurt him, merely causing discomfort without piercing his skin, though he remained cautious about protecting his more vulnerable areas.

Despite the partial takeover by Goku's personality, Hawking retained enough of his own sensibilities to avoid reckless actions.

"Switch to live rounds," one soldier commanded upon seeing Hawking's prowess. But before they could react, Hawking was upon them.

"Fight, fight, fight, fight!"

His Power Pole was all he needed; sheer strength and speed allowed him to dispatch the soldiers in moments.

"That was awesome!" cheered the younger students, including Wanda and Pietro, as they watched Hawking swiftly handle the attackers. They knew Hawking was strong, but his combat efficiency was a revelation.

"Everyone, with me."

Leading Wanda and the rescued students, Hawking began clearing a path downstairs, easily dispatching any soldiers they encountered. Soon, they ran into Colossus, who was also gathering students to escape.

"Over here, Hawking!"

Colossus, in his metallic form, was helping another unconscious student into a hidden escape passage when he saw Hawking approaching with a group. He waved them over, urging them to safety.

Even though some students possessed powerful abilities capable of significant destruction, none had combat training; they were, after all, just kids—the oldest being mere teenagers like Colossus, who was barely a fighter himself.

"Where are the professors?" Hawking asked as he dispatched two more soldiers with a kick, ensuring the corridor was clear for the students.

Normally, with Professor Xavier around, such an intrusion would be unlikely to even reach the school grounds. Xavier's telepathic abilities could control any aggressor long before they posed a threat.

"They're out, won't be back till tomorrow!" Colossus reverted to his human form, his expression one of disbelief at the young boy's adeptness in battle.


Suddenly, more screams echoed from the right corridor. A muscular man with metallic claws extended from his hands was seen driving them into two soldiers, pinning them against the wall until they slumped unconscious.

"It's Wolverine, Logan!" The characteristic features were unmistakable, and Colossus's next words confirmed his identity.

"What's the plan, Logan?"

"The kid's here, are we ready?" Logan asked, flicking blood off his claws.

Colossus quickly checked, "Bobby, John, and Rogue are still missing!"

"I'll find them. Take these kids to safety," Logan said, turning to leave but Hawking stopped him.

"I'm coming with you!"

Though Wanda and Pietro would be safe with Colossus in the hidden passage, this was a chance for Hawking to clear the invaders from their new home—and possibly earn some justice points.

"Kid, wait till you're a grown warrior," Logan dismissed him initially, mistaking Hawking's youthful appearance for incapability.


At that moment, a searchlight pierced through the corridor window followed by the rat-a-tat of machine gun fire. A combat helicopter had found them.

"Oh, shoot, move!" Logan cursed as he darted forward, his indestructible skeleton and regenerative powers making him the perfect shield against the gunfire.

Hawking, now fully determined, followed closely, ready to prove his mettle alongside one of the school's toughest.

(End of Chapter)