
Marvel: gojo of the seven sets

After a devastating betrayal, Dominic finds an unexpected conversation with his old friend Ethan, little does he know, Ethan is actually an omnipotent being on vacation, who decides to give Dominic a second chance at life. leading to an unbelievable twist of fate. Awakening in the Marvel Universe with mysterious new abilities and the appearance of Gojo Satoru, Dominic must navigate his new reality, uncovering the secrets of his reincarnation and the true extent of his powers. Will he become a hero, a force of chaos, or something entirely different? “I wonder what will happen if I use my domain on…”

Fredozy · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 10

It was the end of the week, and Gojo found himself sitting in a park in New York City, having teleported there the previous evening. The sheer size of New York compared to Bayville was overwhelming, and the constant buzz of thoughts and emotions from millions of people made it a telepathic nightmare. As he sat on a bench, he marveled at the towering skyscrapers and the endless stream of people moving about their lives.

'This place is insane. So much bigger than home. And the thoughts... it's like being in a room with a thousand people all shouting at once,' he mused, shaking his head slightly to clear the mental noise.

He picked up a newspaper from a nearby stand and saw a headline about a recent fight between Spider-Man and a giant mutated lizard. 'Oh, so Peter has fought Dr. Curt Connors. They really wrecked the subway by destroying all the pillars before Peter finally defeated him. Just like in "The Amazing Spider-Man."'

Gojo stood up, deciding to explore the city. He wore a sleek black jacket over a white turtleneck, paired with dark jeans and his signature shades, which complemented his striking white hair. As he walked, he noticed people turning their heads to look at him, some whispering and others just staring.

'Well, it's not every day they see someone like me,' he thought, amused by the attention.

While deep in thought, Gojo noticed a clothing shop and decided to go in. Inside, a few people glanced at him curiously, wondering who he was. An attendant approached him and asked, "Can I help you with anything?"

"No, I'm just browsing," Gojo replied with a polite smile.

As he wandered through the store, he spotted an identical version of his outfit from "Jujutsu Kaisen." 'Would you look at that,' he thought, chuckling to himself. He decided to get it, along with a couple more copies and some other clothes. He picked out a variety of items, including some casual wear and more stylish pieces, all while considering how they'd fit into his new life.

When he finally made his way to the counter to pay, the cashier looked at him hungrily, her eyes lingering on his face. She rang up his purchases, and as he prepared to leave, she called him back, "Excuse me, sir, you forgot your card."

Gojo turned back, and she slipped a piece of paper into his hand along with his card. 'Well, my outward appearance does look more than 17. She must think I am 19 or something. But then again, as they say, age is just a number,' he thought, smirking to himself. 'Wait, wait, wait. No, no, I bet that's what the pedophiles say. Ugh, whatever.'

He left the store and continued his walk, eventually spotting the Avengers Tower in the distance. Seeing the iconic building in real life made him geek out a bit. 'Man, it's so different from the movies. Way more imposing.'

He remembered reading about the recent incident where the Avengers had to fight Dr. Doom, the leader of Latveria, who attacked New York last month. 'Doom wanted to seize an Asgardian artifact hidden in the city. Typical Doom, always after power. The battle was insane—the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, and even S.H.I.E.L.D. were involved. Doom's Doombots were tearing through the city, and it took everything to stop him.'

The memory of the battle he watched on tv replayed in his mind. A whole chunk of the city was destroyed. Doom's Doombots unleashed hell, wrecking buildings and causing chaos. Iron Man and Thor were trying to contain the destruction while Captain America led civilians to safety. The Fantastic Four joined in when things got really bad, and Director Fury himself was coordinating S.H.I.E.L.D.'s efforts to evacuate people and neutralize the threat. The final blow came when Thor used Mjolnir to disrupt Doom's control over the artifact, and Iron Man's tech shut down the Doombots. Even then, it took the combined strength of the Avengers and the Fantastic Four to force Doom to retreat.

As he surveyed the city, Gojo decided it was time to head back to his hotel. Finding a secluded spot, he teleported back, dropping off his new clothes. His stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten. 'Time to get something to eat,' he thought, heading out of his hotel room and into the bustling city streets once more.

Gojo woke up to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains of his hotel room in New York. He stretched and yawned, then got up to change into one of his iconic outfits—his black high-collared jacket and pants. He put on his shades, completing his look.

'Alright, let's start the day,' he thought, feeling a bit more energized. Deciding to have breakfast outside, he left the hotel and stepped into the bustling city streets.

With his hands in his pockets, Gojo enjoyed the crisp morning air, watching as people moved about their daily routines. The city was alive with activity, and the energy was palpable.

'This place is so vibrant, so full of life. It's actually weirdly peaceful here, everyone going on their way and…'


His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a deafening crash. The wall of the building next to him exploded outward, and something massive crashed onto the street, creating a large crater. Instinctively, Gojo's telekinetic shield activated, protecting him from the flying debris. Rocks, concrete, and metal fragments that would have crushed a normal human were deflected harmlessly away.

With a push of his mind, Gojo cleared away the dust and debris, revealing the source of the destruction. 'What the absolute fuck!!! It was going so well. I just had to fucking jinx it, didn't I?' he thought, annoyed.

He looked around and saw panic spreading like wildfire. People were running chaotically, some tripping and falling, others stepping over those who had fallen in their desperate attempt to escape. 'Shit, I hope this works,' Gojo thought, as he began to telepathically calm the crowd, suppressing their panic and nudging them gently away from the danger zone. Gradually, the chaos subsided, and people started helping each other to get away, the panic level reducing significantly.