
Marvel fanfic; Shield Agent

MC transmigrated to the body of a shield agent.

System_2200 · Movies
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

"You were on a mission, with 10 other agents. I'm told 3 of them died on site as you were ambushed by an armed group. Three agents, including you, got injured. You were the worst case among them. You were taken to a local hospital where they stabilized you before you were flown back here. You have been in a coma for 6 months, Mr. King."

Mission? Then the original owner of this body worked for them. He got injured on the job and they healed him.

"I'm not sure if you heard me correctly." I say slowly. I look up at her and directly stare at her in the eye.

"I'm sorry?" She frowned as she took off her gloves.

"I said everything was blurry."

"Do you mean to say you remember nothing, Mr. king? Nothing of your memories from before you went on that mission?"

I silently nod.

"…I see. We need run a few more exams before I give you my final diagnosis and treatment plan if possible. We need to head to another room for an MRI testing, please follow me." She waves me over and exits the room.

As I'm walking behind her in a long corridor she nonchalantly glances at me and asks me a question.

"Mr. king, did you cause that crack in the window?"


There's no point denying it when they already know. Just as that brown women who I first saw in this place, they knew what I did before hand. But how? They don't have the skills to use Clairvoyance or the like.

Hmm… I remember there was a black sphere in the corner of the ceiling in that room, it blinked a red light a few times and moved. That machine showed them my movements.

"I didn't mean to. I only leaned on the wall for a second. Is glass usually that fragile?" I stare at her with confusion etched on my face.

"Far from fragile, normal humans can't break reinforced glass."

She turned away after one last glance of suspicion at me. I guess I should limit my powers to blend in this world so that I can find a way back...

Back to what?...

There's nothing left there for me.

We soon stopped in front of a large door. I was told to enter this small cave like machine and lie on the bed within it. They seem to depend on machines for everything here. A planet I once liked was overtaken by machines.

The female doctor had called in other doctors to do more testing. This continued for the next few hours. They even took some of my blood. Through all the examinations they did, thankfully, they weren't able to sense anything unusual about change in the soul occupying this body.

Currently, I was back in the room I first woke up in. They said my 'Team leader and supervisor' were unavailable. But a close teammate of mine will here shortly.

Soon, a caucasian man with brown hair and eyes entered. A large smile spread on his face, showing laugh lines as he called out this body's name.

"Ian! I'm glad your awake, man!"

I was suddenly pulled in to a hug, my back patted multiple times by his heavy hand. I felt no malice nor ill intent so I simply let him continue at his pace. He continued to gush about his worries over me and what happened as 'I' slept.

From what I could gather, after that mission everyone in the team took a break to grieve over the loss of their comrades. It was only recently, about a month ago, when they got back and started working together.

"Hey, so the doctor was saying since you can't remember anything you're going to have to relearn everything from scratch before you can be cleared to report back to duty-" He paused. "That is if you want still want to be in the field. Boss said he can transfer you to a desk job if you'd prefer to take it easy for a while."

"I'd like to think about it for a while. But first I need to relearn the difference between 'desk job' and 'field work'."

"Oh right, my bad." He laughs. "Well, the doctor has cleared you for now, so we can leave." He lifts the duffel bag he brought with him and places it on the bed. "Here, I stopped by your dorm room and got you some stuff you'll need."

He waits for me to open it, seemingly waiting for praise. But I didn't know how to open this bag. And I'm sure he wouldn't like me to rip it open.

This brought us to a stand still of me staring at the bag and him staring at me.

"Did you forget common things too?" He steps up to open the bag and brings out clothing and other things.

"What is that?" I point at what he held.

"Wha-... that's a toothbrush, man. I've got a lot to teach ya, don't I?" He chuckled.