
Marvel fanfic; Shield Agent

MC transmigrated to the body of a shield agent.

System_2200 · Movies
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

"Beep… Beep…"


My eyelids fling open as I gasp for air. I opened my eyes to a white ceiling.

I'm alive?! How?

I still vividly remember how I cut my carotid artery on the left side of my neck, how I choked on my blood.

I raise my hand and caress my neck. I definitely don't want to do that again.

I sit up to find myself in a strange garment, a blue dress like clothing that stopped at my knees, the back open and tied together with a single string.

I take off the blanket on top of me and get off the bed. I feel a tug on my hand as I do so. There was wires connecting my hand to the machines beside the bed. I yank these things out with a frown.

I stare around the small room I'm placed in. Three walls were white and the fourth was made of glass, giving me a clear view of outside. I walk towards the window and lean my forehead against it.

Outside was… not of my home planet.

There was no crimson sandstorms swirling atop the desert nor the vibrant green lush grass I used to always see outside my bedroom in the palace.

There was nothing but grey and black ground and large buildings.

Where am I? Did brother abandon my dead body in another planet? I heave a heavy sigh. I need information.

I catch my reflection in the glass as I lean back.

This isn't me…. Who is this?

My fingers trace the outline of my face as I'm in shock.

What in the sorcery is going on?! Where is MY body?! My long blood red hair and black eyes. My brown skin that shone under the sun. My power filled body that is powerful enough to beat a lower level god barehanded.

I stare at the neck length blonde hair I now had… My knees almost buckle.

This is blasphemy. Golden hair color solely belongs to the Sun God, my lord and father.

And my now blue eyes just remind me of my brother, that traitorous bastard.

Most importantly, for the sake of my survival in this unknown situation; my mana…

There's no point in living if I've lost that too. I feel a surge of panic grasp my heart at the thought of losing a part of who I am, a part of my power, a part of me, the heavenly gift bestowed by my father.


My fist slammed the glass wall as I tried to contain my anger.

Calm down. Breathe. Find a solution.

I repeated this as a mantra with each deep breath I took. Soon, when I calmed down, I closed my eyes. First I need to confirm the absence or presence of mana in this body.

I focus on the solar apex of this body. I tune out my heart beat and mute my mind.


Other than it's life essence, none is present.

" Fine." I growl.

Since this useless body can't provide mana I'll take this planets energy. The air itself has mana within it.

Mana is woven into everything, living and nonliving, it is what incompasses the strings of reality.

I take a deep breath and expand my senses. Fine dust like particles gradually appeared. I have seen and used mana for all my life, sensing it was hardly difficult.

'Come here.'

They obeyed. My soul still held authority over them; that's nice to know. That means my Godhood is still present, just trapped in this vessel for now.

"@&$! #&$@?!"

The door behind me opened with a bang as a brown skinned, dark haired women ran in. She stopped a few feet from me. She had a panicked expression as she spoke in a foreign language. She had her hand raised as if to talk down a beast.

[ Allis Commuenta]

With a snap of my fingers the mana surrounding me bent to my will and followed the magic circle I drew with my finger behind my back. Instantly, I now could understand her.

"-Sir! Please calm down. Dr.Alissa will be here shortly to examine you and answer any questions you might have."

I softly nod to calm her down. It seemed like she would bawl her eyes out if I even moved slightly.

Why though?…

It took me a second to realize that I had almost broken the window in my bout of anger. I look back to see spider web like cracks spread out from where my fist print was. I didn't sense any mana nor power within her, of course she was scared. I've frightened an unarmed civilian.

"My apologies for scaring you, milady. Would it be alright if I move to sit on the bed?" I ask politely.

"S-sure." Her breath fluctuates as she responded.

I move slowly as to not frighten her even more. "Could you perhaps tell me where we are?" I smile at her.

"The infirmary wing, in the Hub." She states as if it was obvious.

What's the 'Hub'??? I'm sure the magic is working so the translation was as perfect as can be. It must be an acronym or perhaps the name for this building.

I'd like to ask her to go into specifics but it might draw unnecessary attention. She said something about a doctor coming, let's just wait for now.

There's no immediate danger and I have the power to escape if need be.

Minutes later an elder women with a long white coat on her and a man in blue clothing walked in. This species sure like their blues and whites.

"Hello, Mr. King. I'm Dr. Alissa Bolton. I'd like to do some check ups on you as I explain the situation you are in. Would that be alright?" The doctor asks. She orders her attendants to do something with the machines near me once I nod in consent.

The male 'nurse', as she called him, took one of the wires I had discarded of earlier. He proceeds as he sees me not refusing. He puts a clamp like thing on my index finger and a cloth around my arm that tightened.

"Okay your blood pressure, Oxygen levels and heartbeat are all normal, very healthily I'd say."

She walks up to me and does another series of testing, such as flashing a light in my eyes.

"Now, Mr. king what's the last thing you remember?"

I purse my lips and furrowed my eyebrows. "Everything's blurry, I don't know. I'm not sure. Could you please explain what's going on?" I shake my head and bite my lower lip as if I'm scared.

"You were on a mission, with 10 other agents. I'm told 3 of them died on site as you were ambushed by an armed group. Three more, including you, got injured. You were the worst case among them. You were taken to a local hospital where they stabilized you before you were flown back here. You have been in a coma for 6 months, Mr. King."