
Marvel fanfic; Shield Agent

MC transmigrated to the body of a shield agent.

System_2200 · Movies
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

This world, Earth, was profoundly different from my home planet. I still haven't grasped all the common sense of this place, but I understand a handful. It'll be sufficient enough to get by for the time being. I've learned many things during this course of two months with my new friend, Noah.

When I first entered this world I made a mistake and allowed my temper to get the better of me. The strength beyond human that I had shown when I damaged the window that day had brought attention my way.

Though they still have no idea of my usage of mana. Their doctors assumed that the unidentifiable object the original Ian was transporting had messed with my body and mind.

My loss of memories was also attributed to that 'alien object', so I suppose I am thankful regarding that.

However, it is unpleasant to be under constant supervision. They feared it may have an influence on me in the future, therefore I was to remain under probation as I train to 'regain the loss of muscles this body suffered in a coma', as they said. Or rather in my perspective, I took this time to get used this new body and hone its reflexes as I observed my surroundings.

Training room 15 is where I currently was.

"Yo, captain is here." Noah tapped my shoulder to get my attention.

"Hm? Ah, right, today's Thursday." I glance at the man and woman who entered the large gym.

Once a week or so I'd meet with with this man to spar. He was one of this worlds 'hero's'. I didn't know his identity when I first saw him alone in a gym room near my own allocated training room. I had impulsively asked for a spar the moment I saw him handling the gym machines with ease. Noah was no help in training my battle senses in this body, he was more of a civil teacher. Sir Rodgers was far more suitable as an opponent.

"Mr. Rodgers, pleasure to spar with you again."

Steven Rodgers reminded me of my sword master, a righteous and patriotic man. He was the perfect opponent to help increase my strength and control over this new body. He was also the perfect person to base the limit of my powers on.

I will be gradually showing my power; after all if I seem too strong expectations will be placed on me. If I seem too weak I will be easily dismissed and have no authority nor standing. A mid ground was appropriate for now.

"Yeah, glad to be here, too." The blonde man with a buzz cut grinned as he clasped my hand for a handshake. He had a firm grip, suitable for a warrior.

"Well, I'll be on my way then, gentlemen." The red haired woman, Natasha Romanoff, spoke up before she gracefully swayed out the door.

She didn't chose to stay and observe our fight as the CCTV records everything. They allowed us to continue our sessions as another way to observe and gather data on us both; Rodgers who just came out of ice after disappearing for about a century and I, an 'agent' displaying unknown powers.

Noah had told me she was one of the highest ranked people in our organization, S.H.I.E.L.D. A trusted agent serving our leader, a man named Director Fury.

A man I was scheduled to meet soon.

" Um, I'm gotta get going too." Noah carelessly waved goodbye as his eyes stayed on Ms. Romanoff. He followed her like a love sick puppy, but she didn't seem to accept his mild courting. He himself didn't seem to have the courage to boldly court a superior.

Rodgers strode towards the matts and took off his sweater. He placed it on the bench before he started stretching his muscles. I head to the matts as well.

"Are you ready, sir?" I say after a moment.

"Yeah, let's start."

I nod, signalling him to start.

He adopts a standard boxing stance before he swings at me. A breeze was created as his fist passed through the air. The cool breeze hit my face as I leaned to the side; I took this moment to jab his right side as it was unguarded. Instinctively, he lowered his elbow to block the blow before he leaped back.

Exchanging blows back and forth is how we spent the hour.

Sweat dripped down my face as I parred Rodgers' high kick with my arm, and held it in place for a second in order to counter attack by sweeping his other leg forward. He turned to land on his hands rather than his back.

"Hah! Good one! You've gotten better." He took a deep breath as he laid down. He hopped right back up.

"I am pleased to hear such praise from you, sir." I answer honestly as I steady my breathing.

"Hahaha, and here I thought I was old, you talk as if you're from the medieval ages. No need to be so formal, agent."

Ah, right, my way of speaking is perceived as old English by them.

"I am most comfortable speaking this way, but please, do call me Ian."

"Sure. You call me Steven." He grabbed his sweater and made his way to the exit. "I'm gonna hit the shower, see you next week Ian."

I took my time and left when it got dark. I entered my living quarters, given by this organization. The bathroom is what confused me the most at first.

As a being created by the Light God from his soul and light, I never had the need to use the bathroom, not to mention eating food. I was created to be self sufficient; mana was all I needed. Humans have so many needs, I still haven't gotten used to nor memorized them all.

Right, dinner time has passed, and the canteen is closed now. No matter, I shall eat tomorrow.

After putting on these small pants called boxers, I sit in bed with a small towel on my wet hair. I grab the original Ian's phone from the night stand and skim through his stuff. It was mostly work contacts, nothing personal. Just like this room. Black and white, no color nor personal objects, as if no one lived here.

Ian King.

A man of tradition and a life ruled by rules. Everything had to be in a precise order and location, as proven by this room; everything was symmetrical and in order.

A man of justice, perhaps? No, he just did his job with the required effort; nothing more, nothing less. He was a level 4 agent, so he had some skill.

He's like a ghost no one would notice if gone, nor miss.

Noah was the only personal connection I could find with Ian, a coworker he'd see once in a while. Ian had no family, no lover, no friends. No one, yet when I asked around, people said I was amicable and friendly yet usually silent and I kept to myself. There were no extremes in his personality, he was luke warm to everything. He was in the background.

An empty canvas, is what he reminded me of.

I fall back on to the bed with a plop. I chuckle as I stare at the ceiling. I repeat his name in my mind. My new name.

Ian, Ian King. His name was so ironic I continued to laugh.

I had been chosen to be king, but I refused at that time. The result was catastrophic. Is this fate telling me I can never escape from this title?

Lord father had wallowed in loneliness for eternity before he broke his soul apart to create brother and I. Brother had destroyed our planets' peace and prosperity to satisfy his greed for something that would have been his after father naturally passed.

The crown is too heavy, I've seen the burden that comes with it. The greed to possess it.

I don't want it.

I will live freely in this world. No responsibility to the people, to the nation, to the gods of this world.

I decide my own fate.