
Marvel fanfic; Shield Agent

MC transmigrated to the body of a shield agent.

System_2200 · Movies
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

"You despicable bastards!" I roar with all of the strength left in me.

The men behind their leader all flinch, as my voice etched fear into their very souls. They couldn't bring their paralyzed bodies to step forward.

I clutch my wounded side as I stab my broad sword into the ground.

I cannot fall. I will not kneel in front of these traitors.

I grit my teeth in fury as their leader in front of me smirked. He twirled a dark dagger leisurely in his hands as he stepped closer.

"This is the end, *****."

"The end is when I drag your corpse to the feet of our Lord!"

His smirk dropped into a frown. "That senile fool is dead."


I found myself unable to refute. Our master was indeed losing his mind over the years, but-

"He was your father! My father!"

He paused misstep and shook his head.

"That's only what we thought. In his mind, we were nothing but servants. He was afraid and paranoid of our powers, especially you."

"Lies from a traitorous scoundrel!"

Father held us dear in his heart, he was the one who created us in the first place, to be his family and not servants like the others he made.

"Sigh~ No matter what I say you will never see nor believe what evil deeds he had done. He will always be the benevolent God we first saw him to be in your head." He put on a show of lies and deceit to trick the once peaceful citizens behind him.

"The war is over, brother, you are the last one standing. Surrender and I'll let you live." He narrowed his eyes as if to say he no longer wanted to waste time on me. He would much rather go back and sit on the throne he stole from father.

Gut retching sorrow filled me as I gazed at my so called brother. My older brother, the one who as a child swore to protect me and guide me onto the path of Godhood.

Where did we go wrong?

The very start of our existence, the day lord father created us from his soul light? The day I left to wander as a warrior? Or when I ignored our kingdom affairs in favor of training rather than engage in politics? Or when we accepted those Lleagans onto our planet? Is that what lead to brother conspiring with them in order to revolt?

"Our sweet and loving father, weak enough to die by your pathetic poison was never able to hurt anyone, not even a fly." I shake my head, and say with my voice filled with sadness.

My eyes water as I accuse him once more. "Just admit it you selfish bastard, you knew father wanted to leave the kingdom, his everything for me to inherit. But even after I left, you still couldn't change his mind."

"That's enough." He ground his teeth as he marched towards me.

"But I never wanted it. You stupid bastard, I had convinced him to leave it in your hands." I say as I laugh in despair.

"What?" His eyes widened in disbelief. " N-no, you were the chosen one…"

"I am a warrior at heart brother, I never cared for ruling." I whisper in a hoarse voice.

Blood had begun trickling out my mouth. His dagger had done too much damage to my body. And the poison, that had been coated on the knife, is devouring me within.

" *****!" He shouted my name as he saw me sway. Yet he remained frozen in his spot, like he suddenly found him self unworthy of even catching my falling body.

I could not hold my battered body up any longer. It's been a decade now of constant battles and killing. So many sacrificed, and I alone stand at the end.

I'm tired. So tired.

"I will not be taken prisoner." I spit out with the last of my energy. Even if I survive today I will no longer have freedom tomorrow.

I lock my knees in to stand straight. With some difficulty, I raise my enhanced sword, one of the few weapons strong enough to kill those with our golden blood. The dagger in my brothers hand is also one of such.

I place my sword flat on my shoulder, the edge cut into the skin of my neck with a simple touch.

I decide to leave him one last gift.

"You win this time, brother. But when you drown in loneliness as our father once did, your future children will repeat our tragedy."

We were all infertile. The way to create a child was to break a part of our own soul, as our lord father did.

"No! Shut your mouth!" Inraged he gasped in shock and a horrific look over took his face.

He knew my words will come true, as they always had.

The mana of this world will bend to create my wishes. This world and its god had chosen me to be the successor.

I, the first Angel and son of the Lord, master of the sun, demand it.

I was brought some satisfaction at my end as my sword slashed my neck. The horrified face of my traitorous brother was what I last saw.

I do not wish you well brother. May you suffer for the eternity that you will live.