
Marvel: Failed Gamer

Waking up in another world was confusing but he didn't mind it too much. So long as he could just enjoy his time in this world and just play some games, maybe even learn magic, he was all set for this life. -------------------------------- Marvel fic, hope you guys enjoy it. Yes, the MC has a motherbox. It's from the comics, not the movies, so please keep that in mind.

Don_Fluffles · Movies
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Causing some trouble

After that 'attack' from Magneto and his shape-shifting friend, Jasper with Charles and Ororo had gotten into the car and driven off. The coolest part of the entire SUV in Jasper's opinion was how it had a ramp for wheelchairs and even a place for Charles to park in.

While riding to Charles manor or the X-men meeting spot, the man had explained to him who Magneto was and his organization, The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. A very long name but it was to the point about things.

Of course, thanks to that explanation about the rival group things got rather awkward for Charles because apparently, when things would be over with the court and his adoption, he'd be going to school with the kids from that faction.

Well, Charles being awkward about things and Jasper not really being a talkative person unless asked, made them have a quiet ride. Jasper having other things on his mind didn't make the ride any livelier.

When they did finally arrive at the manor, it was already late, so Jasper was led to a room until they figured things out tomorrow morning. Hence, Jasper was looking up things on the internet since he didn't need to sleep or eat for that matter.

He was looking up companies to see which one had a presence here and which didn't even exist. It was quite interesting to see that while YouTube did exist, Google didn't. Instead, Bing and Yahoo were the prominent ones and it was 2009, quite the shocker.

Ultimately, he couldn't shake his mind of a few things and closed down the laptop. [Hey Mother, you were connected to me when I came into this world right?] He spoke to his Mother Box through their telepathic connection.

[That is correct, do you want to know something?] His Mother Box replied a moment later and Jasper thought about how to word his 'problem'.

[I'm just curious about something, I don't think I noticed when we were alone for those 2 weeks but today when I talked to Charles and even Magneto, it felt like I wasn't completely myself. I'm not sure how to describe it but it felt like I had no filter of sorts? Do you know what's going on?]

There was a moment of silence between them before Jasper finally got an answer. [From the review on my memory data just now, it would seem like you just didn't take over the body of Jasper Faye. You became him.]

[Became him? How did that happen and what does that even mean?]

[You see, when you entered into this world and your soul came in contact with the soul of Jasper, you didn't neither kill him nor just push out the soul to take its place. What happened was that both of yours souls merged to 'create' a new one and because your soul was weaker than Jasper's, it made 'him' be in 'control.']

He slowly processed that. It was quite the revelation and even if he had what basically amounted to Gamer's mind, he still needed time to understand things and accept them. [So why didn't Jasper take over with my memories instead of what happened now? And is that also why my old life's memories are so vague?]

There was another moment of slice as his Mother Box probably searched for an answer. [I… am not too sure on why Jasper didn't take over being honest, reviewing my memories of that incident isn't telling me anything. You'll have to search your soul and see if you can find anything when we learn a way to do so safely in this world or until I can recover that part of my data files after repairing myself.]

Well, that was one mystery that Jasper didn't see going anywhere anytime soon unless something drastic happened. Though that did bring him to his other question that he had. [I guess that's done for now, so another question. Do you know how my mutant power works? Especially the mind part of it, I noticed a few new things today that made me want to know more.]

[From my understanding of things, both from your memories and what you have already shown, your 'Gamer's mind' is just a power that basically disconnects your emotions from the logical part of your brain. In that way, it makes sure you can always think calmly and logically through things, allows for a peaceful state of mind and gives you immunity to mental disorders like panic or rage.]

[How does that connect to my facial expressions though? I was actually scared when Magneto raised me, but my expression didn't change or my tone of voice.]

[I'm not 100% certain on that part but I believe this is the true 'Game Character' experience. As you already know, game characters don't usually change their facial expressions when you're playing the game unless it's a cutscene.]

Huh, that would make a lot of sense in hindsight. Though how much of a 'game character' and how much he was still a normal human would need to be experimented on, to make sure he knew how much of his 'gamer' physiology he could take advantage of.

Even so, the cut scene comment had him worry if that logic would apply to him too. [Mother, do you think cutscene logic would apply to me?]

A pause followed his question and Jasper waited for a minute before his Mother Box finally responded. [From all the simulations I've run, the answer is still unclear since the power of the X-gene wasn't naturally formed from an evolutionary standpoint. I can still sense and trace back the DNA to some power from a long time ago.]

Oh yeah, he had heard of Celestials making experiments on humans when they were still developing or something along those lines.

They really needed to learn a great deal of information regarding this world as a whole and what better way other than the internet?

POV: Max Eisenhardt (Erik Magnus Lehnsherr)

Max woke up with a startle, sitting up from where he was laying, he looked around only to calm down when he saw that it was his bedroom. Sweeping his gaze over himself he saw that his armor was still on himself.

The memories soon hit him on why he was in his armor whilst in bed. They had gone after that kid but he had attacked him with some type of energy projectile, and then he had lost his powers somehow.

Max grimaced at that and quickly tried to use his powers on a metal piece sitting on his bed stand and it floated. Sighing in relief at that, he relaxed and let the metal piece drop back down.

Collecting himself for a moment, he stood up and walked down to his closet and opened it up with his power. It was a good and secure way to protect both his armor and other clothes he cared about. He slowly took off and put on jeans with a T-shirt.

Finally being done with that, he locked up his closet again and walked out of his room to the hallway. While walking towards the living room where he could sense Raven, he wondered how much this one lost operation will cost them.

That child, according to Irene and her future prediction, will be the end of mutants. What does that mean? No one was sure because after that prediction, she went into a coma from shock about something that she had seen. It had put them all on alert because that had never happened before.

Worse, they now couldn't just try to attack that child head on because he could cancel mutant powers for a time, how long that time was Max wasn't sure but if that kid trained he'd be able to cancel mutant powers for longer and longer periods of time, until maybe one day when he'd just be able to cancel them forever.

Suddenly, Max really wanted to go kill that child but he wouldn't be able to, not with all the eyes on him. Even today's outing was risky but directly attacking Charles's manor would immediately mark them as terrorists and would throw all of his already moving plans into the gutter.

Not to mention that he couldn't even send assassins after that kid, mutant ones of course, since Charles will sense them before they even got close to the manor of his.

He needs to first talk with his colleagues and see their opinion on things and then he'll proceed from there.

POV: Jasper Faye

Morning had come sooner than Jasper expected, he was a little too concentrated on browsing different websites and enjoying the different things they offered compared to his old earth.

His Mother Box had reminded him that he needed to take a shower to 'wake' better and change clothes since he was going to meet new people, even if he didn't need either. By that time he had taken a shower and managed to put on his white button down shirt when someone knocked.

He opened the door to see a tall man standing at the other side, the man had quite the unique hairstyle, looking like animal ears. Maybe Wolves? He had somewhat hairy arms and a chest from what he could see coming out of the white tank top he was wearing.

"Hello," Jasper greeted.

The man nodded his head, "Good morning. I was sent here to escort you to the dining room but it seems like you haven't changed fully yet. Why don't you do that and then follow me?"

That was a good idea in all honesty, Jasper would have probably just left and gotten lost. "Sure, just give me a minute to change completely." With that, he closed the door and went to his bag to take out a black frilly skirt and put it on. With that done, black stockings were put on and then his white frye boots.

Since the man was waiting for him, Jasper just tied his hair into 2 very long stripes. Looking at himself in the mirror, he nodded at himself before going back and opening the door. The tall man was leaning against the wall and seeing him come out made him stand up again.

Closing the door behind him, he froze because he realized that he hadn't introduced himself. Again. "I forgot to tell you my name. Jasper Faye, nice to meet you." He held his hand out for a shake.

The man raised an eyebrow at him before shaking his hand, "Name's Logan. Now come along so that you can get some breakfast." He bobbed his head and took his hand back.

The walk to the apparent dining room didn't take too long, though most of it was spent in silence since Logan didn't seem to be the talkative type.

As for him, he was dealing with the shame of not recognizing Wolverine. One of the coolest looking, especially his suit. The mask was one of the best parts of the suit of course, two batmen kissing each other was very memorable.

When they stepped into the dining hall, everyone in there stopped eating or filling food and stared, which was quite rude in his opinion. Looking up at Logan, he wondered what the man would do now that he had escorted him to the dining room. Though calling it a hall would be better maybe? It wasn't really a room.

Anyway, Logan sensed him looking and gave him a glance before shooing him, "Go on, go take a plate and eat your fill. You'll need it for today's exercises." That sounded about right, Charles will probably want to know his limits and powers. Shrugging, he began walking towards what looked like a buffet wondering what type of breakfast they had.

He didn't need to eat, but that didn't mean he didn't like to. He still had taste buds after all, and with his gamer's body he didn't get fat.

Looking over the different foods put forward, he ignored them because he didn't feel like eating them. Instead, he went to a little special section, the sweets one. Now this was real food he could get behind. Filling his plate with different types of sweets and some chocolates before looking around to find himself a seat.

2 big dining benches were set up, both filled in different areas. He thought about it for a second before deciding that he should probably not sit with the obvious groups, not wanting to intrude.

Choosing the table on his right, he went to sit a bit down from the edge since it was taken by a group of 4. Sitting down, he began to calculate which sweet he should begin with.

"Oi, kiddo." Hearing Logan's voice call out, he looked back to see him standing there with narrowed eyes at him. "What happened to the food you were supposed to eat? Why did you pick just sweets?"

Oh, right. "Charles and I didn't really talk yesterday about my powers so I haven't told him a few things that I discovered by myself. Like the fact that I don't actually need to eat or drink, I'm just doing it because I like it."

With that explained, he went back to figuring out which sweet to begin with. He noticed the lack of noise by the people around him but he didn't really care, nor did he care for the staring he got. His sweets came first.

POV: Charles Xavier

Charles was a little distracted after Logan had reported what Miss Faye's powers included. Her knowing that she had powers was already something he knew but he didn't think she'd just come out and admit it after trying to, badly, cover it up.

But he'd have time to talk to her after the test in the Danger Room to see what the limits of her current powers were and to get a classification on Miss Faye.

Looking out of the glass window in the control room, he watched as Logan was explaining how the tests would go. Miss Faye had been made to change into workout clothes to make it easier on her and because no costume had been designed.

Soon enough, Logan was done explaining things and the young girl nodded her head before moving to the treadmill created by the Danger Room. Once she was offered the signal, Henry let the treadmill begin with a walking pace. They let it go for a minute or two to make sure that Miss Faye was warmed up before finally setting up the pace to a jogging pace.

It didn't take long, maybe 30 seconds before suddenly Miss Faye froze, but the treadmill belt didn't stop and she was lunged backwards. "Logan! What's going on over there?"

Logan quickly ran for the girl while he and Henry were about to get down from the control room. "I'm okay." Miss Faye's voice came through the intercom a moment later and Xavier sighed in relief.

"I didn't expect my body to freeze like that." Charles didn't think anybody expected that to happen. "But I think I know why that happened." That after thought comment made him decide that testing would need waiting until he knew how the young girl's powers worked. It would be reckless to let the tests continue further.

Going down from the control room to the Danger Room itself took a few minutes and when he arrived he could see that Miss Faye was standing again like nothing had happened, which did bring up the question of how her unique body functioned.

Rolling up to her, he had his questions prepared on his way down to this room. "Miss Faye, I feel like testing things further than this would be reckless so, I think a better solution would be for us to sit down and talk about how your powers work before continuing with any testing."

The young girl nodded, obviously agreeing with him on that front, "I don't mind. Though I don't know how my powers function fully either so I might not be as much help there."

"You don't have to worry about that, you rarely get any mutant that fully understands their powers thoroughly and it usually takes years if not decades to get that understanding."

That seemed to garner a reaction from her but at this point it was expected, Miss Faye didn't seem to have any emotions and he wasn't sure if he should blame either her upbringing or her powers for that. Maybe a combination of both?

"But before we do any of that, we first have to check and make sure that you didn't hurt yourself." He told the young girl, thinking it was stupid not to medically check on her first. He sometimes really wanted to slap himself for not thinking of people's needs first.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that Charles, I don't get 'hurt'. Only lose health points." That made him stop and blink. Health points? He has heard of that term before, just that he couldn't place where.

"You mean like in video games?" Henry's voice came from the control room and it clicked for Xavier. Right, video games terminology.

"That's right Mr. Blue Monke. From what I have experienced so far, I think that video game mechanics would best explain my powers. Now that I have played games before."

Charles almost missed that last comment but he had heard it and the pause from Miss Faye, likely indicating that she didn't mean to mention that. Though a bigger shock was how the girl knew so much about her powers in what amounted to two weeks after getting said powers.

He also didn't think that he'd made such a connection even when he was aware of video games and had played some.

This talk was going to be more interesting than he thought it might be.

POV: Jasper Faye

Sitting on the comfortable black couch, Jasper took the juice he was offered. He wasn't sure what it was but it looked delicious.

Taking a glance around the office Charles let them sit in, he wondered why the theme of black and white was the most present. It seems like someone was compensating for something else but he wasn't about to say anything.

A moment later, Charles himself rolled in with a cup of what looked like coffee. Setting it down on the table between them. "So, do you want to begin with me explaining the types of mutants or your powers?"

Hmm, that was a good question. Getting his own power's explanation over would probably be for the best right now so that Charles could easily classify it. "I'll start with my own powers to begin with."

Charles nodded his head and picked up his cup of coffee to get a sip.

"These powers, I call them Gamer's Mind and Gamer's Body. As you can tell from the name, I've basically become a video game character in a sense. Most of what I have figured out is that I don't need to either sleep or eat, I don't get hurt in the normal sense and I have a protection on my own mind."

Charles nodded his head at that explanation, seemingly getting it. "Can you tell me about what you mean by not getting hurt in the normal sense part? I'm sure I recall you cutting your finger with a knife yesterday."

"Well, from what I know so far, my body can get status effects like bleeding for example. I'll bleed out and lose health points but when you look at the place where I cut myself, you won't find a cut."

He took a sip from his juice, which apparently was grapefruit. That dude must be some type of heretic to serve this type of juice to people. Looking up at the heretic in question, he was frowning while apparently thinking through things.

"You told me about those things but what about the force field and energy attack you did yesterday? Are those new things?"

"No, they're not," He told him, "Those aren't my powers, I can't do force fields or energy attacks. That was my mother protecting me." That seemed to stun Charles and he didn't know why. Did he say something wrong?

"I see. Do you know what your mother's powers may be?" Taking another sip from his juice, he wondered how he should answer that question. His Mother Box was powerful but it wasn't at full strength yet so he should probably not say anything in case someone wants to take it.

"No, I don't." He lied with a straight face. That seemed to disappoint Charles but he couldn't tell him about his Mother Box's full capabilities yet.

The man took another sip from his coffee before finally shaking his head a little. "Well, we can figure that out later on. For now, let's continue with what we were talking about. So, from what you have figured out from your mutant powers, we can classify them."

That got Jasper curious, he did know that some comics of X-men had put different mutant powers in different tiers but he wasn't sure what they were or how they functioned.

"From years of research, we have come up with different tiers for mutant powers to be placed in. The first tier is the Epsilon level, after that comes Beta, Alpha and Omega. To put it simply, Epsilon level mutants are usually the non-combative mutants, the ones that don't usually get that powerful abilities to help them. Beta level usually has minimal application but is generally useful."

Jasper nodded his head, he could already tell that his powers will probably lie on either Epsilon or Beta, but that didn't really disappoint him in any way.

"Alpha level is where you get useful abilities without too many drawbacks that make the mutant not be able to control them. As for Omega level, it's where you stop trying limits on how the mutant's powers. We usually say Omega level for those we can't classify."

He noticed the pride in Charles' voice as he explained those last two levels. Those classifications did make sense but he would need more information to really say anything because he was getting the feeling that he wasn't being told everything that came with those tiers.

[Hey mother, can you find information on those tiers that are more full?] He asked his Mother Box while taking up the juice to drink some more.

[Of course dear, give me just a minute.]

With her answer, he focused back on Charles, "Where would you put my powers in those tiers of yours?" He asked while already knowing the answer.

"From everything that you have told me, I would say that your powers would be a Beta level. Of course, that isn't a final deduction of things, we still need to do the tests. Then there's another thing and that is, powers grow. Just because one starts at the lower end of the classification does not mean that they cannot grow. It's why you're here after all."

Charles gave him a warm smile but he didn't really react. It seems like he needed to train himself up because while his powers aren't really that strong, their potential is anything but.

That and he wanted to know another thing, "Can I ask you an unrelated question?" Seeing the man nod his head, he continued, "So, I have a bank account opened up and wanted to know if I could use it or if it would close up now that I might not live with my mom?"

That confused him but he did seem to think about it for a moment, "While I'm not sure on the laws of things, my advice for now would probably not to use it for now. I can call a lawyer and get you back on what you can do."

Nodding his head at that, Jasper wondered if he and his Mother Box would now have to resort to illegal ways to gain money and materials. Hopefully not but he'll have to wait and see on that front.

Wait, he should have told Charles about how his Gamer's Mind disconnects his emotions but he didn't think it was that important now.