
Marvel: Failed Gamer

Waking up in another world was confusing but he didn't mind it too much. So long as he could just enjoy his time in this world and just play some games, maybe even learn magic, he was all set for this life. -------------------------------- Marvel fic, hope you guys enjoy it. Yes, the MC has a motherbox. It's from the comics, not the movies, so please keep that in mind.

Don_Fluffles · Movies
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Confusing people

POV: Jean Gray

Jean had been distracted all day today and she could place it all on one person: the new mutant whom professor Xavier had brought in last night. She didn't get a chance to talk to the new girl before they had to go to school, but that wasn't the source of her distraction.

What was distracting her was the fact that the girl had some kind of mind shield that didn't let anything through— not even a speck of emotion. Even Professor Xavier, who was the best telepath they had, allowed some surface emotions through his impressive mental shield.

How someone could have better defenses than him, she wasn't sure, but that girl had and Jean was very curious concerning it. Maybe she could learn from her how to better control her own powers and not have to always be reading people's minds and emotions.

She'd always felt bad about that but she couldn't control her own telepathy even with the psychic shields professor Xavier had put on and training she had done for all these years.

If she could learn some new techniques to help her better control her own powers, she'd be very fortunate. Though checking first with professor Xavier to see about things will happen first, in case anything happens.

"Hey Jean?" Snapping out of her thoughts, she looked at Scott who had called out to her. "You okay? You've been spacing out all day, something happened?"

She blushed a little, worrying her friends wasn't a thing she wanted to do and it seems like she was distracted enough to not notice their worry but now that she was focusing, she could feel it.

Shaking her head at Scott, she quickly spoke up, "Sorry about worrying you guys but you don't have to worry, I was just thinking about the new mutant girl." That seemed to have their worry diminish but she could tell that Scott was still worried.

"But like, did you guys see how cute that girl was? She didn't even have makeup on and she looked like a little doll!" Kitty came into the conversation naturally as always, she was always good at that and Jean was a little jealous of how easily social the girl was.

Robert, who was sitting beside Scott on their school bus, nodded his head, "Yep, that girl was a cutie, though that emotionless voice and face was something else." She knew what Robert was talking about, the way that girl acted was a little unnerving especially as she couldn't even read into her mind and tell what she was thinking about.

"Though did you guys hear her saying to Logan how she didn't need to actually eat and she does it because she likes to? I'm so jealous of that ability, imagine being able to eat whenever you want without having to worry about a thing." Jubilee said, sitting next to her girlfriend Ellie who was completely emerged with her phone.

Jean also agreed with Jubilee on that, being able to eat whenever you want without consequence was something she was pretty sure everyone wanted.

They didn't get to talk more as the bus arrived at the manor and they stepped off to get inside. As they were walking in, they saw professor Xavier sitting in his wheelchair in the hallway, most likely waiting for them.

He gave them a smile once they were closer to him, "Welcome back, I hope that your school day was good." Everyone returned his greeting before he seemed to get more serious. "Now, I know you guys have questions about our new addition and I'll try to answer your questions but let me first allow me to give an introduction."

Professor Xavier gave them a briefing about Jasper Faye and her abilities, or what they at least knew about them for now. Everything that professor Xavier told them had Jean wondering what type of luck that girl had, having a power that gives you a mind shield that allows nothing to penetrate meaning that mind control was completely off the table.

But, it also gave Jean an opportunity, to have an actual friend that she couldn't read the mind off and not having to feel sorry every time they were nearby. She hoped that they could actually become friends with each other.

Just when Professor Xavier finished, she felt that Logan and someone were coming towards them, the feeling of not being able to sense anything from that mind already told her that it was Jasper.

Seeing the girl towards them with that unblinking face was quite the site. Of course, she seemed to not even notice the presence of them but instead was looking at professor Xavier.

"Charles, I'm done with the tests you wanted me to do." Her emotionless voice rang out and Jean wondered why the girl was calling professor Xavier with his first name, did she not know how to address people? She could feel that she wasn't the only one to think that way.

Professor Xavier ignored that completely and just adjusted his wheelchair so that he was looking at the girl, "That's great to hear and I suppose that nothing went wrong if I'm seeing you right here." Seeing Jasper and Logan nod has the professor nodding as well. "That's great, now why don't you introduce yourself to the rest of the children here, Miss Faye?"

Jasper walked up to them and curtsied, "Jasper Faye is my name, nice to meet you." Before they could even get their greetings in, the girl looked at the professor, "Charles, can I get some money to buy a phone? Or a watch? I want to be able to tell what time it is."

Jean wasn't sure what to think of the girl in front of her, she was so out of the norm that she was used to. She didn't know how to even begin to approach her about being friends.

"Of course, we can arrange for that."

Jasper then looked at their other teacher, "Logan, how do I get back to my room? I want to continue browsing the internet, I found some friends online that want to play DnD with me."

Logan just shook and she could feel him giving in to something? Jean wondered what had happened between the two while they were doing the tests.

POV: Logan

Logan sat down at the dinner table, sitting with Ororo and Henry. He could see the kids at the other table swarming the new kid with all types of questions while he just looked blankly at them.

That's right, he discovered the 'secret' of Jasper Faye and he was just confused. How the hell could a boy look so much like a girl? And why would that same boy wear girl clothing?

Maybe he was just out of touch, but he was still pretty sure that Jasper was unusual in that regard. Worse, the boy wouldn't even correct you if you mistook him for a girl, just going along with it.

Another confusing thing was the boy's abilities. Or if they were even abilities.

According to Jasper, his mutant gene gave him the powers of a game character, which wouldn't have been so confusing until you saw the tests. The kid was too much of a game character, that even his limitations showed like if he was in a game.

Logan knew that he himself had some bullshit abilities but they could still be understood by science in some fashion. Jasper was just confusing, bleeding but not having some type of wound? How did that work?

Oh and apparently, he could grow 'resistances' against being slashed and being hurt in general. Heck, he could also grow to resist being in pain. Being used to the pain? Sure, tons of people had that 'ability' but being able to outright not be able to feel it? Now that was something that could be dangerous and useful, depending on how you looked at it.

Pain was essential, to make sure you knew when you were in danger and everything that came with it. Not being able to feel pain made everything that much less dangerous, which in turn made survivability quite hard.

Of course, without the sensation of pain, the things one could do increases. Being able to battle for a far long time is one of the easiest that came to his mind. And that's not even mentioning his inability to have emotions lead his decisions was a great fucking thing to have.

Logan knew that he would have had a different life, maybe even a better one, if he could have kept his emotions in check during crucial situations.

Either way, looking at the kids having fun while talking to each other made him happy. As long as these kids were doing fine and were happy, then Logan would do his damn best to make sure that nothing got in the way.

Even if he had to return to his old life for that.

Though he began wondering something, should he tell his fellow members about Jasper Faye's 'secret'? It seems like a pretty good prank all things considered and he did want to see their reactions.

He'll have to give it some more thought.

POV: Jasper Faye

Jasper was a little surprised at how welcoming the mutants he had 'officially' met at the door, they had even insisted that he come eat with them, if only to get to know him better.

The problem was that he wasn't exactly comfortable with people and them asking him questions had him freezing up. He's okay with one or two people but a whole plethora of people? He couldn't just keep up.

Worse, something was 'pinging' in his head, asking for permission to read his mind. If it was just a one time 'ping', he would have just thought it was an interesting thing about his powers before moving on, but he was just getting these 'pings' nonstop ever since he had met the mutant kids.

It was getting annoying since he already had to deal with questions coming at him relentlessly.

[Mother, do you know who is asking me to 'open' my mind for them?] Jasper finally asked, getting fed up. Just because he had Gamer's mind, did not mean he couldn't feel emotions. It was just that those emotions would never get 'overwhelming' and have him make mistakes.

[Yes, I do. It's that redhead girl. I didn't take any action since she didn't have any malicious intent.]

He tilted his head, he stared at the redhead girl who was sitting a few seats down across from him. Jasper didn't remember her name, but that wasn't crucial right now. While he was trying to figure out how to ask her to stop, the surrounding group seemed to have picked up his starting.

"Is something wrong, Jasper?" The girl across from him said, he also didn't remember her name but she was a beautiful brunette. He could also see that she was rather curvy.

Shaking his head at her, he finally decided to just get it over with and ask the redhead to stop. Looking back at her, he saw that the dude with glasses sitting before her tried to protect her from his gaze. He didn't understand why though.

"Can you stop trying to get into my mind?" The redhead flinched, hard. That had him just more confused. Did she think that he wouldn't notice that it was her? Because she was right, he didn't until he asked his mother.

The room did go quiet for a few seconds while he waited for his answer. He just hoped that they wouldn't try to use any bad excuse.

The weather lady, Jasper had also forgotten her name, stood up from her chair at the other table, walking towards them. "It seems like a misunderstanding is happening here." She stood behind the redhead, holding her shoulders with her hands.

Jasper was still wondering why the glasses boy was trying to shield the redhead from his view. He didn't have any laser vision.

"Jean here can't sadly control her telepathic ability fully, so she's always reaching out and feeling people's emotions and sometimes even thoughts." The weather lady explained, her hands squeezing Jean's shoulders.

Tilting his head to the side once again, he considered the weather lady's words. It seems like Jean just had a skill issue, not being able to control her powers. Though he did remember something of the X-men, they were all traumatized children or something to that effect.

In the end, he just nodded his head, which seemed to put everyone more at ease. It's not like he was going to do anything, he was just asking her to stop. Shrugging, he took another candy piece and ate it.

"So," The brown haired girl said, probably trying to make more small talk, "You never answered me but is it really true that you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want?"

He sighed. This will be a long day.

[I'm done looking over what each term means and how they were put together.] His Mother Box ringed in his mind. [Surprisingly, most of the information was public knowledge so I didn't even have to hack any place.]

[And what did you find about those classes Charles talked about?]

[Putting it simply, Epsilon level are mutants who usually transform into something non-human and they generally don't really have any ability to compensate for that. A town known as District X, more commonly known as Mutant Town, is where those mutants usually live here in New York.]

[I'm guessing Beta is for mutants that at least have any sort of ability to be useful?]

[That is correct, though a thing to note is that these classes were made with battle combat potential in mind so if we're just talking about mutants as a whole, there are no classes to put them in.]

[Well, Charles, in a sense, is looking for soldiers to help him in case battle breaks out.]

Jasper could already tell that his stay here either will be having him change the people around him or they might even become enemies. He wasn't about to become a soldier for Charles and also didn't want to fight useless battles that would just bring them more trouble.

Though he wondered why the X-men fought with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, they had the same goal right?

[Hey mother, why do the X-men and Brotherhood of Evil Mutants fight?]

He waited for a few seconds before getting an answer. [It seems that their ideal's clash with each other. Charles Xavier is looking for mutants and humans to live together while Erik Lehnsherr is looking for mutants to rule the earth.]

Ah, that would explain it. Even so, if both groups already think that mutants and humans are two different things, they might be a lost cause.

Jasper didn't want to get involved in the fight between the two groups, not really liking the idea of having to choose a side. He'd rather just play games and maybe see if he could learn any cool magic.

He was pretty sure that any human could learn magic, since he remembered how Strange did it in the movies. Though it might be different in this universe? He would have to see if he could find Kamar-Taj somewhere in India. No wait, they did have Chinese and British branches, maybe he could find those?

Things to think about for another time, since he was in no hurry to learn magic.

Standing up, Jasper made sure he was dressed before walking out of his room. He wanted some more sweets. Opening his room door, he found that it wasn't the hallway but instead some type of white room with a desk?

Closing the door and opening it again just showed the same thing, this time with an old man that he recognized standing beside the desk giving him a smile.

"Mother" He asked, not really caring that he said it out loud. Problem was, he didn't even get an answer, just silence in return. Putting his hand where the chain should be, he didn't find anything there.

"There is no need to worry, child, your friend is in a safe place. I just wanted to talk to you, since you kind of just showed up in my universe all of a sudden." The elderly man took a seat on a chair that just showed up when he was sitting down. Being completely honest with himself, that was cool as hell.

"Come now, you don't have to worry about me harming you. After all, if I didn't want you alive, I wouldn't have rescued you from those eldritch monstrosities at the edge of the universe. Or stopping Death from getting you." The reasoning the old man gave had Jasper nodding. It made sense.

Walking in, the door just closed after him. Looking around himself, he didn't find a chair so he just shrugged and took a seat on the floor. A second later, some type of sweets and a cup of hot chocolate appeared in front of him.

Taking the invitation, he enjoyed the hot chocolate.

"What do you want?" Jasper finally asked, seeing the amusement in the old man's eyes.

"Nothing, really." The man shrugged his shoulders, "Just wanted to have a little talk with someone from outside my universe and get you to meet someone." That had him tilting his head, not really getting why the One Above All would want to talk to him.

"I know what you mean, 'I'm the God of this universe, why would I need to talk instead of just reading memories?', right?" Jasper nodded his head, but the One Above All just laughed. "If I just do things instantaneously, there won't be joy in things. Why read minds and memories when I can just enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate with some company?"

Well, he wasn't wrong. The being sitting before him was old, he probably enjoyed taking things slow. Though he couldn't really relate to him anymore, not after getting this power. Having Gamer's Mind just made him never get bored. He could stare at a wall for a full day and not really feel anything bad about it.

He had tried it as an experiment and it had worked too well.

"Anyway, here's the thing. You are not from this reality and had you managed to survive the groups living at the edge, you would still have died to this universe's natural defenses. Think of yourself as a virus if that helps clear the image."

Jasper nodded his head, understanding what the being was talking about.

"Here's the thing though, while I always try not to interfere, I do make exceptions. You are one of them." The man paused to let that sink in, taking a sip of his cup. As for Jasper, he just wondered where this all was going.

It didn't seem like the One Above All wanted something from him but it also felt like he did? He wasn't sure how to describe it, just that the being didn't save him for free.

Setting his mug down, the old being continued, "You are probably wondering why I did all of this and the answer is honestly simple. While I may create universes, I don't create people. But the problem is that most things in this 'multiverse' don't ever break out of their shells. Mostly because Fate and Destiny won't let them. Here's the thing though, you aren't bound to them, so you create as much mayhem as you like and with that chaos, the rolling snowball effect will have this universe become more lively."

Jasper tilted his head to the other side, not really getting why the old man wanted him to create chaos. If he wanted it that badly, why not strip away Fate and Destiny's powers?

"Because they're just doing their job." One Above All answered him, "I can't be mad at someone just trying to do what they were created to do."

That made sense. Though he still didn't want to create chaos. He'd rather just play games instead.

"Anyway, whether you create mayhem or not, it's up to you. Though do know that just you being alive and interacting with people will create a snowball effect, even if it's noticeable at first." The old man stood up, his mug and chair vanishing. "So, any questions so far?"

"Why do you look like Stan Lee?"

The old man chucked at that, "I don't look like anything. It's just you expecting me to look a certain way and this is how I ended up looking for you."

Oh, that also made sense. Seeing the man beginning to walk, Jasper stood up to walk with him, though he made sure to take with him the plate full of sweets. They were tasty and he hasn't even begun eating them all.

"Did you give me these powers?" Jasper asked after they had begun walking. He's always wondered where these powers came from, was it the omnipotent being in this universe that gave it to him, or someone else?

One Above All, he really should get an acronym for him, just shrugged his shoulders, "I haven't given you a thing since you have gotten here, only helped you not die." Jasper gave a nod and they continued walking in silence.

Mostly, it was just him enjoying the view below his feet, seeing random bubbles of what he was sure were universes and some random galaxies here and there. Even a lone star was shining brightly though it did feel lonely by itself.

Looking to his left, he saw what had to be the 'eldritch monstrosities' the older being commented on. The thing was ever-changing, never stopping at one form but it was still beautiful in its own way. Harmonic, that's what it felt like.

The 'eldritch monstrosity' continued to change, either not paying them any attention or not knowing they were walking not long away from it.

"Do you know who gave me these powers?" Jasper asked after seeing enough, though still kept an eye out for anything new.

"I also have no idea about that question," One Above All answered, shrugging once more. "There are a myriad of beings outside my bubble, some that I'm sure are even stronger than me. So whoever gave you those powers and sent you here, probably only wanted to watch you for fun, or they might have had an agenda."

He gave a nod in understanding.

"Of course, if they did have some kind of agenda, they're going to be surprised about what's going to meet them." The old man continued a little darkly, seemingly not realizing that he had just talked out loud. "But yeah, you don't have to worry about anything." He looked back with a small grin on his face.

"Then do you know how my powers work?" While Jasper wasn't the one most interested in powers and stuff, he was still curious if the old man knew something.

To his surprise though, One Above All actually nodded his head. "Yeah, your powers aren't that complicated to be honest, nor too original either. Heck, I know a few people with what you'd call 'The gamer system' in my very own universe." Huh, that was a neat thing. "It's just that, while these 'gamers' have a full on system type of power, you don't."

That was old news, Jasper only had one aspect of the 'Gamer's' power, namely, Gamer's mind and body.

"Here's the thing though, that system that those other 'gamers' have is mostly there to make sure that they play as both the game character and the player. For you? You're a complete game character, with basically no hint of the player." He continued on, enlightening Jasper more on his powers. "Which can be both a good and a bad thing. Having the player side will make sure to keep those people mostly grounded in reality, you will not have that to help."

Jasper tilted his head, "Is that a bad thing?"

"Not at all," One Above All shook his head, "It just means that you might not sometimes recognize 'game' from 'reality'." While he understood the words, he didn't really get the meaning behind them. "Also, since your power came from outside this universe, you don't have any of the normal limits people in this universe have, meaning that you could grow much stronger than those with the Gamer system born in this universe"

That made sense, at least for the limits talk. He'll have to get his Mother Box's opinion on things and what she thought about it.

Suddenly, the scenery changed. Looking around himself once more, Jasper saw that he was now in another room, this one filled with all types of toys, books and comics. In the middle of the pile of different things, a person was sitting, one that Jasper was quite familiar with.

The person looked up, their long white hair slowly flowing around them. Tilting their head, the person first looked at One Above All before their black eyes shifted towards him. "Hello," They greeted, pausing a little, seeming trying to find the right words, "Other me would be appropriate, I'd guess."

These are what I have written for now, I'll be updating things when I can

Don_Flufflescreators' thoughts