
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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Chapter 23

Coronation Venue

Every mutant on Genosha was present at the venue and was very excited to see the person who came as a ray of sun in their dark life. They were all living a life full of darkness and can only wait to die or become useless so the soldiers would throw them by themselves but after Peter defeated Eric Magnus and his group of mutants and become the new king of Genosha their lives changed and now they are having a normal and happy life.

Many cameras were placed for this event as it was getting broadcast throughout the world and many organisations have their eyes on this event.

Soon a man comes in front of the mic and said:" Hello everyone, first of all, I want to thank you for coming here today. As all of you are gathered here to celebrate this very happy occasion of the Coronation ceremony of our new king. so not taking too much of your time, please welcome our new King."

After he finished saying his part, Peter entered the Throne room wearing his shining and dominating armour. when he walks anyone with experience in battles could say that how powerful he is, by the way, he carries himself.

The throne room was made of gold from inside and his throne was one of some rarest things because of its being made up of purest gold which can only be made by AOE.

Peter walked towards the mic stand and stand in front of the mic. he stayed silent for some time seeing all these people who are gathered here to congratulate him.

He exhales and said:" people of Genosha, the first thing I want to say is that I am feeling very proud of myself seeing all of you are here to give me your blessings.

when we first start this journey I thought that we would only save just some mutants, who are being mistreated by society and try to help the earth during some grace situation to improve the image of mutants so that society can accept us.

But the more we go in-depth about this matter we found that it is not us who want to create chaos in the world, but they are the ones who don't want to see us as a living being. they don't want people who can help them in need but people who are puppets that can follow their every order no matter what they say.

I am not saying that we are going to take revenge on them but what I am saying is from now on no matter what we will neither help them nor have any type of professional relationship because they have already broken every type of relationship with us.

Then I thought about it and found that if we are going to start a new era with a new future then we don't need a name from whom so many bad memories are connected, so from now on our country will be called "Avalon" a country far away from the human greed."

Everyone cheered loudly hearing the new name of their country and flags with the logo of SPADES start to wave more gloriously and seeing them cheering and so happy give a small smile and thought ' This is the right moment huh!.'

Peter lifted his hand motioning them to stop and when everyone was again focused on Peter, Peter said:" Now by the will of the people of Avalon, I *He tapped on his mask and his masked opened revealing his face* Peter Parker accept my position as the King of Avalon." (AN:/ I revealed his face because he is going to become a king now and every king is the face of his country. so he can't hide it anymore.)

Everyone was first surprised to see Enigma revealing his identity but shrugged it because it's not that big of a deal for them and cheered for Peter.

Peter walked towards the Golden throne and when he come in front of the throne he stared at it for a second thinking ' looks like, I am not going to live that carefree life anymore.'

He closed his eyes and steeled his resolve, he waved his long Golden coat in the air and sat on the throne. when he sat on the throne a blue light spread across Avalon creating a barrier around it that only let signals pass through it.

[Throne room Image Here]

Then a person made some last announcements:" After our king has taken over his throne I want to invite the people who are going to be the pillars of our new kingdom."

Then the members of the SPADES hero team come in their armour which was the same as before but this in black and white combination.

All of them stand in front of Peter and bowed deeply before Peter motioned them to stand up. Peter was very happy and very sad at the same time today because with this now he was the sole king of a very strong empire and the economy is no less than any other country but even stronger and on another hand, now he will not be able to live his previous carefree life again.

After this, some other things happened and Peter appointed SPADES previous members minister of departments according to their speciality, in the end, Ryan said:" Everyone, we created 4 new Islands according to the needs of the country and two of them are residential Island. one for civilians and other for government officials.

The civilian Island contains housing facilities for all of you, those who have a family will get an apartment for their families while those who are orphans or only members of their family will live in pairs of two, because of the problem of land."

After this announcement, Everyone was even happier to find that they will be able to live in a normal house from now on and respect for SPADES rise in their heart.

With this, they concluded the Coronation ceremony and everyone returned to their work.

In Avengers Tower.

Everyone was sitting with a grim expression no matter who he is you can see sadness and regret on his face. they have just watched Peter's Coronation Ceremony and don't know what to do anymore.


Peter was giving his speech and everyone was watching him with a focused gaze but you will notice the coldness in their eyes if you look at their face more seriously.

Then Peter said the name of his new nation and everyone was still listening to his speech seriously because after Avengers got disbanded in a way. Tony wants to recreate it and mutants creating a country for themselves during this time is not a good thing.

After talking for some time Peter revealed his face and like a lightning hit them all of them stand up from their chairs and looked at the tv screen to confirm if they listened wrong but seeing Peter's face and heading on tv their suspicion got cleared.

Tony and Fury look towards each other with a complicated look and Silk on the side jumped in excitement:" YES!!, I knew it."

Everyone looked towards her with confusion and Silk said:" What? I knew the person who taught us could not stay a normal restaurant owner for his whole life."

Miles got angry and said:" Have you gone mad or something, you are getting happy for that person who betrayed his people."

Silk also got angry and have enough of him, she said:" Look Miles maybe you don't respect the person who taught you what you know right now about being a hero, then don't but I do. second, he is not the one who betrayed his people but it was us who betrayed him in his lowest time and if not for being helping people I would never stay in this group."

Saying this she left the room and no one stopped her because they don't have any counter for her words while Miles's face was red from anger and he was clenching his fist.

Flashback Ends

Right now they were all sitting at the table and Reed asked:" so what should we do right now."

Fury:" I have called the President and he is going to invite him to negotiate about the selling of their weapons other technologies."

Tony:" how many chances do you think it will go nicely."

Fury:" The vice president and Bolivia Trask are going to be ones who will negotiate and knowing their characters the chances are almost 0℅."

Tony:" Hah, looks like we got some deep shit this time."

Fury:" Yes, we sure do."

On Avalon, Peter's Office

Peter was checking some documents about the resources they require right now and then Peter says:" our main problem is manpower right now, and I don't think civilians will be a good option because of constantly working they are not efficient anymore and it will only increase the working cost."

Ryan:" Yeah, so what do you think we should do now sir because we can't stop any of these projects."

Peter:" There is a way for this, is project "Vitromite" completed."

Ryan:" yes, it was completed 3 days ago I got reports they already checked it." Then Ryan realise what Peter is trying to say and said:" sir are you going to do what I am thinking you are going to do."

Peter just smiled mischievously and nodded at Ryan who grins.


Thanks for reading my novel.☺

Please tell me if I should add more wives for Mc.