
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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Chapter 22

After hearing Peter's reply both Felicia and Jean started to ask more about the world of Naruto and Peter answered their questions patiently and in detail.

He also told them about True Gods and how much power they have, he did to make their vision broader about the multiverse and indirectly told them not to get arrogant even if they are this strong because there are weapons and people who can kill them in seconds.

Both Jean and Felicia understand the meaning of what Peter is trying to tell them and determine themselves to work harder to get strong and stand beside him in every dangerous situation.

After that, they talk about things here and there to lighten up the mood and Felicia and Jean go back to the room to sleep because it got late at night and they have work to do the next morning Genosha.

Even because of Peter's power they don't need to collect food items and other daily necessities, they still need to make sure everyone gets it and have a proper place to stay.

That's why Ryan and other members of the Unicron industries were working day and night with a group of thousands of workers to build apartments and other facilities for the people at Genosha. (AN:/ They are using the same method as China created a hospital in 2 days but in an advanced way.)

They are doing so much work in a fast because of the creation of other Islands and the Coronation ceremony of Peter which should be very special so everyone was working to their fullest extent and on another side, a team was giving everyone at Genosha a vaccine of a special medicine which was made by Dr Connors and his team.

This medicine can help everyone, who are infected with normal diseases and malnourished. it will also make them stronger and loyal to Peter.

Now many of you will be thinking that why is he using such a method to make them loyal to him so the answer I have is, Every country have people who always want the throne for themselves and they do everything in their power to harm that country so I don't want all that stuff and someone selling my plans to other countries.

Present in Time Chamber

Right now Peter was sitting in a meditation position in front of the space stone and you can notice a faint line of Energy was connecting the space stone and Peter. it was indicating that Peter is slowly absorbing the power of space stone.

Right now Peter was trying to mix all types of energy he has learned so far and create new energy which can help him in his plans shortly.

After meditating for some time Peter was able to make all the energy rotate in his abdomen at the same time and when he was satisfied with the results of his hard work, he slowly started to make them come closer to each other.

But suddenly all energies started to become chaotic and fighting for the dominance in the group. Peter was sweating crazily and don't know what he has to do for making them cooperate with each other then suddenly a plan come into Peter's mind and he started to add more soul energy into the formation.

When soul energy started to become denser in the mixture and All the energies originate from the soul so it will work as a chain to help bind them together when the amount of Soul energy increases all energies started to become calm and slowly blend with each other.

This process continued for 20 minutes and these 20 minutes were one of the hardest moments of Peter's life because his body was going through certain changes as this new energy was refining his body and breaking the limits of his reserves and making his body stronger than before. This process was extremely painful for him as it was clearing the deepest impurities of his body.

After the whole process, Peter opened his eyes and looked at his hand which were covered in a greasy liquid than he noticed that his whole body was covered in this strange substance and its smell was unbearable. (AN:/ Now here I am not trying to make this a wuxia novel, it's just I like this process where you get rid of all the bad chemicals from your body.)

Peter immediately left Time Chamber and took a shower to get rid of all that substance and smell. After taking a shower Peter came in front of the mirror and he saw himself, his skin was glowing more than ever and his muscles were more defined now in his swimmer like body.

Peter smirked but suddenly his face become serious and he pulled out something from his space ring. when he opened his palm we saw a blue colour gem.

Peter looked at it and say:" I have absorbed nearly 25℅ of the space energy from this gem and Now I use so many skills with this power, what if I absorb all of it (You will know its power in future)."

Peter thought for a while then just shook his head and put that thought for later in the back of his head.

3 Days Later

Today is when Peter will announce himself as the new king of Genosha and start a government to protect Mutants.

Alice on another hand was very excited to see her new home and was smiling from this morning.

Peter said to Alice:" Ok, Princess now you have to close your eyes so we can go to our new city and I promise you will be surprised after seeing this."

Alice was very excited to go to her new home so she don't say anything and closed her eyes. soon gate of the space bridge opened and Peter with his family entered the blue portal and saw breathtaking scenery from the roof of a beautiful palace which was built in these two days.

[Palace Image Here]

In front of him was standing a magnificent country with beautiful buildings and the use of nature was making the beauty of this country even more beautiful.

[Image Here]

All of this was almost impossible for anyone to do in such a short time at least for a normal person if it's a God then it's a different story, but Ryan and SPADES team was able to do all this because of the ability of the Devil Fruits.

Peter created different fruits with AOE and his imagination some of them can even change the landscape of even an Island in the blink of an eye and with the help of these fruits and Unicron's advanced technology which they kept hidden from the world they were able to do this.

on another side, Alice opened her eyes and saw all this scenery and the man she was surprised will be an understatement you can say that she wanted to fly and explore all of this new place.

Alice:" Daddy, can we go and play around. look this place is so beautiful and the air is also clear from New York here."

Jean giggle and said:" Of course we can, but not now as Daddy have urgent work to do and there will be a big event so daddy is busy right now."

Alice's excitement died in one go and she said in a lower voice:" Okay."

Peter saw this and started to pat his daughter's head and said:" Don't worry Princess after this I have all the time in the world for you but promise me you will behave till then ok."

Alice:" What if I keep my promise, what will I get."

Peter smiled:" Hmmm, so now my Princess knows rules of business huh. okay, if you keep your promise then I will tell you my biggest secret okay."

Alice's eyes light up and she said:" Really."

Peter:" Yeah and you will be very happy hearing that."

Alice had a big smile on her face and she jumped in Peter's arm and Peter caught her started to spin her in the air. After some time Peter put Alice on the ground and ordered Olivia to take Alice inside.

After Alice went inside Peter noticed Felicia and Jean's gaze and asked

Peter: "What"

Felicia:" Are you sure about telling her our identities."

Peter: "Yeah, it will be not long before she found out by herself, so it's better if we tell her about this than an outsider right?."

Jean with a frown:" I don't care about any of that if my daughter got hurt because of you. you are not touching me for a month, mister."

Jean said her part and walked inside, then Felicia said:" That's the same for me."

Felicia also went inside and Peter standing behind just sighed and shook his head in defeat and turn toward Ryan who was listening to all this with an amused smile on his face.

Peter give him a blank look and the smile immediately wiped from Ryan's face. Then the others standing behind him smiled knowing what was going to happen with Ryan.

Peter said to Ryan:" If you are done watching your favourite daily soap then can we move towards the venue to end this shit quickly."

Ryan helplessly nodded and started to guideway towards the venue while Peter tap on the chest and his clothes started to transform into his armour which was a combination of Gold and red. (AN:/ its design is similar to previous armour but only Gold colour at Black's place.)


Thanks for reading.☺