
Marvel/DC: The Fighter

Living on the battlefield...you'd think someone would die on the battlefield, no? Well, surprisingly, you'd be wrong. A transmigrated teen finds his calling in life when he awakens on a battlefield in 5th Century England as a 13-year-old boy with a peculiar body, peculiar knowledge and even more peculiar is that every time he says 'status' a screen appears in front of him! How will this transmigrated teen survive in the early middle ages? By killing a whole lot, of course! (A/N - I just wanna give a heads up that the system won't give stat points or missions and it definitely won't have a shop. It's only purpose is to show the MC his stats and the best and most effective ways to train to improve himself. I'd also like to point out that I'm going to be adding some very heavy supernatural influences into the story, so expect to see superhuman heroes, vampires and werewolves, and maybe even the odd Giant. Oh and the DC elements of the story are going to be very scarce. Don't expect to see Superman or any other uber-OP Hero/Villain. I'm only adding a few people and plots.)

Lazyy · Movies
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14 Chs

Meeting a...King?

[Bloodline calibration underway...]

I felt the familiar changes happening throughout my body as I used a piece of cloth to wipe away at the blood on my face. The same strengthening and re-organizing of my muscles, bones, nerves and organs was currently underway.

"Huh...seems like that fight really was enough to push me to next percentage," I mused, before looking around and grabbing a bottle of something that was most likely alcoholic before taking a few swigs as celebration.

[Bloodline calibration completed...17% ---> 18%]

With this done, I realized that it was time to leave this place. I had to meet whoever was running that army outside and ask them why they went up against the Brotherhood.

I kinda wanted to see their leader. They were probably...interesting. Plus, it'd be nice to have a conversation with someone who wasn't trying to kill me or scared of me. I can at least hope for them to only have a small amount of dignity, right? You don't start a fight with an international organization without a some mental toughness.

Getting to the gate was easy enough and with a swift kick, I knocked the two massive gates aside.

The action resulted in shouts of surprise and I was surprised to see the army now a little smaller yet organized superbly and right behind a small group of people. Which is when I felt something I haven't felt for a long time.


I couldn't help the smile that came over my face and nor could I stop it from freezing when I finally looked at the most forefront person.

'Short' was the first word I thought of. About 160cm tall. Maybe even less. They looked like a child in both height and facial features. Probably barely 14-years-old. Blonde hair and green eyes. A righteous expression on their face. I was confused about their gender for about a second before it clicked. It's a girl...yet she's trying to look like a boy.

The banner of a golden Lion on a blue background. The odd-looking made right next to her.

The fucking crown on her head. The gold and blue sword at her hip.

Memories of a life I'd nearly forgotten came flooding into my head. This entire person's appearance and character just screamed at me. Until finally it clicked into place.

...Haha....hahahah.....HAHAHAHAHAHA! So they're also in this world!? What marvelous fun!

My earlier smile from the feeling of danger stretched even further and I saw the surrounding soldiers flinched away instinctively. Yet the mini-'King' kept 'himself' steady and stared me down. My smile expanded to it's upmost limits at this show of fortitude. Turning to the man standing next to the mini-'King' I looked over his face and gave sniff to the air, instantly getting my answer.

Non-human. Probably explains why they're at odds with the Brotherhood. That mage was half-Incubus, if I recall correctly.

I stepped slowly toward the group and the army behind them. Each step accompanied by a drip of blood from either my hair or the rags I called clothing.

I didn't take my eyes away from the mage. He gave the most dangerous feeling I'd ever felt since coming to this place. My instincts practically screamed at me to rip his throat out and to prove I was the superior...but I was long passed letting my instincts control me. Too much, anyway.

Once in front of them, they all had to crane their heads. Least of all the mage who was about 178cm tall and most of all the mini-'King' who was, like I said before, only 160cm tall. I, on the other hand, was about 187cm tall last time I checked in with the system. Can I get a check in on my height, system?

[188cm, boss.]

Oh? I grew a centimetre? How grand.

Learning forward, I saw the mini-'King' shuffle their hand closer to 'his' sword. Caliburn. But I put a stop to that when I spoke up, "Merlin~" I said with a voice of excitement, "How you doing old buddy, old pal?" I looked right into his eyes before doing a mock bow to the mini-'King' next to us, "Your highness~"

"U-uhh...D-do I know you?" Merlin looked around and behind himself, obviously looking for someone behind him called 'Merlin' but he found no one and looked back to me with a confused expression, "I think you may have hit your head, kid. What happened in the fortress? Were you being held captive by the Brotherhood?" despite me height my facial features were still roughly true to my age of 15, so him calling my kid wasn't that odd.

But what he said about the Brotherhood holding me captive made me laugh before I answered, "The Brotherhood hold me captive? Hahaha!" I continued laughing before I wiped a tear from my eye, "Ah~ No," I shook my head before crossing my arms, "I was the one who scaled up that wall and went in and killed the people inside. It's why I'm covered in blood, if that's what you're wondering, Mr. Knight," I turned to the man on the right of the mini-'King'. He was around the same height as Merlin but much broader with a few nicks and scars on his otherwise youthful face.

"You were the one who took that horrendous group of bandits down?" a youthful voice brought my attention back to the mini-'King' and I smiled as I turned to 'him'.

Nodding, I replied, "Yeah, I took 'em out. They kept trying to kill me so, you know, couldn't exactly let them live, you know?" I said with a friendly tone before continuing, "What I do want to know, however, is why your highness is here, dealing with this 'horrendous group of bandits'?" I put an emphasis on my words and stared down at the regal green eyes in front of me.

Same color as my eyes. But this mini-'King's eyes are...lighter. More full of hope and curiosity. Optimism. I've seen my eyes before. Bright lime green that looks like poison.

...Nothing like the eyes in front of me. They looked beautiful. Like emeralds.

"Refer to me as 'Your Majesty'. I am a King, not a Prince*," 'he' started with a slightly aggrieved voice, "And I am here because these horrible people were taking innocent lives. Does there need to be any other reason?" 'he' asked.

(*A/N - You only call Princes/Princesses 'Your Highness' while Kings/Queens/Emperors/Empresses are referred to as 'Your Majesty'. Obviously, Gabriel wouldn't know that, so the 'King' would most likely correct him. Why wait until now when Gabriel already called 'him' 'Your Highness'? I don't know. Manners, maybe? Who knows.)

"But what if that organization, while targeting all non-humans apart from a select few...were actually doing good work? I heard they've killed quite a few Vampires and Werewolves that have gone quite bloodthirsty in Europe. Surely that should mean something? I'm sure they've helped in England as well," I questioned with a curious look. I'd always wanted to pick the brain of this 'King' of England. Never thought I'd have the chance either. Seeing as they were a myth and not a real King.

Guess I can be wrong, huh? History's not exactly a thing that's been following my expectations thus far. First I get non-human races, an organization that hunts, some of, those races and finally I get to meet a mythical King who turned out to be a...well, 'King'.

I stifled my own laughter when the blonde in front of me answered, "It matters not the good that they've done. Especially when it is so...outdone and drowned by the evil and bad they have done," they gave a righteous tone before continuing with an indignant one, "Besides, what use is there for such an organization when the safety of the country and it's people should fall in the duties and responsibilities of the crown?!" she gave a spirited shout, gaining a nod from the Knight to her right and a somewhat proud yet sad look from Merlin. Though his attention was still on me. He seemed to be figuring out who I was.

I'd made quite the name for myself in England, I'd bet. Though I didn't really pay much attention to my influence or image while I was here.

"And what if the crown has ulterior motives and agendas? You can't possibly say the crown is incorruptible, can you--" I was stopped by a sword being pressed against my neck, so I turned my eyes to the right and away from the slightly angry-looking 'King' to see an absolutely furious Knight, "Yes?" I asked, my smile never leaving my face.

"You dare blaspheme the crown! You treasonous peon--" he stopped when the area around us went cold. So very cold. The air shook and the ground quaked. The very smell of blood from the battlefield behind the army and the massacre I'd left, was being magnified by a hundred. The stench was so thick and palpable that it was like there was a mist of blood in the air.

You know when you read those Xianxia stories and read the words 'killing intent' and think 'What a load of bullshit'? Yeah, I used to think the same thing.

Until I came to this world.

Your intent to kill is as easy to imprint as, say, breathing. If you have more kills under your belt, your killing intent becomes stronger, and if it's stronger than your opponents, well...it's like gravity suddenly increased. Your legs start to feel like they're made of lead and rubber at the same time. I've even seen people piss or shit themselves if the killing intent is strong enough.

The army behind these three important people had already pulled out their weapons, prepared for some sort of attack. But the experienced veterans from before were long gone. Pale faces, chattering jaws that gave off the almost comical sound of teeth hitting one another, raised swords and spears that shook like leaves in the wind...they looked like rookie soldiers on their first battlefield.

This. This was all coming from me.

Merlin looked straight at me, his face dawning with something similar to realization. His lilac eyes widening as my killing intent seemed to jog his memory.

Mini-'King', however, already had a hand of their sword...yet didn't unsheathe it. Not because 'he' couldn't but rather that 'he' wouldn't. More specifically, 'he' didn't see the point in doing it knowing that if I was going to attack, I would have.

Brilliant instincts on this one. Some of the best I've seen to date.

Well, other than mine, of course.

"And?" I quipped with a cheery voice that was in direct opposition to the grim and heavy air around me, "What are you going to do about my treasonous blaspheming?" I continued as I leaned against his sword, the blade not even getting a nick of blood as it was pushed back by the casual action.

The kid was decently strong. Maybe even a little passed a peak human - a unique constitution, maybe - but he was no where near my level.

"It's you," Merlin suddenly spoke up, "The Grey Devil...I thought you had gone to Europe?" he asked with a somber voice - I wonder, what kind of rumors were spread about me if I can get this never serious con-man mage to look so stoic?

Shrugging, I leaned back and away from the sword that continued to dumbly hang there as I released my bloodlust into the air, "I left for a while. Hunting the Brotherhood down. Led me back to here...and now I've found something interesting enough for me to stay for a good while," I motioned my head toward the mini-'King' which made the white-haired mage go pale for a second before he nervously laughed.

"Haha...I, well, I know the 'King' is an interesting fellow but I don't see reason to stick around because of that, Grey De--" I cut him off with a 'polite' smile.

"Please, call me Gabriel," I said, continuing with my smile as I carried on, "And don't put your 'King' down so much, Merlin. I'm sure 'he's very self-conscious at such an age!" I gave a laugh, which Merlin nervously returned. "You see," I began, losing my smile and replacing it with a smirk, "I have a keen sense of smell," I pointed to my noise before pointing to my eyes, "And very observant eyes. They allow me certain...advantages, when it comes to telling the difference between things that normal people, well, just don't get," I said before boring my gaze into Merlin's and the mage met my gaze and returned it with an intensity and a killing intent that dwarfed my own as he realized what I was getting at, yet that only made me feel excited for if a fight really did break out. "Say, the difference between a human," I gestured toward the Knight on the mini-'King's right who was still frozen, before looking straight at Merlin, "And non-humans. Or half-humans. Same applies to men," I gestured to the Knight again, before looking to the mini-'King', "And women."

The mini-'King's expression froze with panic and fear very clear in 'his' eyes. But I kept my voice low and calm before continuing.

"Seems the jigs up, huh, 'King Arthur'?" I asked before leaning in close to the mini-'King's ear, bending over as our height difference was that big, and speaking again in but a whisper on the two of us could hear, "...Or should I say, Queen Artoria~?"

And here starts the first arc of the story. What? Did you think I was just gonna time-skip my way to canon? Bah! That'd be boring as hell.

Jokes aside, I wanna establish Gabriel's character before canon starts. Right now, his personality is literally 'I'm good at killing things, I like killing things and fighting strong people, and I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie'. I wanna add a bit more 'flesh' to my character's personality than that, honestly.

Having him knock around with Artoria and Merlin for a while should help him show off something other than just his talent for killing.

Artoria won't be a love interest either. Not saying it won't ever happen. Just not now. Why? I already have someone set up for that role, so don't worry about it. I ain't saying anymore because, you know, spoilers and all that.

Lazyycreators' thoughts