

I don't speak English but I will try to be as clear as possible.The story is also slow... This is an AU, don't expect anything from the canon of any land, or maybe you do... but the MC won't stay like an npc watching everything without interfering, it wouldn't be in order either. .. The MC is op and will be more so in the future, I put it here, so I suggest that if you don't like this kind of stuff and you still see it, you can't complain or insult him. . . . ..well if you can but I will answer you :) This is a fic for my enjoyment and yours, the story is also slow. Everything related to marvel and dc belongs to their creators, only this story is mine and oc, for entertainment as I already said...or did I write?.....

AGSANEX · Movies
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Watching the chapter where I "explain" what the MC can do, I realized that it was confusing, and I wouldn't have understood it the first or second time reading it if it weren't for the fact that it's my fic.

But hey, I don't speak English and my "friend" Google makes it difficult for me to express myself as I would in my language.

But I will try my best to write as neutral as I can...

What did The Presence give the MC?

[The Presence, gave the MC all his power or cosmic energy as I say, I don't know if the concept exists in Marvel, DC or in real life, but here it is, that cosmic power is the energy that both he and The One Above All they use to create their respective multiverse or an attack of the same level]

Is power divided into?

[The Presence gave him his power in four levels which are: 25+25+25+25 giving a total of 100%, each 25 is a level, in other words when the MC reaches level 2, a 25+ of 25% . that you already have, is added giving a total of 50% and this will increase in the future by 25 in 25.]

What can the MC do with the first 25%?

[1: Can destroy the sun or the largest star with a charged attack at the cost of 25% energy, leaving it with nothing until it restores, to destroy planets you would need less energy]

2: can shape energy into whatever he wants, not just attacks, like a rascengan which is chakra condensed into a sphere, the protagonist can shape energy into whatever he wants, like a shield around him with a resistance that depends on the amount of energy used to do it.

3:Using cosmic energy, he has the ability to create anything, as long as it is not life or something larger than a one-story house.

4: He can reinforce and strengthen his body with cosmic energy to the same level of concentrated attack as number 1. In other words, he can modify his body to the level of strength and defense of a superman or that of a child.

5: can turn his body into a gaseous state, making him intangible and invisible in this state.

6: It can fly by wrapping itself in energy but it would be tracked by it.

7: Using cosmic energy you can modify your appearance, but this is not a fic where the protagonist becomes the most beautiful in the world overnight.

Maybe you increase your muscle mass on one side or the other and get some touch-ups on your face, but that's all, at the end of the day, who doesn't want to have a little more muscle without having to exercise :)]

In the future the only thing that will increase in power will be 1, 2, 3, 4...

No se los demás, pero a los que hablen español...casi que les aconsejo que se lean esto en Chrome jeje....algunas cosas salen mejor ahí y no lo digo yo, lo dicen las estadísticas:)......