
Marvel-Comics: The Weaver

Follow the journey of Adam, a reincarnator in the Marvel Universe, tasked with the goal of creating as many spells as he could before being enlisted in a war even bigger than the Marvel Multiverse itself. However, will the Marvel Universe make it easy for him to grow stronger peacefully, or will he experience the full Marvel experience? What secret is hidden in his new body, of which he has no memory of its creator, and why is he hunted by monsters nearly every night? ------------------ !!!!!!!WARNING!!!!! I PLACED A LOT OF LIMITATIONS, NOT TO THE POINT WHERE IT TAKES THE FUN OUT OF IT, BUT LIMITATIONS THAT WILL HELP GROW AS A MAGE, SO IF YOU LIKE EASILY OBTAINED POWERS, THIS ISN'T FOR YOU. THIS IS A STORY ABOUT A CHARACTER TRYING HIS BEST TO CREATE SPELLS, SO HE WILL TRY TO LEARN, READ, AND MEDITATE. SOMETIMES IT WILL FEEL BORING. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN OP MC WHO DOESN'T LOSE, THEN THIS ISN'T FOR YOU. HE WILL GET HIS ASS BEAT, GET HIS BONES BROKEN, HE WILL GET HIS ASS HANDED TO HIM (REASONABLY). THIS ISN'T HAREM; THE FEMALE LEAD IS MAGIK OR ILLYANA RASPUTIN. I ALSO PLAN TO WRITE 500 CHAPTERS, AND NO, I AM DROPPING IT

Bulale_Abali · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

The disappearance of magic and being hunted(chapter 7)

[ Name: Adam ]

[ Mana (plain): 171 (particle) ]

[ Spiritual-Force: 3.11/3.11 (1 spiritual force lasts for 1 minute; 1 spiritual force can be recovered in 1 minute) ]

[ Created spells:

Unstable-Mana-Ball(Tier: 0): a very unstable and small mana ball that explodes due to its instability. It doesn't do very much damage due to its small size, but it does release bright flash light when it explodes, Lv:2 (316/500) cooldown: 5 seconds ]

Mana-Ball(Tier: 0): a condensed ball of mana that is structurally stable and is the size of a marble. It constantly emits white light that illuminates a 12 feet radius, Lv:2 (154/500) cooldown: 25 seconds]

Spinning-Arrow(Tier: 0): 3 spinning arrows made completely out mana that spins as it flies towards its target, giving a high piercing damage, Lv:3 (3/1,000) cooldown: 10 seconds ]

Bathed in the sunlight streaming into his boat house, Adam meticulously tied what appeared to be a black rubber band around what seemed to be the machine wolf's fang. The wolf's fur lay drying on the boat house roof, an activity that had occupied Adam since the beginning of the day.

"Huh, nice. Hopefully, this fang/knife has the same properties as when it was alive," he mused while holding up the crudely fashioned fang knife. His hope was that the fang would retain the same anti-magical properties that the wolf possessed during its existence, which was able to make his spinning arrows flicker and dissipate except for one.

As he examined the fang knife, a nagging question tugged at Adam's thoughts. "Why were the anti-magic machine wolves after me? They've been chasing me for a while now." The wolves seemed relentless, bypassing everyone else to hone in on him. "Whatever they are, they were aiming for me," he frowned, uneasy about the implications.

Adam then tested the cutting capabilities of the fang knife by slicing at a wall in the boat. Despite the rusted metal, the knife cut through cleanly, leaving him impressed. "Which means that I need to prepare as many mana particles as possible before I stupidly run out it during spell casting," he sighed, contemplating the limitations.

Standing in front of the wolf's metallic belt, Adam recalled the numerous arrows dispelled by the creature. "It's like it has its own anti-magic force field," he mused. A smirk appeared on his face as he considered the practicality of having a magic-resistant coat. "In case I get into a fight with mages," he added, imagining himself casting a barrage of spells.

However, a realization hit him. "Right, mana particles," he groaned at the limitations while settling onto his bed. Another concern crossed his mind. "Wait, why can't I use the raw mana outside?" he questioned, initiating meditation to explore the issue. Controlling raw magic outside his sea of consciousness proved to be a challenge, calling it challenging was an understatement as he couldn't control them...yet.

-Scene Change-

Inside his sea of consciousness, numerous mana particles filled the bubble, obscuring even the spell models. Adam's efforts focused on stockpiling mana particles, ensuring he wouldn't run out when casting spells. At the edge of the bubble, he observed mana particles disappearing at an alarming rate.

"What the hell is happening?" he asked himself, recovering his spent spiritual force and activating it to pull more mana particles inside. However, the raw mana vanished rapidly, leaving him perplexed. "I don't like this." Adam pondered for a while, before eventually landing on the idea of seeking help from Doctor Strange, a well-known sorcerer and possibly Earth's strongest sorcerer but dismissed the idea. The secrecy of his spell-making abilities was paramount.

"Plus, if a kid who can create any type of spells he wishes comes along, who knows what dark sorcerer or witch would want to sacrifice me or something," he mused, acknowledging the potential dangers. The world's magic was vast and ancient, and Adam realized that the only way to truly understand it was to venture out and experience it firsthand, "this is a bad idea" he sighted.

-scene change-

The sun was setting over the shores of New York, casting a warm, golden glow on the landscape. Adam's voice cut through the serene atmosphere, sounding exasperated as he stared at a colossal alien sphere in the sky. It loomed larger than all the buildings in New York combined.

"Well, that explains it," Adam muttered to himself, his eyes fixated on the alien menace. "It's a goddamn invasion." He turned away from the unsettling sight and quickly added, "An alien robot invasion that seems to target magic wielders while also getting rid of magic."

Groaning at the gravity of the situation, Adam pivoted and swiftly made his way from the shore. "Although this is just an assumption, it's a pretty good assumption," he reasoned with a sense of urgency. "Although I hope the heroes of this world deal with the invasion, it's unrealistic to put my life in their hands."

His thoughts were interrupted by a robotic voice that echoed behind him, "Sorcerer detected. Sanctify Adam." Turning, Adam was faced with two humanoid figures in futuristic silver armor. Their spherical helmets had a single glowing green hole. A strange device buzzed in their hands.

Realizing the danger, Adam wasted no time and bolted, the robotic beings giving chase. Their futuristic armor granted them incredible speed, and bolts of electricity crackled from their devices, narrowly missing Adam. Strangely, the people around them seemed oblivious to the bizarre sight unfolding.


Author's Note: Yes, another chapter! I hope you all enjoy it. Don't worry, Adam will meet the heroes of this world, although not too many or for too long at the beginning, as he is, well... weak. But that isn't going to last long—especially after he comes back from an eye-opening trip with a lot of interesting things. So yeah, hopefully, you all endure the beginning of Adam's journey from weak to strong, and who knows? You might be rewarded. Probably.

P.S.: Yes, this is the disappearance of magic in the Marvel world, and no, it's not permanent. It also introduces a magic problem (that I promise to solve later) in some way that might involve brute force or possibly dimensional bending, as Adam relies on the world's magical energy.