
Marvel-Comics: The Weaver

Follow the journey of Adam, a reincarnator in the Marvel Universe, tasked with the goal of creating as many spells as he could before being enlisted in a war even bigger than the Marvel Multiverse itself. However, will the Marvel Universe make it easy for him to grow stronger peacefully, or will he experience the full Marvel experience? What secret is hidden in his new body, of which he has no memory of its creator, and why is he hunted by monsters nearly every night? ------------------ !!!!!!!WARNING!!!!! I PLACED A LOT OF LIMITATIONS, NOT TO THE POINT WHERE IT TAKES THE FUN OUT OF IT, BUT LIMITATIONS THAT WILL HELP GROW AS A MAGE, SO IF YOU LIKE EASILY OBTAINED POWERS, THIS ISN'T FOR YOU. THIS IS A STORY ABOUT A CHARACTER TRYING HIS BEST TO CREATE SPELLS, SO HE WILL TRY TO LEARN, READ, AND MEDITATE. SOMETIMES IT WILL FEEL BORING. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN OP MC WHO DOESN'T LOSE, THEN THIS ISN'T FOR YOU. HE WILL GET HIS ASS BEAT, GET HIS BONES BROKEN, HE WILL GET HIS ASS HANDED TO HIM (REASONABLY). THIS ISN'T HAREM; THE FEMALE LEAD IS MAGIK OR ILLYANA RASPUTIN. I ALSO PLAN TO WRITE 500 CHAPTERS, AND NO, I AM DROPPING IT

Bulale_Abali · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Creating an offensive spell and getting hunted(chapter 6)

[ Name: Adam ]

[ Mana (plain): 0 (particle) ]

[ Spiritual-Force: 0.22/2.22 (1 spiritual force lasts for 1 minute; 1 spiritual force can be recovered in 1 minute) ]

[ Created spells(Tier: 0): Unstable-Mana-Ball: a very unstable and small mana ball that explodes due to its instability. It doesn't do very much damage due to its small size, but it does release bright flash light when it explodes, Lv:2 (306/500) cooldown: 5 seconds ]

Mana-Ball(Tier: 0): a condensed ball of mana that is structurally stable and is the size of a marble, it constantly white light that illuminates a 10 feet radius, Lv:1 (0/100) cooldown: 50 seconds ]

Adam returned to the physical world with a bemused expression, contemplating the evolution of his newly created spells. "It was a flashbang previously, now it's a light bulb and a tier 0 one at that," he mused sarcastically, letting out a sigh. "Well, I know one thing, though—the more spiritual force I have, the more mana particles I can handle, and the longer I can hold them. So, my priority is to increase my spiritual force." With a new goal in mind, he alternated between letting his sea of consciousness hoard mana particles and using those particles to cast spells, especially his new creations. Adam focused on leveling up the spells, and to his delight, he quickly reached 3 spiritual force. Quickly might be an understatement as it took 2 days of just gathering mana particles and practising his spells, mostly he gathered mana and tried to make different spells which was just him experimenting.

Examining his achievements, Adam found himself back in his sea of consciousness, surrounded by 103 mana particles that illuminated the area. A warm smile spread across his face as he admired the gentle glow. "Well, now let's work on an offensive spell, for real this time. I don't like how the hair on the back of my neck has been standing up, like I am on a butcher's table." The unsettling feeling had lingered during his recent practices, urging him to hasten the construction of an offensive spell. Now able to control 32 mana particles , he set out to shape them into an arrow. The construction went smoothly, and with a few seconds left, he initiated a spin, solidifying the arrow mid-rotation. A floating notification appeared, [Ding!] [Congratulations to the host for creating the spell (Spinning Arrow)].

[ Name: Adam ]

[ Mana (plain): 71 (particle) ]

[ Spiritual-Force: 3.01/3.01 (1 spiritual force lasts for 1 minute; 1 spiritual force can be recovered in 1 minute) ]

[ Created spells:

Unstable-Mana-Ball(Tier: 0): a very unstable and small mana ball that explodes due to its instability. It doesn't do very much damage due to its small size, but it does release bright flash light when it explodes, Lv:2 (314/500) cooldown: 5 seconds ]

Mana-Ball(Tier: 0): a condensed ball of mana that is structurally stable and is the size of a marble. It constantly emits white light that illuminates a 12 feet radius, Lv:2 (64/500) cooldown: 25 seconds]

Spinning-Arrow: a spinning arrow made completely out mana that spins as it flies towards its target, giving a high piercing damage, Lv:1 (0/100) cooldown: 20 seconds ]

The description of the new offensive spell brought a wide grin to Adam's face as he exited his sea of consciousness. However, his joy was short-lived as he was suddenly blinded by a streak of light that pierced through a small hole in the boat's worn-out walls. "Aghh, fuck, my eye!" he exclaimed, swiftly shielding his eyes. Adam quickly covered the hole with a makeshift patch before cracking his knuckles. "Well, time to get this spell to level 2."

With determination in his eyes, he cast the newly created spell. A small-sized arrow made of white mana began to spin gracefully on the tip of his index finger. "Yeah, this is going to do some damage, i hope" With a not so confident smile, Adam located a metal pole within his boat home. With a swift motion, he hurled the arrow at the pole, watching it drill through the metal before vanishing. "Huh, moderate damage, but nothing leveling up shouldn't solve."

-scene change-

Amidst the rooftops of New York City, in the dead of night, a heavily panting Adam ran with urgency etched across his face. "I fucking knew it, something was really coming after me!" he muttered under his breath, glancing behind him. In pursuit was a wolf-like creature made entirely of silver metal, giving it a futuristic and formidable appearance. It pounced towards Adam, who gritted his teeth, his breath forming visible clouds in the chilly night air.

With a burst of strength, Adam leaped to the next rooftop. Midair, three spinning arrows materialized around him, which he did so by casting spinning arrows thrice in succession. In a swift motion, he fired the arrows at the pursuing metallic wolf. Two of them hit their mark—one on its forehead and the other on its neck. The third arrow, however, completely missed. As the arrows made contact with the silver mechanical wolf, they flickered for a moment before drilling through the creature, ending its pursuit.

Adam landed on the rooftop with a less-than-graceful tumble. "Aggh, magic resistance machine wolves," he groaned, ignoring the scraped skin as he focused on stemming the bleeding from a large gash on his stomach. Despite the pain, he couldn't help but find a silver lining. "Well, there is one good thing coming out of this," he thought, finally getting up. His gaze shifted to the dead machine wolf lying on the opposite rooftop, "i could probably sell this for a large sum of cash" he chuckled madly.


A/N well, another chapters, hope you guys like it, for those who read the doctor strange comics(2015) might probably regonise a magic dispelling machine race, if not, read the upcoming chapters to know who there, (if you are interested.)

PS: this will be the easiest kill of adam monster hunting career(yeah, he is going to be a monster hunter with many names such as Van helsing of course) and trust me, you will known soon. 

PS: sorry about the short chapter