
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Plan B (chapter 9)

In the heart of the nightclub, pulsating music reverberated through the air, its beats vibrating with the energetic pulse of the night. Oliver, clad in his sleek suit, seamlessly navigated the crowded dance floor, deftly relieving unsuspecting patrons of their belongings. He discreetly affixed a small device to the rear of the building, blending into the rhythmic chaos around him.

As he strolled further, his destination became apparent—the VIP room. Two formidable Russian men, their imposing figures accentuated by mohawk-style hair, barred his way. Oliver, unperturbed, patiently waited. The door to the VIP room echoed with a knock, prompting the guards to scrutinize Oliver briefly before granting him entry.

Inside, a lavish expanse bathed in pink hues unfolded—a VIP sanctum. A robust figure presided over a luxurious desk, flanked by another man stationed by the door. The club owner, Frank Lucas, a black man exuding authority, welcomed Oliver with a grin, gesturing for him to take a seat.

"Hey, pilgrim, you made a mess last night. What happened? Did you get spooked?" Frank's inquiry hung in the air as Oliver settled into a seat. A wry smile played on Oliver's lips as he responded, "Well, you said there were only 3 guards, but there were a lot more." Frank arched an eyebrow, questioning the accuracy of his intel.

"Oh, are you saying that my intel was inaccurate?" Frank probed further, and Oliver, choosing to remain silent, prompted Frank to continue, "Well, anyways, I heard Black Cat is getting curious about you. Apparently, you've hit a couple of her targets, and there's talk that you might be her replacement or protegé."

This revelation struck a dissonant chord within Oliver. Unwarranted fame was knocking on his door, and he grappled with the sudden attention. Thoughts raced through his mind, and the realization dawned on him: "Why am I suddenly famous? This isn't good. Why am I on anyone's radar? All I did was small jobs and hit a rich house. I didn't even get caught a single time."

Frank's observant eyes caught Oliver's unease, and he reassured, "Calm down, kid. Black Cat isn't the kingpin. She won't smash you to pieces just because you stole a few gigs from her." Chuckling, he continued inspecting the package Oliver had handed over.

"But the rumors weren't lying; you do your job well," Frank remarked, acknowledging Oliver's skills. Despite the commendation, an air of tension enveloped the room as Frank reached beneath his desk. Oliver, ever vigilant, already had his hand on his gun, ready for any unexpected turn of events. Frank's hand emerged, gripping a pistol that he aimed squarely at Oliver, his gaze unwavering.

"Do you know why people want you, pilgrim? Why they'd hire a nobody kid with no credibility instead of Black Cat, arguably one of the best burglars in the field? It's because you are expandable, and not as expensive " Frank said with a smile, hoping to make Oliver nervous as Oliver, though guarded, remained composed. In his mind, a quiet reassurance echoed: "I still have a trump card. There's no need to panic." His arsenal of items, from the ancient silver ring to the symbiote suit, stood ready, granting him confidence in his ability to navigate any impending threat. Frank chuckled, signaling that Oliver's immediate escape might not be necessary.

"Alright, kid, you tought alright," Frank praised, reaching for a brown paper bag and placing it on the table. Oliver accepted it, standing up. "Come on, really, no chat, nothing? You're not even curious about what's in the box?" Frank prodded, and Oliver paused for a moment before responding, "Pleasure doing business with you," and walked away. Briefly glancing at the rugged bodyguard standing at the door—a picture of intimidation with a bald cut, an unfriendly face, and a massive build—Oliver left the vibrant nightclub behind.

Exiting the club, he retreated to the back, removing a small remote-controlled bomb—a plan B for any unforeseen trouble during the transaction. It was an insurance policy, a contingency. Oliver mused, "I'm glad things worked out; otherwise, I would have been partying with this bomb. It's quite expensive," chuckling to himself. Activating the skill on his suit, he aimed to shake off any potential tails sent by Frank—no doubt seeking his base location and identity.

[Two weeks later]

In the bustling Chinatown of Manhattan, Oliver navigated through a shop adorned with vibrant colors, a testament to the rich cultures converging in the area. Dressed in unassuming yet decent attire, each piece infused with a subtle energy hue, Oliver blended seamlessly into the diverse crowd. His casual clothes, each with its unique option, were a source of quiet satisfaction for him. He chuckled, contemplating the potential confusion he could sow among people, especially when he wanted a guard to believe an item was still in its place even after he had stolen it.

He adjusted his black sunglasses, the only item with an active option.

[ Name: Glasses ]

[ Grade: White ]

[ Description: These stylish metallic geometric glasses are designed for outdoor wear in all seasons. The top bar adds a fashionable touch, making them a statement piece. ]

[ Option: Mirage Gaze (Rank: F) (Active) - Allows the wearer to create a visual illusion in a small area, making objects appear differently for a brief period. ]

[ Durability: 75% ]

"This would confuse the heck out of people," he remarked, relishing the possibilities. His hooded coat followed.

[ Name: Hooded Coat ]

[ Grade: White ]

[ Description: A fashionable hooded coat with a unique two-tone letter graphic design, featuring a drawstring for added style. This coat, while lacking in historical significance, has a charm of its own. ]

[ Option: Subtle Glamour Aura - A faint magical aura enhances the wearer's presence, making them slightly more charismatic in social interactions. (Rank: F) (Passive) ]

[ Durability: 67% ]

"I mean, at least I look cool," Oliver smirked, recognizing the charm in his ensemble. Most items focused on enhancing his charisma.

[ Name: Classic Black Tee ]

[ Grade: White ]

[ Description: A simple black t-shirt, a staple in men's fashion. Unadorned and versatile, it serves as a blank canvas for personal expression. ]

[ Option: +10% Charisma Boost in Casual Settings (Rank: F) (Passive) ]

[ Durability: 70% ]

His multi-pocketed hiking trousers came with the bonus of extra pockets, and his shoes offered a 10% reduction in fatigue. Oliver sighed, noticing the overarching emphasis on charisma. "I don't like what this system is implying," he groaned, surveying his outfit, at least now he little a little handsome, "Hey, what do you mean a little handsome?, hey I'm talking to you. Don't cut the chapter."


A/N yeah, in the early chapters of the story, black cat is going to be in a lot of it, but as the story progresses, more characters will be introduced in different arcs.

PS: Just ignore the last part of the chapter, i am fixing him.