
Chapter 002: Charles Xavier

After eating, Nikolai called his Clone.

"Creator, do you need something?" asked the Clone.

"Mm.. it's annoying to call you simply Clone, from now on you will be called Kai, also, don't call me 'Creator', just call me boss or Sir," Nikolai said thoughtfully, it would be strange if someone else heard it.

Kai simply nodded obediently.

'By the way, I should go back to school.., on second thought, I don't need to go personally, I can send a clone and not waste time.'

'Besides, he can access the Midtown High library, there are books and information that would not be easily available.'

The clones have strong learning abilities, if you compare them to an ordinary person, they can learn seven times faster.

They have a slight regenerative factor and only need to sleep four hours a day, go to the bathroom once or twice, as for stress, it is almost nonexistent.

After thinking about it, Nikolai decided to send him.


After a while, Kai returned.

"Mm? Shouldn't you be in class now? Why did you come back?" Nikolai asked, confused.

"That's because you've been absent for over a month, so the teachers decided that if you don't get at least ninety points on the next exam, you'll be expelled."

"What? I was about to die, who would be in the mood to request a leave?" Nikolai grumbled in a bad mood.

Forget it, it seems there's nothing I can do about it, on the contrary, I can take advantage of it.

Thinking better, Nikolai said. "Okay, now the most important thing is the next batch of clones, first we have to move out."

For now, it's just him and Kai, but in the future, as more and more clones appear, it will be very suspicious.

With so many people, many resources will be consumed and a lot of waste will be generated, if the neighbors suspect something, it will be very dangerous.

As we all know, if the government finds out, there is no doubt they would come to show him personally what democracy means.

One of the best examples is Dr. Bruce Banner, who was chased for over 7 years by General Ross and even all the mutants with strange superpowers, in fact, it's likely I would also be one of them, which would be incredibly more dangerous.

Nikolai started to sweat cold at the thought of it.

"Kai, connect to the network and learn knowledge, mainly computing, we need to get off the radar." Nikolai ordered.

Kai nodded and went to the study to look for the computer, a laptop with the Stark Industries logo printed on it, Mark II processor and 300 MB.

Now we live in Queens, it's a fairly safe place, at least if you compare it to the rat's nest that is Hell's Kitchen, the main concern is the cameras, if someone wants to find us, it will be very easy.

After that, Nikolai contacted the real estate company, although his deceased parents left him a good sum of money from life insurance, after a month of rampant waste, he only has a few dollars left in his pocket.

Therefore, he needs a first wave of money to carry out all future plans, the only thing Kai can think of is his deceased parents' old house.

Although his predecessor has many mixed feelings about this old house, it means nothing to him, a traveler.

After talking to the agent, he agreed to come to complete the contract and find a buyer quickly.

After finishing the call, Nikolai let out a sigh, then returned to his room, all this tired him mentally and physically, he still needs to rest to recover from his first Clone.


Meanwhile, at the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters.

"Professor, did you find him?" Scott asked.

The professor nodded, but then frowned and said with evident doubts on his face.

"That's right, I managed to triangulate his location, but then the connection was cut off, I only know he is in Queens."

Everyone was astonished, this is Professor Xavier, one of the most powerful telepaths on the planet and even in the universe, also, using "Cerebro", there are really very few beings that can hide from him.

Jean took a step forward. "Professor, you said he is in Queens, right? In that case, we can go look for him, it won't be difficult to find him if his ability gets out of control, we can also use my mental scanning ability to search." Jean suggested.

When Scott heard this, he stepped forward to flatter like a horny dog. "That's a great idea, Jean, with you, we'll definitely find him."

The professor nodded. "Very well, then get ready to leave, but remember, you must not cause unnecessary trouble."

"Our priority is to find him and help him if necessary, we don't want to scare him or put him in danger, by the way, it's likely he is a telepath." Professor Charles said and dismissed them.

"Yes, professor!"