
Chapter 003: New District

After a long night of rest, Nikolai woke up feeling better than ever, it seems he has already regained the lost energy, and even his own ability compensated for the weakness.

Feeling the strength in his body, Nikolai felt it wouldn't be difficult to crush an apple.

"Well, it seems I worried for nothing..." At first, he thought he would be too weak after creating clones, but it seems he simply worried unnecessarily.

Nikolai quickly got up and took a shower, then after changing clothes, he went downstairs to find Kai, who was already serving breakfast.

'Great, this is the life of a king...' Nikolai smiled to himself.

While eating the food prepared by Kai, he connected to the hive mind, the accumulation of knowledge from the whole night left Nikolai a bit dazed, this should be enough to work on a small business.

If it continues like this, even those old monsters with decades of experience won't be able to keep up, of course, Nikolai didn't dare to be careless, so he quickly gave orders to Kai.

"Continue like this, starting today, it won't be appropriate for you to keep living here, you can go to a hotel for now."

"Yes, Sir."


After that agent Murphy arrived, a real estate agent, who after analyzing the house and everything required, they reached an agreement to bring interested buyers.

"Thank you, Mr. Murphy, I was expecting your visit." Nikolai said.

"Of course, you are in the best hands." Murphy said and shook his hand, obviously, Nikolai didn't take him seriously.

And so, 5 days passed slowly, during this time, countless people have visited, even attracting the attention of the neighbors, who began to suspect that I am selling illegal stuff..., but the important thing.

I finally managed to sell the house for 450,000 dollars to a company that plans to remodel the whole neighborhood, so they offered me a higher price.

Some might say it's very little, but it must be taken into account that it's only 2003, so the value is still not as high as in some years in the future.

During this time, Kai has been staying in a hotel a few blocks from here, during this time he has studied almost a third of everything that can be learned online about computer science and hacking.

After signing, I immediately contacted a moving company and we agreed they would come this afternoon.

After contacting a few more people, I left the house after a long time, covering my face from the sun's rays.

"With this, I just need a place to move to."

And my first option was..., a warehouse on the outskirts of the city, it's far but it's the most conducive to peaceful development.


"Hey Jean, haven't you found anything yet?" asked Ororo Munroe a bit frustrated, they had been looking for the new Mutant for over 4 days, but now they don't even dare to look at the professor's face.

"I'm not sure, it's likely he has the ability to teleport and is no longer here, it's also likely he's afraid to come out and for people to find out." Jean said, many mutants are afraid to even show themselves to their own parents.

"Alright, Jean, it's most likely that he's a monster type and doesn't even dare to come out." Scott said, gloating over the misfortune of the mutant who made him wander around without any results.

"Scott, you shouldn't say that, we are all... mutants." Ororo whispered.

"Yeah, yeah... just kidding..." Scott said, avoiding Ororo's gaze.

"The professor said it's likely he's a telepath, that will make things more difficult, he might even have more than one ability." Jean murmured frowning.


At that moment they all arrived at a plaza, the whole place was completely surrounded by people everywhere, some in a hurry and others just enjoying their time as a couple.

At that moment, Scott got a bit excited and slowly approached Jean. "Hey, Jean, how about we..."

"Stop." After Jean silenced him, she looked around.

"I can't understand who is who, there are too many voices, we have to go to a more discreet place." Jean said and walked quickly, with the other mutants following her foolishly, including a puzzled Scott.

But what no one noticed was a boy walking calmly while adjusting a New York Yankees cap he had just bought at a random stall.


Nikolai smiled when he finally reached the outskirts of New York, said goodbye to the taxi driver, and got out.

He smiled and took a deep breath.

"Alright, new neighborhood, unlocked."