
Chapter 001: Awakening

In a relatively old house in Queens, New York, a guy was eating, no, devouring cereals and vegetables uncontrollably.

Chomp! Chomp! Chomp!

The boy shoved the food into his mouth like a complete savage and swallowed almost without chewing.

Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!

"More.. I need more!" He said, looking around with eyes red from the excruciating hunger.

He saw the refrigerator completely empty, it looked as if a horde of hungry orcs had arrived.

"Food.. nutrients.. I need nutrients!" Nikolai murmured, his eyes were red and devoid of life, like a starving beast.

Fortunately, he doesn't like pets, or a tragedy would have occurred.


An hour later, Nikolai literally finished everything in the house, he even devoured the cereal box that had been in the pantry for several months.

Just like the instant soup with a rancid taste he found behind the stove, and finally felt slightly satisfied.

But reality is cruel and he is still hungry, unfortunately, he no longer has the energy to go out and buy more.

His emaciated face showed the suffering he had gone through in the last month.

His name is Nikolai Petrov Anderson, a Russian-American born in New York, his parents died in a car accident six years ago.

Since then, his life has become a gamble, of course, that is only what it says on his resume, the reality is that he is not from this world.

His name in his previous life was also Nikolai, but after dying from being run over by a truck after buying a new video game, he reincarnated in this world two months ago.

At first, he was excited to know that he was in the Marvel universe in the year 2003, but unfortunately, he was diagnosed with a disease that would consume him to death.

He was discharged a week ago to spend his last days as he wished, but that is impossible, his illness did not allow him at all, with despair on his face, he could only keep holding on as much as possible.

The strange disease made him feel infinite hunger, the intense itching tormented him to the point of not being able to sleep.

He lay down on the bed and gradually fell into a deep sleep, he obviously knows what this means, so he did not forget to wish himself better luck in the next life.

And so, Nikolai Petrov Anderson, son of Martha Anderson and Ivan Petrov, should have died, unfortunately, fate has more plans for him.

His skin began to throb and a lump quickly formed on his side, it grew larger and larger until it completely separated from him, undulating like waves in the water, in the process, tearing the young man's emaciated clothes, making him look even more miserable.

The lump took shape with an approximate size of a young adult.


The next day.

Nikolai woke up yawning, rubbed his eyes with his hands, slowly turned his face towards the edge of the bed, at that moment, he saw something that terrified him to death.

"Ahh! W-Who the hell are you?!" Then, Nikolai looked down and saw that his clothes were completely torn and there was even blood on the white sheets.

Nikolai's face turned completely pale, black lines adorned his face, and he silently offered his condolences to himself, not even realizing when he covered his ass.

With tears in the corner of his eye, Nikolai shouted furiously. "Wake up bastard! I want to know who the hell you are! You.. you!" Anger poured into his face full of grievances.

"Mm.. creator..?" A voice came from the boy next to him.

Nikolai immediately became enraged.

"Creator? Who is your creator, damn bastard?!" Just then, Nikolai came to his senses and immediately jumped on the bastard who had robbed him of his precious chastity.

He raised his fist in the air about to hit him like a punching bag, but he noticed something strange.

'He.. is me?'

"You.. who are you, why do you have that face?!" Nikolai asked, stunned, but still did not dare to let go of his neck.

In the Marvel world, there is no shortage of various black technologies capable of altering appearance, not to mention those people with various strange superpowers.

"I have no name, but I am me, and you are my creator." Said the boy.

"Your creator? What the hell are you talking about, I don't remember creating you, and what are you supposed to be?" Nikolai asked, getting angry once again.

"If the creator has doubts, he can simply.." he said, pointing to his head.

"Mm? My brain? What do you mean by.." before he could finish his question, a wave of information invaded his mind.

Apparently, this boy is his Clone or Doppelganger, inherits all his abilities and can think for himself, but is absolutely loyal to his creator, Nikolai.

According to the information in his brain, he can create nine more clones, after which he must unlock his genetic code, which requires a large amount of nutrients and energy.

But this is not the most important thing, it turns out he has a hive mind, his Clone can obtain his memories and knowledge.

But the best thing is that he has a great capacity to retain information, he only needs to read a math book twice to fully understand its content.

In addition, he is also able to create his own formulas from what he learned, so he is not just a human USB.

While digesting the information, he slowly let go of the Clone, after freeing himself from his grip, the Clone left the room after putting on clothes, with a black cap and a black trench coat, he also took the broken wallet.

Nikolai completely ignored this while his mind fully digested all the information in his brain.

After half an hour, Nikolai came down from his room with a smile from ear to ear, not only did he survive a premature death, but he also obtained a cool ability.

When Nikolai went downstairs, a pleasant aroma assaulted his nostrils, Nikolai quickly followed it like a bee to honey.

In the kitchen, he found his Clone stirring the pan like a professional, after finishing this portion he moved on to the next and so on, everything seemed quite fluid and rhythmic.

From time to time he would stop to look at the old screen on the side, where the recipe was displayed.

Nikolai did not have to wait long, the Clone quickly approached with two plates and served them both.

Nikolai took the spoon with hesitation, after all, he was never a great chef, so he did not have high expectations.

He slowly brought the spoon to his mouth, hoping it would not be too unbearable.


Suddenly, Nikolai's eyes widened, impossible, he thought, it is really good, even comparable to the food his mother made, who was a chef in a small restaurant.

For a moment, he even thought his mother had risen from the grave to make him breakfast.

After completely devouring everything, he turned to his Clone, who finished eating in silence.

Nikolai asked. "Tell me, how did you manage to do it so well?"

The Clone simply looked at him and said. "Online videos."

'Online videos?'

Sure, Nikolai saw him glancing at the screen, but that is one thing and another is that it actually turned out well.

Immediately, Nikolai remembered it was very easy to check.

Suddenly Nikolai's mind entered the hive mind, it is like a network like a large supernova of neurons, but currently, there is only one connection, that should be his clone.

He quickly accessed his mind and downloaded it, after all the information returned to him, he just sighed.

It is surprising that they can learn in such a terrifying way and even give their own twist to what they learn.

But now he also has this ability, but this is not really important, now he only has one clone.

What will happen next when he has ten clones, a hundred, and even thousands of clones under my command?

Nikolai simply laughed excited about the future and looked at his first clone, who was taking the dishes to wash them like a treasure.

The future will be bright!

Cloning Ability

• Cloning: Can create 1 clone per day with a maximum of 10, 1000 calories per clone.

• Hive Mind: We have a hive mind, can communicate and share knowledge.

• Stamina: Clones only need to sleep 4 hours a day.


Requirements: Energy, must consume one hundred thousand calories.

Cloning: Second Phase

• Cloning: Can create 5 clones per day with a maximum of 100, 1000 calories per clone.

• Hive Mind: We have a hive mind, can communicate and share knowledge.

• Stamina: Clones only need to sleep 4 hours a day.

• Intellect: Enhances intellect and brain capacity.

• Transformation: Ability to transform and acquire the desired appearance during creation.


Kaitou_Senpaicreators' thoughts