
Marvel: An Oni's Journey

A mutant in marvel that causes him to be an oni with earth elemental powers. Watch him try to survive and carve out a place for himself in the marvel universe while facing monsters aliens and attacks from his fellow man. All this while trying to be a hero and... a leader for change. _________________________________ okay so first off this will be an AU because I haven't read the comics or even seen all of the mcu movies/shows so if I get something wrong tell me and I might change it if I am able to still tell the story I want to second the updates will be inconsistent, especially since I will be getting my first ever job soon and I have a history of dropping stories from losing interest third I do not own any of the charcters I use in my story as they are owned by marvel (disney) and my mc by mihoyo fourth, yes the MC will be a hero and a good guy and try not to kill people, I'm tired of reading fan fics about villians or anti heros or any other moraly evil characters fith there will not be a harem but I do eventually want my charcter to get with someone so feel free to leave suggestions sixth kingdom building will come much later in the story so sorry about that seventh I'm good at coming up with stories but bad at actually writing them so please forgive me for this story possibly being unreadable okay I think thats it so lets begin

NovelReadingSlime · Anime & Comics
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Proluge part 1

(This chapter is exposition cause theres a lot I want to get to and I don't want to have to write all this out)

Omniscient POV:

In a rural village located in the south east of the united states lived a family of 2. At the moment the moment the wife was laying down in a bathtub, attempting to be prepared for what was to come. The woman was 9 months pregnant and had decided on a natural birth as the couple didn't have the money to give birth in a hospital.

While the woman prepared mentally the husband had been preparing everything that he could to help in the birth of their child after having been to a library in a nearby town to read up on the subject in preparation. The birth was hard on the soon to be mother but after a long birth the husband and wife were able to successfully deliver their young baby boy.

It didn't take long for the husband to notice their son's peculiarities, being his white hair his red markings across his face and body, his orange eyes, and most prominently his two red horns poking out of his head. The mother didn't even notice such things as she held the child in her arms, her love clouding her vision, she looked at the child, her child, and named him Arataki Itto, the name of her grandfather who her child reminded her of with the look in his eyes. Like that Arataki Itto was born, destined to change the world.

Years later the family had known what their child was, a mutant, a being that occasionally was born to humans that often held mysterious powers that most often proved dangerous to those around them and should be kept away from the rest of the world if not killed, at least that was the public perception of mutants anyway. The truth is that mutants are descendants of human beings that had become test subjects of a cosmic level entity called a Celestial, their mutations originating from an alteration to their D.N.A. called the X gene.

But due to human fear of what they don't understand, what is different from them, and what is a threat to them, humans would often call mutants monsters or devils and treated them as such for being different causing those that survived to develop a hatred for all non mutants which would cause many conflicts throughout the ages.

This culminated to todays view of mutants by the general public to be that of disgusting creatures that shouldn't exist leading many mutant children to go through many tragedies while growing up, at least for those that got to grow up. Most mutants that could would end up hiding their abilities when they became adults and move elsewhere to try and live a normal life, but for those that couldn't hide their mutations due theirs causing visible differences, their life was often worse, some turning to crime to survive and others living in hiding off the grid, for the few that survived until adulthood.

Thankfully for Itto, his parents did their best to be good loving parents to him while trying to learn how to raise a mutant child in a world that hated mutants. There was no information that Mr. Arataki could find in the library about raising mutants or what differences his being a mutant would bring. This sometimes caused problems as young Itto would sometimes accidentally break something with his unnatural strength, other times young Itto would break things with the earth by moving the earth, throwing rock, or just shifting the landscape unintentionally.

Mr. Arataki became quite the repairman while raising Itto, while Mrs. Arataki became quite the nurse at times. All this destruction eventually lead to gossip around the village about what could be causing it, and it was eventually found out that the Arataki family's kid was a mutant, causing a divide between them and the rest of the community.

Some time when Itto was 4 years old the village had had enough banded together to get rid of the mutant living among them, so when they confronted the Arataki family together, the family was forced to leave as they saw their home and everything in it burn to the ground as they ran away. The family ended up moving all across the country, staying to more rural areas to avoid any large crowds from forming and chasing after them.

They managed to survive by foraging for food in forests or farms and Mr. Arataki occasionally finding odd jobs to do before they moved on in fear of someone finding out about Itto. They continued to live like this until around the time Itto turned 8 years old, around this time Mr. Arataki had became sick and was bedridden. During this time Mrs. Arataki went to work to provide for all of them, though when winter came Mr. Arataki passed and Mrs. Arataki had become sick from the cold and the manual labor she had to do to provide for all 3 of them when her husband was still around, but she continued to work after her husband passed to provide for her and Itto, until one day she did not return.

Itto eventually went to the town nearby to look for his mother when she did not return the night, he found her collapsed along the dirt road from their home to the town, when found her he dragged her back to town to look for help, he knocked on doors but he was denied help every time, most of the time he was chased away and threated with weapons a few times.

Eventually his mother passed from the fatigue, sickness, and cold but Itto not wanting to accept he was alone kept dragging her lifeless body from door to door until he came across the door of his mother's employer, he accused Itto of killing her which got other people to take notice, the people yelled at him, and accused Itto of killing his mother, Itto was confused by all of this, still denying to himself that his mother had passed, that he was alone.

The people of the town eventually started to attack Itto while accusing him of killing his mother, calling him a monster, until finally Itto dropped his mother's body and ran away in tears muttering to himelf "I didn't do it" and "why didn't you just help her." That day he ran and ran, and didn't stop for 5 days until he couldn't run anymore, he broke down that cold winters night and cried himself to sleep with the single thought, "what now?"