
Marvel: A New Avenger

By a weird stroke of fate, Alex woke up to find himself in a familiar, yet unfamiliar world. With the news about Tony Stark being Iron man flashing in the Daily Bugle, one of his classmates being Peter Parker, and coupled with the fact, there was a holographic prompt hovering in front of him, Alex knew this was just the beginning. [Do you want to be a hero or a villain?] *** Weekly schedule: 10 chaps Discord link: https://discord.gg/RAvedg6xsr Editor: Leo and Cyeven If this novel reach the top of the rankings, there will be more chapters.

Extra26 · Movies
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107 Chs

Chapter 058 The Lizard

Chapter 058

At the same time, Alex was getting grounded, Dr. Connors was grinning like an idiot while talking to Dr. Ratha about his experiment which has finally bore fruit after all these years.

He had finally perfected cross species genetics and now, no one can call him an idiot to follow it for so long.

He can change the world now!

"Cross-species genetics is finally working. I've used the lizard DNA to help Freddy, that rat over there, regrow his limb. It's a miracle!"

He said to Dr. Ratha who congratulated him on his achievement.

"No, it's hard work, determination and promise. Congratulations, Dr. Connors. Normon Osborn will be really happy!"

"Yes, he will be." Dr. Connors nodded. "It's a step closer to human trials."

He said it in an excited tone but Dr. Ratha's expression changed after hearing it. He sighed and shook his head.

"He can't wait for every little step."

"Little?" Dr. Connors stood confused.

"I mean, he doesn't have time to wait for every little step. You need to start it now."

Dr. Ratha said, knowing fully well how impatient Normon Osborn was getting. He was missing stockholder meetings and by next week, he would be bedridden.

According to the doctors, it was hard for him to live without any cure for too long. A year was the deadline.

"Normon wants to be a lab rat?"

Dr. Connors asked, a bewildered expression on his face. He didn't know how the serum would act on a human subject and if there was any danger..

If Normon Osborn took it without any testing, it would be the same as being a lab rat.

"That's not what I'm saying…" Dr. Ratha began, trying to explain. But he didn't know how his colleague would take his methods. "What I'm saying is that you should begin human trials."

"What? No, I won't. Never!"

Dr. Connors waved his hands in rejection, a sour expression on his face.

He knew Dr. Ratha was someone who didn't really care about stuff like morals. But there was no way he would do something like human trials without testing the serum enough.

"You can't be like that, Curt. Normon Osborn is dying and we need to do this."

"Everyone dies, Rajit!" Dr. Connors shouted, having enough of Dr. Ratha. "Even Normon Osborn will, one day!"

"That day can't be now." Dr. Ratha sighed, picking up a chair and sitting down in front of his colleague. "You don't understand the situation Oscorp is in."

"Explain to me the situation." Dr. Connors demanded.

"The company is falling apart. Stockholders want a new head and they are divided, fighting and scheming. They don't want Normon as the head, especially with his health falling." 

"His son can take his place!"

"He's an idiot." Dr. Ratha frowned. "He can't do anything. If there's a change in position, all our projects will stop. Normon values our projects because he likes risks. Others won't!"

Dr. Connors paced around the room in worry and a lot of jumbled thoughts. He took out a bottle of water from the fridge and gulped it down.

Then, he looked at Dr. Ratha.

"What are we going to tell to the people who will volunteer? No one's gonna volunteer for something like this! They might die!"

"As far as that is concerned, we can say it's for a flu shot." Dr. Ratha said. "People don't need to know."

"You've gotta be kidding me." 

Dr. Connors scorned him, disgusted by his words.

"I don't think I am. You are a little late for shock and indignation, Curt. That's how the world works. At least Oscorp does. You know about it."

"I do but…"

His words trailed off as he struggled to cope with his morals. He didn't want to dirty his conscience but maybe, it was the only way.

Otherwise, his research will get stuck again and he will never get his arm back.

"We already have the formula. So, we can do it even without you." Dr. Ratha added as he saw the struggle in Dr. Connors eyes. "I'm just asking you because we are friends."

Dr. Connors gulped down his saliva. 

He didn't want to do something so unethical. It was wrong. Risking the lives of normal people just because of a single man. 

He tried to accept Dr. Ratha's offer in his mind for his lifetime research but his heart wasn't going to let him. In the end, he shook his head.

"I won't."

"Say goodbye to that arm you have been dreaming of." Dr. Ratha sighed. "I'm shutting you down. Have your office cleared out by the morning. Your toys can be taken away too, you know."

"Don't do it. Please."

Dr. Connors begged as he struggled to keep his emotions in check.

"You don't leave me a choice, Curt." He said as he stood up and turned around. "I'm sorry."


"I don't have time. I have to pick up Anastasia Hardy and her daughter for a meeting today. Normon wants her to be on his side… but now, you don't have to know about it. Goodbye, Dr. Connors."

After saying that, he walked out without looking back. 

Alone in his lab, Dr. Connors frowned as he thought back to the whole talk. His hands suddenly started shaking when he thought about what he was gonna tell his wife.

Trying to stay sane, he picked up a wine bottle and poured it down in a glass. Drinking it, he pondered on a lot of things. 

"I need to do something. Need to get my arm… my arm back."

He muttered in a state of panic and anxiety and started looking for the serum. He can't risk other humans but he can surely risk his life.

After all, he had nothing to lose.

He took the serum and without thinking, he injected it in his shoulder. In an instant, a sharp pain rushed at his arm as the world went black.

The serum travelled through his blood, changing his whole body into something not human.


Up to 15 advanced chapters are available on Pat reon if you don't want to wait for the next update https://www.pat reon.com/extra26

Editors: Cyeven and leo