
Marvel: A New Avenger

By a weird stroke of fate, Alex woke up to find himself in a familiar, yet unfamiliar world. With the news about Tony Stark being Iron man flashing in the Daily Bugle, one of his classmates being Peter Parker, and coupled with the fact, there was a holographic prompt hovering in front of him, Alex knew this was just the beginning. [Do you want to be a hero or a villain?] *** Weekly schedule: 10 chaps Discord link: https://discord.gg/RAvedg6xsr Editor: Leo and Cyeven If this novel reach the top of the rankings, there will be more chapters.

Extra26 · Movies
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107 Chs

Chapter 057 Close save

Chapter 057

When Alex woke up, there was a strange sense of dizziness pushing him down. Blankets were wrapping him but he was feeling terrible.

His body fell out of strength as he struggled to open his eyes.

'What happened to the Black sky? Stick? Matt? That blast…'

He wondered and as he opened his eyes, an apartment came into his view. Unfamiliar but when he focused, he realised where he was.

It was Matt's apartment.

'What happened? The fight ended?'

He looked around and saw that he was all alone in the apartment. On the side, a table was broken and the whole apartment was messy.

Like a fight had taken place there…

"You are up."

As he was wondering what had happened when he was unconscious, the door opened and Matt strodded in. Probably coming in from buying some stuff.

He noticed a bruise on the side of his head, just above his ears.

"How much time was I unconscious for?" Alex struggled to lift his body. "And what exactly happened at the dock? I remember an explosion happening then… everything went black."

"You were unconscious for a day and the fight ended. I dealt with the Yakuza and took you to my apartment before the police could arrive. That explosion was really big. It's actually surprising you didn't have any injuries."

Matt said, picking up a chair and sitting in front of him. Hearing all that, memories came flooding in his mind.

The images of the explosion resurfaced in his mind.

That kid, the Black sky, has released some sort of energy. The only thing he could remember was that it was incredibly dark. Evil.

The energy had blasted before he knew it and his wolf had covered both his and Stick's body to save them from the explosion.

Otherwise they would have been dead.

'Wait! Where's Stick?'

He looked around the apartment thinking that but there was no sight of Stick. He glanced at Matt and asked.

"Matt, where's Stick? Is he okay?"

A complicated expression surfaced on Matt's face when he heard that question. He hesitated a bit before opening his mouth.

"Don't worry about him. He's okay and he already left…"


"Yeah, your wolf saved him and you from the explosion. Stick woke up hours ago and left." He glanced at the broken table. "We had a bit of a confrontation."

"Why did you two fight and you got that bruise because of the fight?" Alex asked, trying to guess what had happened when he was sleeping.

"Yeah, well, Stick broke his promise and it angered me."


"To not kill anyone."

"You mean…"

Realisation dawned upon Alex's face as he understood what Matt was saying. He frowned and took a breath, trying to calm his emotions down.

After a while, he looked at Matt.

"He killed Black sky?" Alex asked, just to confirm.

"Yeah, he did." Matt sighed. "That kid, his heartbeat was young. It was really weird. Not something I have heard before. But it was young. Haven't even reached puberty…"

Matt's words trailed off as a silence took place.

Alex looked outside the window as he thought of the last grain of memories he had. The kid was dangerous. He could say that for sure. The energy that had burst out of him was not something normal people could deal with.

He didn't know what the Hand had done with him or what the kid actually was.

The energy inside of him was incredibly evil and powerful.

Still, he was a kid and now, he was dead. Not because of him, but Alex felt like he has a share of responsibility in it. Maybe, it was at that moment, he realised something.

'I know, I can't save everyone… but this feeling inside of me…'

He struggled for a while trying to control his emotions. To distract himself, he brought out his system in front of him, wanting to see the condition of his wolf.

[A huge explosion has hit your wolf. It has protected your body by using all his strength.]

[To rejuvenate, it has entered hibernation for two days.]

[Your wolf's proficiency has increased.]

[Your wolf's proficiency has increased.]

Alex was a little surprised to see his wolf entering a hibernation period to recover as it has happened for the first time. But just that told him about how lethal the explosion actually was.

Shrugging it from his view, he looked at his stats.


Alex Krown 

Current HP (Hero points): 2788


Strength: 42. 646 (+10)

Vitality: 46. 235 (+10)

Speed: 48. 789 (+10)

Stamina: 47. 134 (+10)

Perception: 41. 457 (+10)

Intelligence: 12. 577 (+10)


He has gotten around 300 HP after the dock fight. His stats on the other hand were more or less the same. After he has taken the advancement serum, his stats have grown rapidly.

But the serum was not constant.

Because of that, some of his stats have grown more than the others but as they were all in the 40s, he didn't care too much about it.

Just his intelligence was lacking.

It wasn't like he hadn't thought of searching for an item that can increase his intelligence. With more intelligence, he can function way better.

Kinda like Sterns who has gotten his brain to mutate after coming in contact with Abomination's blood.

But those items were too expensive for him. Moreover, the side effects on the less expensive items wasn't something he can risk.

In most cases, there was over 50 percent chance of him losing his life. To Alex, it wasn't worth it

As he looked at his stats, he suddenly saw the time and date that was displayed on the side. Looking at the time, Alex suddenly remembered the face of his mother.

'Crap! I was out all night…'

He thought and turned to Matt who had already started making coffee.

"Matt, did someone call on my phone last night?"

"Ah, yeah. There was a call from your mother. I thought of ignoring but she was calling a lot. I told her I'm your friend and you are staying at my house today."

"Oh, okay."

Alex said, getting out of the blankets. He quickly picked up his jacket and headed towards the door.

"Sorry, Matt. I need to go home."

"Don't you want coffee?"

"Another time!"

He shouted and ran towards his home.

* * *

Up to 15 advanced chapters are available on Pat reon if you don't want to wait for the next update https://www.pat reon.com/extra26

Editors: Cyeven and leo