
Marvel - War of Souls

Thirius Silver died in his previous world and woke up the next day, blind and alone. However, there was some excitement to this new revelation in his life. The comic book heroes in his previous life were actually real in this one. However, what Thirius doesn’t know is that this world has more than just those comic book characters. Multiple worlds have been fused together and their stories are mixing together for better or for worse. The forces of evil becoming aware of the others existence are joining together to bring about destruction. Thirius in a lucky occurrence is brought to the center of all this conflict. His power’s and existence will be the foundation for which the heroes will come together to bring about peace. Connected Worlds: Marvel, Bleach, D.Gray Man, HighSchool DxD, and Jujutsu Kaisen Tags:Reincarnation, Demons, Gods, Action, Fantasy, Dragons, War

Vaekyr · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


"Dear you can do this, keep pushing it's almost out!" Inside a forgotten church, stood a tall man anxiously pacing around a large pale blue bird. The man was tall compared to the creature, standing at an astonishing 6.6ft tall. He possessed pitch-black hair that swayed as he moved back and forth between the pregnant creature's face and stomach. On the top of his head, his hair was parted in the front by two long silver horns. Occasionally sparks would fly between the two horns, causing the horns to softly glow.

"Ahh!" The bird began to push even harder, as she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Moments go by, before the man notices a golden egg slowly come out. The bird pushes even harder one final time before the entire egg comes out. The man rushes over to the egg, quickly grabbing it it in hands.

"Ha Ha Ha!" His face is filled with tears and snot, however he holds his smile wide for all to see. After calming himself, he moves the egg over to the bird to see.

"Serella, you've done it; our son has been born." He places the egg down near Serella's face. She breaths a sigh of relief before turning over, moving the egg closer to herself.

As Serella cuddles with the egg, the man walks near to her and places his hands above her body. A green light begins to shine in his hands.

"Rest easy, I'll heal your fatigue." The man closes his eyes then begins focusing on healing Serella.

"Julius wait!" Serella moves her arm, motioning for Julius to stop.

Julius stops his spell, confused on Serella's cry. As he puts his hands down, he begins to sense multiple presences quickly approaching the church.

"Shit they've found us! Meldrid and his dogs couldn't just leave us to our happy life."

Julius quickly runs to a side window, looking up above in the air. Up above multiple large dragons flapped their wings, circling the building. In the distance, even more dragons approached followed by a small group of phoenixes.

"It seems both of our clans are here, to punish us." Julius walks to the middle of the room; placing a small crystal in the air. He places his hands together, creating a magic circle that quicky expands outside the church completely surrounding it in light.

After completing his spell, Julius turned and looked at Serella. "Stay inside, I won't allow any of them to get to you or our child."

He turned slowly making his way to the front door.

Outside the church, one of the larger black dragons changes into their human form.

"Storm Emperor Julius and Ice Empress Serella come out! You and your traitor of a wife have spit on the honor and pride of the Dragon and Phoenix clans!" Meldrid raises his right hand up in the air conjuring a small black ball of flame.

Every dragon and phoenix in the air, roared out in anger.

"The two of you will surrender yourselves and await your decided punishment from the elders! Any resistance will not be met in kind."

He tosses the black fire ball at the church. It soars quickly down, before exploding unto the barrier Julius created. The walls of the church shake and creak from the explosion.

Julius adjusted his mana then turned and smiled at Serella.

"I'll handle this, they don't call me the Storm Emperor for nothing. Julius begans gathering mana in his hands, reading an attack. He opens the door to the church, then walks out.

Noticing the door opening, everyone begin to gather their magic to prepare an attack. Julius came out with his hands up.

He looked up at Meldrid and smiled. "What's a bastard like you doing here; I thought Serella and I repaid our debts to our respective clans?"

Meldrid shook his head with a cunning smile.

"A traitorous worm like yourself, thinks you can just pay us off; then run when the clan is at the peak of war!" Meldrid's anger grew more and more as veins began to grow on his forehead.

"We will not allow you to run away and live a happy life; while our people suffer a cruel death on the battlefield. Once the you two stopped leading the frontline, thousands of our brethren have perished for naught!"

Julius frowns.

"It was not our intentions to cause the death of our people; however, we have already paid the price to leave the clan based on the rules of the founders. If you wish to bring us back, you will have to take us back by force!"

Julius releases the spell he conjured, creating a giant storm cloud in the air. The wind picked up speed as tornadoes begin to form, throwing the dragons and phoenix's in the air out of formation. The thunder storms gathered as they began to release bolts of lightning down upon Meldrid.

"Bastard!" Meldrid dodged in the air as he continued to release fireballs upon Julius's location.

Julius jumped out of the barrier, into the air and transformed into a silver dragon. He roared into the sky before dashing to the nearest dragon. In the sky above, dragons could be seen releasing dragon breaths on the silver dragon, but were too slow to hit.

Julius with his incredible speed flew in close and struck the dragons fast by their necks. Finding a perfect opportunity when Julius was busy biting through a dragons neck. Meldrid released multiple fireballs upon his back.

'Boom!' 'Boom!'

Julius was struck by the fireballs, burning through his plated scales. Meldrid's flames were different from normal dragon flames. When in contact with an enemy; the flame would consume the target's mana, continuously burning the target.


Julius roared in pain as he released his grip on the dragons neck. The dragon fell from the sky with big bite marks through its neck, bleeding profusely.

Not willing to give Julius any time to recover; Meldrid transformed back into his dragon form, before gathering a breath of black flames.

Julius sensing Meldrid gathering mana, recovered himself and quickly flew away from him. Meldrid released his breath burning one of the dragons floating in the way.

Julius dodged in the air, flying high up in the sky, before turning and releasing multiple lightning balls upon Meldrid and the Phoenixes nearby. Everyone dodged the incoming balls, before charging towards Julius above.

Serella began to worry, sensing the large amounts of mana being released. She looked down at the egg, slowly rubbing her claw upon the egg. Serella figure began to shine as her form changed into the figure of a beautiful woman. She had long light blue hair, with deep blue eyes that could peer into any mans soul.

"I can't just stay here and rest; I have to go help your father." Serella began to get up, as she moved the egg to the back room of the church.

She placed her hand on the egg and smiled.

"Your father and I will be right back, we have some unfinished business to handle." Serella walked to the front door, making her way outside.

Outside she was now able tot observed the battlefield up above. In the air Julius was surrounded by multiple dragons and phoenixes alike. He was doing okay for now, but Serella could tell he was getting tired quickly.

Serella gathered mana in her hands before shouting to the air. "Even after we fought for our clans and paid the price for freedom, you still will not let us go!"

Serella jumped into the air releasing her spell. The temperature began to drop as snow fell from the sky. The flames covering the nearby phoenixes were quickly put out, as their bodies began to freeze.

Meldrid stopped his attack on Julius, noticing Serella joining the fray.

"Oh! Serella it's nice of you to join us; you and your traitorous husband will be captured and returned to the clan for punishment!"

Serella smiled. She began to transform back into her phoenix form, then looked at Meldrid.

"You were too weak to fight us before; nothing will change now." Serella flapped her wings as multiple frozen flame feathers gathered in the air, like sharp arrows.

"Go!" On her command, the feathers flew out bombarding everyone with a cold flame that would burn and freeze deep into the body.

Everyone gathered their mana together creating a mana shield to block the incoming arrows. With their shields raised they were unable to react as Serella rushed up behind them for an attack.

"Stop your insolence!" Large balls of fire rained down upon Serella, stopping her ambush attack.

In the air above, another presence made their way to the battlefield. A large red phoenix made their way to the battlefield. The phoenix's in the area all bowed to this new presence; his presence alone garnered respect among them.

"Lord Lucian, even if it's you I will say it again. We have paid our debts, you have no right to return us to the clan." Serella looked at Lucian confidently.

"Be that as it may, our clans requires your assistance. The frontline against the humans will not last without you two. I will be taking you back by force if I have to; so please come back with me quietly."

Everyone remained quiet as they looked upon Julius and Serella. Serella looked at Julius and he looked back in return. As their eyes met, they gathered their resolve and nodded to one another.

They both gathered their mana and released an explosion of lightning and ice upon everyone nearby.

Lucian Sighed. "You give me no choice."

Lucian clasped his hands together, gathering a large amount of mana. A large formation of mana circles formed in the air; a large amount of mana arrows were released from the circles, raining down upon both Julius and Serella.

"Shit!" Julius quickly moved to Serella. They then gathered their mana together forming a mana shield. The countless arrows rammed into the shield, quickly emptying out their mana reserves.

As they held out from the attack, Serella began to ready a counter attack. When the amount of arrows lowered to an acceptable amount, she took the opportunity to release her attack.

"Glacial Storm!"

A small cloud of wind and sharp ice shards, flew out towards Lucian. Lucian gathered his phoenix flames, shooting them out to counter the ice. As the two attacks collided, a cloud of smoke covered the area.

Julius rushed over to Lucian, ramming into him. Once he closing up the distance, Julius released a breath of lightning upon Lucian's body.

'Boom!' A cloud of dust spread out, covering the area.

Lucian flapped his wings, clearing the smoke.

"You disappoint me." Lucian kicked Julius in the body, sending him flying.

Julius stopped his fall then looked back up at Lucian. Serella moved up next to Julius, then they both roared together, before rushing forward. The three of them continued fighting, releasing large amounts of mana. As countless attacks clashed against one another, space fractures began to appear in the area.

Within the church, inside the room containing the egg; one such fracture appeared within the room. The fracture begin sucking in everything within the area. Wall decorations, old books, and furniture were lifted up and dragged into the fracture.

The egg no exception, was also quickly pulled towards the fracture before it too was sucked inside.As the egg was pulled randomly through space, it ran into a space storm; this storm caused cracks to form on the egg. Serella sensing the disappearance of the egg, quickly turned around and rushed back towards the church.

Finding an opportunity, Lucian released a ball of fire towards the open Serella. Not caring for anything, but the safety of her child. Serella was unable to dodge the incoming attack; her back scorched from the flames sends her flying into the church, bypassing the barrier Julius created.

Her body crashes into the church, destroying half of the building in the process. Julius seeing his wife injured, rushes towards her location in worry. As he arrives; Serella slowly begins to rise from the ground, before shifting into her human form.

"The egg has been moved!" Serella screams as she runs towards the room. Julius follows her closely as they make their way inside.

Once inside, they find a space fracture floating within the room. Without even saying a word, the two newly parents knew their child had been pulled in.

"We must find him Julius, we can't allow are child to die or better yet be enslaved if found by others! Julius stared at the space fracture in worry.

"You must go alone Serella, for if we both go they will follow us wherever we go. I will stay here and buy you some time; even if I'm captured I won't be killed, they still need us alive."

Julius grabbed Serella and kissed her. As they shared a kiss Julius transferred as much mana as he could. Most of Serella's injuries were healed, only leaving the large gash on her back still bleeding from its previous attack.

The two released each other staring into each others eyes. As they shared a moment, the barrier outside shook as Lucian rained attacks upon it. Many cracks began to appear on the barrier as Lucian released more attacks. Eventually the barrier was destroyed, giving everyone a clear route towards the two lovers.

"Go!" Julius turned around and rushed out into the sky releasing fire breaths upon Lucian.

"Where did Serella go Julius, what are you two planning!?" Lucian blocked the incoming breath and charged towards Julius.

While Julius held everyone's attention, Serella jumped into the space fracture. She began to follow the eggs trail, floating through space. However, as time went by her body came upon a space storm that greatly injured her. As she floated through the storm battered and bloody, she slowly began to lose her conscious.

Serella and the egg slowly drifted through space, their fates unknown.