
Marvel's Super scientist

Tony: My power in the suit is too backward, Lin, teach me how to improve it. Thor: My sledgehammer has too few functions, it can only be smashed, Lin, teach me how to seal the energy of a planet on the sledgehammer. Hulk: Lin, help me with some awesome genetic potions. In addition to infinite power, I also want to have other abilities. Wolverine: Yesterday I met a monster. He wanted to soak my girlfriend’s piano. One of my paws was broken. Lin, tell me, is that guy you? Magneto: There was a steel armor man molesting my daughter the day before yesterday. I wanted to beat him up. As a result, that guy has an antimagnetic system. My magnetism is completely useless. The egg was kicked by that guy. I still have the pain. . Lin, tell me if you did it. Odin: Damn, my sharp gun was broken, Lin, help me make a better one. Thanos: Grass, my infinite gloves, all six infinite gems have been replaced by glass

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38 100 billion dollar technology

The acquisition of 100,000 ability points made Lin Feng ecstatic. Huaxia has now become Lin Feng's ability point cash machine.

With these 100,000 ability points, Lin Feng is almost an omnipotent man, deciphering Adamantium's secrets, creating higher-level genetic potions, and producing all kinds of super-materials that aliens can't produce. For Lin Feng said it was no longer a problem.

Helping China develop science and technology will enable Lin Feng to earn ability points that are not available in the United States, where there are only 270 million people. Many technologies are already leading the world. If such engine technology is provided to the US government, Lin Feng may not get a dime or a contribution point. Because the United States already has very advanced engine technology, even if these technologies are not required, he is still leading the world, and Lin Feng can't contribute to them with the technology.

The backwardness of Huaxia Technology gives Lin Feng an unlimited opportunity to earn ability points.

Since the population of China is 5 to 6 times that of the United States, Lin Feng has developed a technology to help more people. Lin Feng's ability points are also 5 to 6 times that of the United States.

With 100,000 ability points already in hand, Lin Feng finally no longer has to worry about ability points and decided to use technology to make money.

Looking at the excited scientists around him, Lin Feng smiled and said, "Dear leaders, the engine technology I provide to you is nothing. I want to talk to you about other technology cooperation."

"Mr. Lin, do you have more advanced technology? Come on! Everyone is waiting to listen."

Lin Feng laughed: "my country is a populous country, and economic development cannot do without the support of energy. Energy in modern society is the foundation of a country's development. Why does the Middle East have been fighting wars for energy and oil? I have one. Science and technology can reduce my country's dependence on oil and allow my country to enter the era of cheap energy."

"Mr. Lin, tell me what technology it is."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "It's bio-petroleum technology. Everyone knows that oil is a forest tens of millions of years ago. It was formed through the movement of the earth's crust and was buried in the ground through the action of microorganisms. My'Vitani Company' It is a biological company. Our company has the most advanced biologists in the world. We are already studying the technology of bio-oil."

"Using microorganisms, we can make ordinary plants turn into petroleum directly through a technology similar to fermentation within a few hours to a few days. The cost of bio-oil is only about one-tenth of that of ordinary petroleum. Using this This technology, our country does not need to import any country's oil, and farmers can extract all kinds of weeds, leaves, straws…any plants into oil. Using this technology, our country's farmers will increase at least 20,000 to 50,000 per year Not only does my country not need to import oil, but it can also export oil to the world."

"With bio-petroleum technology, our country will never be short of oil. The price of gasoline in our country will drop to a level lower than that in the United States. Cheap oil will lower the transportation price of products and cause an overall drop in prices. In this way, the people of the whole country will benefit. Now, you can buy things for 2 yuan, and you can buy things for 4 yuan in the future. For the people across the country, the benefits are endless."

Lin Feng's bio-oil technology stunned all officials and scientists.

Oil is the lifeblood of the economy. Without oil, a country would be ruined. Take Japan as an example. If the gas is cut off for three months, all Japanese cars will be unable to drive, all Japanese companies will stop working, and Japan will be too poor to afford it. Then, like Africa, it will become a backward country. , The importance of oil is self-evident.

China is a major oil-deficient country. 50% to 80% of its oil is imported from foreign countries every year, and the oil will be used up one day. The whole world is worried about what to do then.

If Lin Feng really develops bio-petroleum technology, it will solve the problem of China's century-old or even millennium development.

If oil is cheaper, the cost of various companies will drop significantly, and various commodities will become cheaper because of the drop in transportation costs. The Chinese people can buy more things with the same money.

Not to mention, if farmers across the country adopt bio-oil technology and use rice straw and weeds to make oil, then farmers will be able to produce oil in large quantities for export to the world, and farmers will have a huge income. When farmers become rich, they buy Ability and become stronger, and all walks of life in China will become stronger.

Lin Feng's bio-oil technology can no longer be described in money. With this technology, China will become richer and the people of China will have a better life.

The scientists at the scene were all stupid. They thought they were listening to the myth. The technology of directly turning plants into oil is not mastered by the United States. Has Lin Feng really mastered it? Everyone is skeptical.

"Mr. Lin, is what you said is true? Is there really that kind of magical technology?"

"Mr. Lin, the United States has not developed this technology, have you really developed it?"

"Mr. Lin, if you really come up with this kind of technology, if you just say how much it costs, the country will definitely agree to it."

"Mr. Lin, if you really develop bio-oil technology to solve the country's permanent energy needs, you will become the totem of China, and you will be the greatest person in China's five thousand years of history."

"Mr. Lin, if you really develop bio-oil technology, then Japan will be the grandson of our country in the future. 90% of Japan's oil is imported from foreign countries. If we can produce bio-oil at one-tenth of the current oil price, Japan will definitely I beg our country to export this kind of oil to them, and then Japan will always listen to our country. If we don't obey, we will cut off the oil, just like weaning off a child's milk. Haha, he can only cry."

The scientists and bigwigs at the scene are already crazy about happiness. If Lin Feng's words are spoken from others, they will definitely be regarded as a lunatic and a lunatic. But from what Lin Feng said, it can be believed. After all, this genius has just solved the engine technology that has plagued the country for 30 years. His technological ability is already super god.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded: "The development of this technology is not a problem for me. How much are you willing to pay for this technology?"

"Mr. Lin, how much do you want, just speak up."

Lin Feng laughed: "I'm not very greedy. Anyway, I have a lot of technology to make money. Let me sign contracts with farmers, let them grow grass and plants for me, refine oil, and sell oil. It's too much trouble. . This technology, I transferred to our country, is very cheap, only 100 billion US dollars."

"100 billion U.S. dollars… really cheap! Mr. Lin, if you use this technology, we will immediately sign a contract with you."

The highest. Leaders thought that Lin Feng would speak loudly, and US$100 billion is really nothing to the Chinese government, which already has more than US$3 trillion in foreign exchange. As long as this technology can be obtained, China's benefits will exceed 100 billion U.S. dollars dozens of times, or even hundreds of times.

"Everyone, wait a minute."

Lin Feng can earn 100 billion U.S. dollars immediately. Lin Feng feels very sad. The richest government on this planet is estimated to be the Chinese government, and only they can come up with 100 billion U.S. dollars. Although the United States is rich and strong, the rich are Americans. The US government is poor. The president can only use $100,000 in funds. All expenditures in the United States must be approved by Congress. Unlike China, where the boss makes a decision, a $100 billion business can be done immediately.

Lin Feng was madly happy. He closed his eyes and put 100,000 ability points on the "biogene technology" on the science and technology tree. After smashing 5,000 ability points, in an instant, the technology of bio-oil, like a stream of water, flowed endlessly. Lin Feng's mind.

Lin Feng already has the most amazing bio-oil technology in the world.