
Marvel's Sentinel

After he died, he woke up in a hibernation pod within the dormant confines of a long-lost Kryptonian scout ship buried beneath Earth's ice. attempting to make sense of his surroundings. Upon scanning the planet's data, he stumbles upon a captivating sight—a familiar face, none other than Tony Stark, declaring those iconic words: 'I am Iron Man.'

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Second recruit

Time is an invaluable resource, and I am fully committed to utilizing every moment in pursuit of advancing my objectives and goals.

Having successfully acquired a substantial quantity of Vibranium for future research and development, my immediate focus lies in recruiting talented individuals to join my team.

I have identified a select group of exceptional engineers who are currently on a waiting list and ready to contribute their expertise.

However, a critical addition to my team is now required—an accomplished genetic biologist. There is no better candidate for this role than Maya Hanson, whose expertise and knowledge in the field are unparalleled.

During my exploration of the FuturePharm servers, a subsidiary of Advanced Ideas Mechanics, I discovered that they had already developed the Extremis virus.

I mean, Maya had already developed it in the 90s.

However, alongside this revelation, I also uncovered a distressing truth—over 50 test subjects had met their deaths in a devastating explosion.

These test subjects were picked up from the streets and drawn from various walks of life, including veterans and innocent victims who were scarred in unfortunate incidents.

Their stories revealed desperation, marked by their physical disfigurement.

I felt for them because I know how it feels.

And I won't be easy in my punishment, killing is an easy way out for the person behind all of this.

But I got something for him.


The allure that FuturePharm employed to entice these desperate individuals was the promise of regenerative abilities, demonstrated through videos showcasing animals like monkeys and rats regrowing limbs and healing from injuries.

It was an enticing proposition, offering a chance to reclaim their former lives with the added bonus of extraordinary powers.

But nothing is working for them.

The Techno-Organic Virus, known as Extremis, has the capability to rewrite the body's genetic code by harnessing the bioelectrical potential within our bodies.

Interestingly, human biology contains a peculiar feature—an empty slot, so to speak—that seems to be awaiting the activation of a transformative force like Extremis.

It is within this vacant space that individuals in our world like Spider-Man, the Hulk, and many others can acquire incredible abilities through exposure to radiation rather than succumbing to its detrimental effects.

The bio-nano-virus exploits these empty slots, infiltrating and integrating itself into the genetic makeup of the host, unlocking various untapped potentials within the human body, including superhuman strength, superhuman stamina, and regenerative abilities Whose speed are way beyond those of The Wolverine.

However, despite its remarkable potential, the Extremis virus is not without its flaws. The code within the virus itself contains a glitch—a persistent anomaly that has thus far proven elusive to resolve for both Maya and Aldrich.

So far, the thing is a disaster and will continue to be.

Now that I am waiting outside Maya Hanson's residence.

Soon enough, I saw Maya coming out holding various files and a laptop.

"Hi, Dr. Hanson," I said while extending my hand.

"Hello, and you may be." She said this while shaking my hand and raising an eyebrow questionably.

"I am Sol Brightbrun, of Emberfall Corporation," I said in a business-like manner while side-smirking at her.

"Huh, Sol Brightburn is quite the unusual name you got there, Emberfall?" I never heard of it, but I am sure you are a pyromaniac or something." she quipped.

"Well, we choose to stay elusive and work under the radar; you would know something about that, right?" I said this while shaking my eyebrows up and down in a knowing manner.

Now she became uncomfortable and nervous, and she started changing the weight of her body from foot to foot.

"Well, Mr. Brightburn, how can I help you?" She asked to get out of this conversation as fast as she could.

"Well, for that, I would rather we talk in my car." I invited her to my car. with presenting guests while opening the door for her.

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva, nodded, and entered the car.

"James, can you please wait outside?" I asked the driver, which he did.

When the driver left, I turned to Maya and looked at her with a calculating gaze to see what she would say first.

"What's this about?" She spat, starting to get creeped out by the whole situation.

I fetched a tablet, accessed a file, and handed it to her.

"Can you explain what this is?" I asked innocently.

Now her eyes grow as wide as watermelon, and she starts to open her mouth and close it like a fish out of water when she sees the videos of her test subject exploding. In a video montage, I put "America f*ck yeah" music on top of it.

♪♪... It's the dream that we all share... It's the hope for tomorrow. F*ck yeah...♪♪

The song blared inside the car, as sounds of explosions and screams came from the tablet.

She stopped the video, looked down, and started to mumble.

"It's... it's ... how did ... how did you get this?" she said with genuine fear on her face.

I just smiled at her like nothing happened.

"The inquiry into the circumstances surrounding my acquisition of the given information is irrelevant and beyond the scope of our present conversation." I stopped her from asking irrelevant questions.

"Now explain to me what's happening in the video, and I want to hear everything. Spare no detail, and ensure that you relay everything accurately," I asserted with a commanding tone.

"Alright, okay," she responded timidly, visibly retreating into herself.

"Chop, chop... Time is of the essence; I may not look like it, but I am a busy man," I remarked smugly, keen on expediting the conversation.

"This whole project started when I met an individual by the name of Aldrich Killian on the..." she began narrating; her words flowed for an hour and a half.

"So let me get straight: you initially sought funding from Stark for your research. However, upon discovering his absence due to a casual encounter, you turned to a more dubious source of financial support.

The loss of test subjects did not deter you, as you believed the end justified the means. "Moreover, the individual Aldrich manipulated your circumstances, leveraging your son's well-being to compel you to complete the Extremis project," I summarized, ensuring the accuracy of my comprehension.

She nodded, her gaze cast downward, exhibiting a sense of submission.

"Hmm," I said, contemplating the information.

"While these challenges may possess viable solutions, I propose an alternative course of action. I will assume responsibility for your research and bring it under the umbrella of my company.

In doing so, I will purge all data pertaining to your research, dismantle the AIM and FuturePharm servers, and fry them.

You will resign from your current position effective immediately, and I will personally facilitate the return of your son while addressing the Aldrich situation," I stated, revealing my intentions with a self-assured smile.

"As an additional incentive, I will personally resolve the glitch in the Extremis formula; what do you think? you in?" I declared, displaying a wide smirk.

"How can you accomplish such a feat? We have been grappling with this dilemma, and the computational power required for the calculations is astronomical. "And there will be no system able to solve it for the next 100 years. How do you propose to solve it?" she inquired, her eyes brimming with curiosity and skepticism.

"Actually, I've already solved it. However, the intricate synthesis and technical aspects of your formula extend beyond my realm of expertise," I said, scratching the back of my head for not having any idea how that stuff works even with my brain power.

"You did what?" she exclaimed, her eyes widening and a radiant smile blossoming across her face as if Christmas had arrived early for her.

"Yes, as you heard correctly, Miss Hanson. Now, do we have an agreement?" I inquired, gauging her interest in light of the benefits that would accompany her association with my enterprise.

"Yes, of course, but how can you guarantee my son's safety?" She asked, her skepticism resurfacing as her initial excitement waned.

"Let me do the heavy lifting, and when you get to Emberfall, your son will be fine and well," I reassured her, exuding confidence in my ability to handle the matter.

"We have a deal then, and don't worry about Aldrich; a cripple can't do much to other people," I assured her calmly, sealing our arrangement. I shared my contact information with her, signifying the conclusion of our conversation.

Later that evening, I took to the skies and swiftly arrived at Aldrich Killian's residence.

I administered a nerve jammer to his neck using a dart launcher.

These are designed not only to disable his nervous system but also to incapacitate him and cripple him in every possible way, turning him into a vegetable by the end of the week.

The jammer would progressively erode his cognitive and physical capabilities, rendering him utterly debilitated within a week.

Throughout this period, he would experience a gradual decline in his mental faculties. In due course, he would be rendered harmless as a toddler, stripped of any ability to inflict harm on others.

All of it will show after the week, but I've already put fake medical data that shows he's been losing his mind for a year now.

which will take any eyes from Maya or Emberfall.

This is a problem easily solved; there is no need to make things go boom or use any kind of force.

I also took Maya's son back to her.

Which was in Aldrich's residence, he was homeschooled and wasn't let outside of Aldrich's influence, it was his trump card over Maya.

Having Flight and an advanced AI makes sneaking to places easy.

Now let me think about my spoils of war.

Another future problem is solved, and another ally is gained.