
Marvel's Sentinel

After he died, he woke up in a hibernation pod within the dormant confines of a long-lost Kryptonian scout ship buried beneath Earth's ice. attempting to make sense of his surroundings. Upon scanning the planet's data, he stumbles upon a captivating sight—a familiar face, none other than Tony Stark, declaring those iconic words: 'I am Iron Man.'

Neuromancerrrr · Movies
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24 Chs

Operation Blue: Phase Two.

I didn't wait on them I just piloted my ship to New York, discreetly parking it above Grayburn College. From there, I intently listened to the conversations unfolding within the confines of the building.

Samuel Sterns voiced his concerns, "But, look. We're not strolling into the park for a picnic here... Even if everything goes perfectly... if we induce an episode, if we get the dosage exactly right... is that going to be a lasting cure, or just some antidote to suppress that specific flare-up?"

Despite the reservations, they ultimately decided to proceed with the procedure.

when all done is finished I waited for the action to start.

The place quickly turned into a military war zone.

Taking advantage of the chaos that ensued, I stealthily infiltrated the building and waited for the right moment to make my move.

Now, I stood silently in the room, concealed by my phantom cloak, observing the unfolding events before me.

"She's an annoying bitch," Sterns remarked, expressing his frustration as Emil Blonsky swiftly knocked out the female soldier who was questioning Sterns.

"Why are you always hitting people?... Now, what possibly could I have done to deserve such aggression?" Sterns meekly protested, adopting a cowering tone as Blonsky moved toward him in a threatening manner.

"It's not what you've done. it's what you're gonna do....l want what you got out of Banner. l want that." demanded Blonsky, pointing a gun at Sterns.

Sterns promptly complied, folding under the pressure. He began preparing the machine, while I leaned against a nearby wall, silently observing the unfolding scene. while both of them were oblivious to my presence.

"This is what I was trying to explain....I don't know what you've been ladling into yourself....But clearly, it worked....Let's assume you don't understand a word l'm saying,...but if you'll just get back on the table,...I can fix this..." Sterns pleaded, his voice wavering with fear, as Emil Blonsky convulsed and underwent a grotesque transformation.

Witnessing Blonsky's metamorphosis from a mere movie depiction to the repulsive Abomination right before my eyes was an entirely different experience.

I couldn't help but feel relieved that my stomach was empty, as the sight alone was enough to induce nausea.

I was thankful that I didn't have to endure the unpleasant situation of vomiting within my mask.

Soon, Abomination forcefully pushed Sterns to the ground, and as Hulk's blood dripped onto a bloody gash on his head, I watched intently as his transformation began.

His appearance altered, turning green with an elongated head, but Sterns seemed oddly pleased with himself. He erupted into maniacal laughter while Abomination swiftly dispatched and made good work of the soldiers outside.

"Hi," I materialized out of nowhere, causing Sterns to emit a high-pitched scream.

"W-what... What are you? Don't tell me you also want your green fix today?" he said, grinning like the mad scientist he was as he made a weed-smoking gesture.

I dropped a duffle bag at his feet and spoke with a distorted voice, "No, I am here to save you. Gather all your samples and notes. We must leave this place, or else they will condemn you to a life devoid of light in a jail cell without a number in a place without a name, you want that?."

"W-what?" His eyes darted around, realization dawning upon him.

It seemed his mind was functioning more properly now.

"O-okay, can you assist me? Collect those samples over there and bring me the drives from that desk," he said, rushing into another room. He returned hugging a multitude of Hulk blood samples and Betty's research.

Soon, we had everything we needed secured within the bag. I scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

"Step back. I will destroy these samples. I cannot allow them to fall into the wrong hands," I declared, aware of the consequences if such research were to survive.

"How? We're short on time. We should leave, my friend," Sterns replied with a concerned tone.

The portion of my mask concealing my eyes contracted, and my eyes started glowing red. In an instant, a blinding beam shot forth from my eyes, obliterating everything in its path.

I made certain that the room housing the samples was reduced to a heap of nothingness and slag, while also lasering every computer and machine within it.

When I turned to face Sterns, his eyes were as wide as his head as they bore a mixture of horror and curiosity, and his jaw practically brushed against the ground in sheer sock.

"It seems today is full of wonders," Sterns cried in a cheerful way, raising his hands in a celebratory manner.

I glanced at him through my faceless mask and gestured for him to keep moving.

"Let's go to the roof. Our Uber is waiting there," I informed him.

"Why the roof, and what's an Uber?" he asked from behind, curiosity evident in his voice as he struggled to grasp the future reference.

"Let's just go. It's not safe here," I urged him, forcefully creating makeshift doors in the walls to reach the stairs.

Sterns grew increasingly horrified with each passing moment.

"Are those ones of Stark's suits? It looks both antiquated and advanced. Are you into cosplay? And what about the cape? Which poor animal did you kill to acquire it?" He bombarded me with a flurry of nervous questions, his heart racing audibly to my keen ears.

I didn't bother answering his rhetorical inquiries and continued making my way toward the roof.

Using my X-ray vision, I scanned the path ahead. However, I soon noticed someone making their way from the corridor, entering through the window.

It was a female figure.

I didn't pay much attention to it. Lately, my concern had been more about causing harm than being harmed.

As I ascended to the second level, I heard the female voice behind me.

"Stop right there! Hands above your head. Well, not you, it will be of struggle to find an end to that head" she quipped at Sterns who started touching his head finally becoming aware of its elongated state.

Upon hearing that, I signaled for Sterns to take cover behind me.

Soon, I recognized Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff, standing on the other side of the dimly lit corridor. The lights had gone out some time ago but to my eyes, the room is bright as it can be.

I couldn't help but let out a laugh as I saw her. It was a mix of surprise, shock, and sheer amazement.

Meeting your heroes doesn't happen every day. And who wouldn't feel the same way about encountering ScarJo? She was an absolute badass as Black Widow, but this was no ScarJo, this version standing before me was dangerous looking and more on the lean Snu-Snu side of things.

Though now, she might be a mild inconvenience, I still had a moment to geek out.

"What's so funny, black knight? Stand down or I'll make you!" she asserted confidently, each word oozing with determination.

"Look, Widow, I really don't want to do this right now. Why don't you go deal with the monster outside? That would be a better use of your time," I replied, not hesitating to reveal that I knew who she was.

I didn't mind making people lose sleep over my meta-knowledge. Sometimes it's enough to hint that you know everything without explicitly stating what you know.

Her eyes almost widened in shock upon hearing her name, but she quickly regained her neutral composure, courtesy of her Red Room training and lifelong spy career.

"So, you know who I am, which means you know what I can do. Now both of you get on the ground or ill force you," she asserted, activating her widow bites in a threatening display while pointing her iconic useless duel pistols at me.

"I've already told you, I don't want it to come to this, but you've left me no choice, you forced my hand," I said as I started to walk with heavy thuds toward her.

As she saw me approaching she started speaking the only language anyone who sees me walking toward him speaks, Bullets!

*ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping*

The bullets ricocheted around the hall, but none of them caused any damage. Not even my face mask registered their impact.

In a state of desperation, she discarded the ineffective firearms and began firing electrified shock bullets at me, only to discover that they too had no effect.

"Haha, nothing," I said with a laugh into her desperate face.

Growing increasingly desperate, she resorted to wielding her dual blades and launched herself at me., but as soon she launched with a kick toward me, she fell to the ground while clutching her injured foot.

Her eyes widened further as desperation took hold. She relentlessly struck at the supposed "weak" points of my armor with her blade, only to find that it made no impact on my impenetrable skin.

I watched her do all of that with my expressionless faceless mask but behind I had a wide amused smirk.

"Well, that was rather underwhelming," I remarked, tapping her lightly on the head, rendering her unconscious.