
Marvel's Sentinel

After he died, he woke up in a hibernation pod within the dormant confines of a long-lost Kryptonian scout ship buried beneath Earth's ice. attempting to make sense of his surroundings. Upon scanning the planet's data, he stumbles upon a captivating sight—a familiar face, none other than Tony Stark, declaring those iconic words: 'I am Iron Man.'

Neuromancerrrr · Movies
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Congratulations. You have created a new element.

After spending a couple of hours going through the Kryptonian data archive and all the things the ship can do,

I found out that the molecular assembly machine has the same function that produces the GLC, but dialed up to a million.

Using a theory akin to quantum field theory, it harnesses the power to manipulate quantum fluctuations and control matter at the quantum level.

By carefully modulating these fluctuations, it can induce transitions between various states of matter, like solid to liquid, or perform transformations, such as converting matter into energy.

and the onboard phantom computing systems and Ordis brain are responsible for controlling and fine-tuning the interactions within the quantum field. These sophisticated algorithms take into account the desired properties, compositions, and transformations of the matter being manipulated.

As I delved deeper into the Kryptonian archive, it became apparent that "phantom" was simply their term for quantum.

Essentially, they possess the ability to manipulate the fundamental building blocks of the universe, which undoubtedly contributed to the grandeur of Kryptonian civilization.

And the molecular assembly machine here can build anything given enough energy; if you don't want to strain your phantom generators, you can provide it with matter to convert.

and it can create literally any non-organic thing and gives the middle finger to the periodic table.

"Ordis, I want you to create a fleet of excavating drones and a swarm of scout drones. Let the scouts scour this continent for any anomalies," I commanded, my mind fixated on a certain enigmatic location within Antarctica.

"When the excavating drones are ready, have them dig out a substantial hangar and a base to house not only this ship but also any future Kryptonian infrastructure," I continued.

"Utilize the excavation waste to provide the raw material for the assembly machine, producing more excavating drones as needed. Begin excavating that mountain over there," I said, pointing toward the largest peak in sight.

"That place will serve as the true headquarters of Emberfall. Once you've completed the initial excavation, await my signal. I'll curate and streamline every detail of the base's plans and layout to perfection," I instructed, my focus on the ever-changing interface of the GLC in the command chamber.

"At your command, boss," Ordis chirped.

"How are our sleeping beauties holding up?" I asked, referring to our captive and Ivan's father.

"Their vitals are stable, boss," Ordis replied.

"How much would it take you to hollow out these two mountains?" I was really running out of patience to bring my vision to fruition.

"Week at a maximum, boss."

"Wow, this is great; you do this and also spoof any satellite passing ahead and loop them so they can't see what we are up to over here, clear?"

"Crystal," he chirped.

Now that I've thrown a huge load off my back by throwing it at Ordis, I can focus on the other things that are not less glorious in scale.

I got out of the ship, whose activity doubled that I found it in, and took off to the sky, heading back to NYC.

After a couple of weeks, the progress in Antarctica is going at a remarkable pace, but now I am making my way through the security doors, heading towards Ivan's workshop.

I was notified that the work on the particle accelerator was finished, that all the calculations and system calibration were done, and that the systems were ready for the first firing and synthesis of the new element.

As the door swung open and I stepped into the workshop, I was greeted by an unexpected scene.

The music of Linkin Park filled the room at maximum volume, drowning out all other sounds.

Vanko and Mason were frantically working, zip-tying wires and typing away on terminals, seemingly oblivious to my presence.

♪♪...So give me reason ...♪♪

"Hi, guys," I greeted them, but my words went unnoticed amidst the chaos.

♪♪... To prove me wrong...♪♪

Feeling a need to assert my presence, I raised my voice, calling out once again, "Hello!" Still, there was no response.

♪♪... To wash this memory clean...♪♪

Determined to restore some order, I swiftly moved towards the sound system and unplugged it, abruptly cutting off the music.


Ah, silence at last. "This is better," I declared, hoping to gain their attention.

Slowly, Vanko and Mason emerged from their nests of wires, finally acknowledging my presence.

They glanced at each other before Vanko spoke up, a sheepish smile on his face. "Apologies, boss. We were just caught up in the moment."

It seemed Vanko had come a long way from his former self.

Giving people a chance to do what they loved, and a toxic-free environment can do wonders for their souls.

"I see you guys have really wrecked this place up." I couldn't help but notice the chaos and disarray caused by the construction of the particle accelerator. Wires were strewn about, and a dug up ground and the entire place seemed like a nest of tangled cables.

Mason responded sheepishly, "You have to break some eggs to make an omelet, right?"

"Ah, I see, so you guys will fire this thing up." Chuckling at his response, I turned my attention to the particle accelerator itself.

Well, its appearance was dull; it was just a circle tube with wires protruding from every inch of it and a lot of arc reactors strapped to it, and it was hard to describe it.

It was, in all words and definitions, a nest of wires.

Mason nodded and replied, "Yes, boss." We're just conducting some final check-ups and tightening everything in preparation for the eventual activation."

Ivan, engrossed in his work, briefly looked up from his typing to acknowledge my presence, like he was trying to say something, before returning to his task.

But then he asked.

"Brightburn, this element here; we were first super skeptical, but after we ran the calculations, this thing is beyond anything little Stark came up with; it's way ahead of any energy research. I am really curious about the source," said Vanko while showing me the terminal with data on it.

"Eventually, everything will make sense. Ivan, now fire this thing up. Did you ready the arc reactor with the specification I gave you to accept the new element core?" I asked while going through the data that, with all that I've seen, still blows my mind.

Ivan responded confidently, "Yes, as we mentioned before, everything is in place and tightly secured. Mason, turn the key."

Following Ivan's command, they began the launch command cycle, initiating the process that would activate the particle accelerator and set in motion the synthesis of the new element.

"Alright, folks, hold on to your hats!" Ivan declared, his fingers furiously dancing across the keyboard while he monitored the whole shebang.

"Initializing prismatic acceleration!" cried Mason.

There was no need to do anything manually since I thought everything out, even the initial redirecting of the particle beam.

"approaching maximum power"

The death beam lit up the whole workshop as it made its way to the titanium chip.

The whooshing sound filled the room as the beam died down and the new core was revealed.

"This is amazing!" cried Ivan as he high-fived Mason.

Chill Ivan is still an uncanny sight to behold, but that was the goal.

We all gathered around the core, ogling it like a bunch of starstruck nerds.

They began babbling in Gebbirish again, reminding me to step up my nerd game as soon as possible.

"Alright, Ivan, it looks like we've nailed it! Congrats, guys," I praised them for their hard work.

"Now please assemble the Arc reactor for me, and I will leave you guys to divide practical applications for our new success and ways of commercializing this without giving the marrow of our bone, clear?" I asked.

"Yes, boss," they chimed in unison.

Ivan swiftly put the core together while I placed it in a container, which I then wrapped up like a gift.

"Are you planning to give your girlfriend a reactor that can power an entire city or what?" Ivan quipped with a smirk.

"It's a he," I retorted, causing their eyes to bulge as they stumbled over their own words.

I let them stew in the aftermath of my wicked joke for the day as I made my way out of the compound.

My destination is California. 10880 Malibu Point in Point Dume, Malibu