
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 96: Emma Frost

   "You are different from me, your super powers are so cool, and my super powers are so terrible!"

   Ben confided in angrily.

   Reid is a very famous superhero with a heinously high IQ and a heinously low EQ.

   "This, super power is not terrible or cool. We are given super powers by the Lord to protect the world and do what we can!"

   So he said that, he believed Ben would understand.

   In the end, Reid was punched by Ben and then failed to convince Ben.


   World Snake Headquarters, Bronsky and the others were gathered.

   "From today, I will be the white queen of the world snake, the person with the most power under the BOSS."

   Esters looked mad and wore a genuine Esters military uniform.

   This is Zod who thinks she shouldn't be the character of Akafir, so she changed it back to the original character.

   The weak eats the strong, like to torture, but loyal.

   No one else had any opinions, only Bronsky had an opinion.

   In Bronsky's view, a beauty like Esders is completely based on his own beauty, and he is not convinced!

   It's obviously that I came first. Whether it's a mess or handling things, I came first!

  Never mind the black queen, after all, the black queen is just a strong artificial intelligence. Although she has her own feelings, her role is irreplaceable.

   But I haven't become the White Queen or the Black Queen. A newcomer you join suddenly becomes the White Queen?

  Bronsky didn't dare to defy Zod, but if Zod didn't personally order, he could also fight?

   After all, Zod had long announced that the world's most senior cadre, except for his ruler, is the Black Queen, the White Queen, the Black Queen and the White Queen.

   And Bronsky is just an ordinary cadre up to now.

"do you have any opinion?"

   Esters likes to stab his head, and everyone else is too submissive.

   In contrast, the 18th has no opinion about her being arranged to be an ordinary member of the world snake, and she doesn't care about these things.

   "That's right."

  Bronsky walked out.

   "Well, I will fight with you. If you win me, I will let the boss withdraw my appointment."

   Esters said eagerly.

   She has the Kryptonian gene, although it is only a soldier gene, but because it is the most suitable gene for combat, she can become like General Zod and his group of soldiers, quickly becoming stronger after exposure to sunlight.

   Coupled with the ice-like mutant gene that Zod added to her, Esders can be said to be very strong.


   Bronsky had some doubts that he would kill the opponent right away, but considering the terrible degree of the BOSS's body modification, he defaulted.

   Maybe this woman is so confident that she has gotten some powerful transformation.

Esther directly opened the duel room of the main unit. This is the one where Asura and Saitama battled in the simulation of One Punch Man. It was spacious enough. The entire room was made of atomic alloy, even if it was Zod himself. There will be no deformation in a full punch.

   Bronsky hesitated for a moment, and did not choose to transform immediately, while the rest of the world snake chose to watch.

   The roaring symbiote looked at them eagerly, because both of them have very powerful auras.

   Luke Cage looked at Esdes with some worry, wondering if he should inform Zod of the situation here, if anything happened to Esdes, they wouldn't be irritated by the boss, right?

   No. 18 held his hands and watched with cold eyes. Zodhis planned to get No. 17 and No. 16 out next to make up a trio of human beings.

   can be regarded as a tribute to childhood memories.

  Bronsky was just about to test, and Esdes started with a huge ice spear stab with a diameter of two meters.

  Bronsky's pupils shrank, and then he was hit by the Ice Spear and pressed against the wall.

   He was seriously injured immediately, but Bronsky became angry soon.

   The whole body quickly swelled, and then became super abomination!

   Esters did not rush, she had read everyone's information from the Black Queen before she came, and naturally knew that Bronsky's super hatred of various characteristics.

   For example, the mouth cannon, and the thorns like the hot melt knife all over his body.

   Bronsky smashed the Ice Spear with a punch and rushed towards Esdes.

   Esdes jumped up tens of meters high in place, Broronsky slammed to a stop and then jumped up, but then Esdes snapped his fingers.

   A huge ice meteorite appeared behind Esders, and Bronsky's pupils shrank.

   Because the size of this ice meteorite is beyond imagination!

  Bronsky was directly suppressed.


  Ice meteorite crushed Bronsky to the ground.

   Esther fell on the ice meteorite, but the ice meteorite suddenly lit up with red light.

   Bronsky was furious, his mouth hot-wire cannon melted through the ice meteorite and directly penetrated it!

   Esdes, who sensed something wrong, avoided the blow in time~www.mtlnovel.com~ Then Bronsky chiseled out of the pierced hole with his bare hands.

   At close range, Bronsky slammed Esdes with a punch. To Bronsky's surprise, Esdes did not dodge, but also greeted him with a fistful laugh.


   The air surged and slapped on the wall, and the two formed a short vacuum against the center of the punch.

   However, what shocked Bronsky was that when the two punched each other, he was directly crushed by Esdes!

Esther's fist directly shattered Bronsky's arm, and the terrifying fist wind tore the epidermis of his torso. Most importantly, the sharp thorns on his fist, like a hot melt knife, were also attacked by Esther. Fist smashed abruptly!

   Then Esdes kicked Bronsky out with his long legs, hit the wall and bounced several times before falling to the ground.

   Bronsky coughed up blood, but his terrible regenerative ability quickly restored him.

   It's just that Bronsky has realized that she is not an opponent of Esders, and thought she only has the ability to make and control ice, but she did not expect her body to be so strong.

   "It seems you have no opinion."

   Esters walked towards Bronsky in high-heeled white long-leg military boots.

   "However, I haven't had a lot of fun yet. You can't die anyway. Please please me as much as you like."

   Asides said with a smile, Bronsky fought a cold war.

   Then came the brutal and inhumane battle. People watching the battle outside felt terrible and terrible.

   But they can only applaud in their hearts. After all, Bronsky is too defiant and not very popular. It's just that other people can't beat him, so they can only bear it. Now it's good. Someone can beat him like this. It's really happy!