
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 94: Update

   "What did he just do?"

   Nick Fury and Fantastic Three were both surprised by this question. The difference is that Nick Fury has scientific researchers who monitor the audience.

"Our instrument just discovered that the device behind him and the surrounding magnetic field have undergone subtle changes. This is likely to cause the monster called the Deep Sea King to be squeezed by a million tons of magnetic force at that moment, and it was overwhelmed and exploded. ."

   said the researcher.

The device behind   ?

  Nick Fury actually noticed the surging device behind the dark knight armor of Zod early in the morning.

   "We presume that it is an electromagnetic generator."

   said the researcher admiringly.

   "Can we copy it?"

   Nick Fury's heart moved.

   "Yes, but it doesn't make much sense, because we can't control the magnetic field like Zordhis."

   The researcher shrugged.


   Nick Fury's one-eyed widened.

   "The National Land Strategic Attack and Defense Logistics Support Bureau spends so much money on you every year, can you not even control the magnetic field?"

   Nick Fury could not accept it.

"Director, we are not Zordheath. There is probably only one Zordheath in this century. Genius is like this. Otherwise, the scientific community will not have completely digested the knowledge left by the scientists of World War II. ."

  Scientific researcher said.

I don't know whether it was the war that gave birth to science, or that the group of scientists in World War II was really the smartest group of people in human history. The technical drawings and knowledge they left behind have not been used by so many geniuses and scientific research all over the world for so many years. People are thoroughly digested, and human beings are still unable to get out of Einstein's theory of relativity and the development of Max Planck, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, Wolfgang Pao Leigh, Louis de Broglie, Max Born, Enrico Fermi, Paul Dirac, Albert Einstein, Compton and a large number of physicists founded quantum mechanics.

   Is there no one smarter than them since World War II?

  Of course not, that would be too small to underestimate the changes brought about by the base of all mankind, but Zordhis thinks it is a limitation, and multiple research wastes time and resources.

After all, there is no technology sharing, and each country has to repeat the same project. This greatly wastes the overall time and resources of mankind. Unless mankind can complete the unification, and then concentrate on it, it is possible to surpass the group that has been deified. Physicist.

  Nick Fury hesitated to say something and stopped. He seemed to make a lot of sense, and I couldn't refute it.

   Mom's Fake!

   "Hello, Dark Knight."

   The Fantastic Three saw the power of Zod and exploded the Deep Sea King with just a handshake.

"how did you do it?"

   Reid asked very enthusiastically, this is a hopeless guy, and he can even ignore his girlfriend's feelings for the sake of scientific research.

   Of course, Susan is not much better. Dum is her fiancé and has only been missing for a few days. Susan and Reed are getting better again.

   No wonder Dum was blackened, his family was ruined and his fiancée was poached away. Who wouldn't be jealous?

   "The device behind me is an electromagnetic generator, and then I made a controller that can control the electromagnetic force."

  Zord gave a simple explanation, and Reid showed a suddenly realized expression.

Zod is not afraid to make a targeted degausser after being known to others. After all, his electromagnetic generator is actually not high-power, it is only used to cover people's ears, and at the same time, it is also with the help of the Fantastic Three that they are so powerful. The reason is revealed.

   Because it is too advanced, it is not thought that it is not the technological ability of the armor but that the Zordhess mutation has obtained the super power.

   "You are such a genius."

   Reid praised and wanted to discuss it with Zod.

   "I have something to go, I will leave it to you here."

  Zodhis nodded to them, stopped Reid's thoughts about talking, and then flew away silently.

   After controlling the electromagnetic force and magnetic field, there is no need to jet energy to fly like Tony Stark, and the speed is very fast, and it will not be affected by supersonic shock waves, sound barriers and thermal barriers.

   Waiting until the next day, as expected, the military came to the door.

   They came to preemptively, complain about the quality of the war machine and question the combat effectiveness of the war machine.

"Mr. Major General, you must first understand that the original intention of War Machine is not to deal with monsters, but to target most of the military weapons of mankind. In fact, after the appearance of War Machine, most tanks and fighters are facing the fate of being eliminated. War Machine It has perfectly realized its value, hasn't it?"

   Urder retorted the words of the air force major general opposite.

  The gray-haired Air Force Major General suddenly realized that this woman was not so good to fool the young man, no wonder he was able to get the trust of Zordhis to manage such a large company.

It's just that the loss of twelve war machines makes the leaders of the Air Force very distressed, because it means that their power has shrunk ~www.mtlnovel.com~ As for the wreckage of the Deep Sea King, it was completely removed by Zordhis. The molecular level disintegrated, coupled with the heavy rain, the whole team of on-site trace experts searched for one night, and even no DNA was found.

   is simply losing his wife and breaking the army, stealing chickens will not lose their rice!

   "We have clearly stated in the contract terms at the beginning that Blade Technology Industry is not responsible for the compensation for the damage and damage of the war machine due to combat reasons. If it is a malfunction of the product itself, we will carry out warranty and compensation."

   The team of lawyers in the Legal Department of Blade Technology Industry is not a dry meal, and directly talked about the contract with the Air Force Major General.

  Major General turned the pen on the table distractedly. Who would take a closer look at the contract this thing, and they are the American military, and it is estimated that no one would dare to manipulate the contract.

   And this clause of Blade Technology Industry is a normal category rather than a trap.

   At this moment, Urder's headset received a message, and she looked at the air force major general on the opposite side.

   "Our boss Zod said he has a new product. Are you interested in seeing it, Mr. General?"

   Air Force Major General, Zordhis has a new product? ? ?

   That still needs to be said, of course I have to take a look!

   Then they saw Zordhis' new product.

   is similar to War Machine, but there are four metal arms behind it.

"The Gear of War 2 I created for the monster called Deep Sea King has a secondary krypton gold coating on the surface, and its defense is much stronger than Gears of War 1. At the same time, I also increased the power and power of the Palm Energy Cannon. The start speed, the energy core is the magnetic beam nuclear fusion reactor, which has abandoned the palladium element reactor. The battle is longer and the flight speed is faster than that of Gears of War 1..."