
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 89: The authority of the creator

   With Zod's super brain, the step of shaping the human body is quickly completed, and the rest is to activate the brain waves and "awaken" the body.

   The sleeping body with closed eyes looks very similar to the artificial human No. 18. In terms of ability, Zod also copied the structural cells of similar mutant genes for her.

  If this step is feasible, then Zod will probably create a group of artificial mutants such as the mutants, the White Queen, the Devilish Girl, and so on.

   Electromagnetic waves simulated brain waves sneaked into this body, and then simulated nerve currents to control the whole body to become active.

   The heart began to beat, the blood began to flow, the lungs began to expand, breathing was carried out, the stomach secreted digestive juice, and the internal organs began to move, but the brain alone was stimulated many times and there was still no brain waves.

   "Since Frankenstein can succeed, there is no reason for my scientific version to be able to succeed..."

Zod grabbed the head of the body with both hands, he increased the output of electromagnetic force, and then the whole body visible to the naked eye of No. 18 trembled, and her eyelids were also trembling. You can see that the eyeballs are fast under the cover of the eyelids. Move, just like when a person is dreaming.

   Suddenly, a strong electric current exploded on No. 18, and the surrounding instruments... did not move. After all, it was made of Zod's "atomic alloy", and it was hard to break even if he hit it hard.

   She opened her eyes, and electric lights surged in it.

   is not conscious like a newborn baby, and has no...view of good and evil.

   She rushed towards Zod, then reached out and grabbed him.

  Zod did not move, and then the 18th was trapped in the air by an invisible magnetic field, unable to move at all.

   "Although it is unconscious and unthinking like a baby, it is just a blank sheet of paper..."

  Zord controlled the magnetic field to turn her over, and then started crying on the 18th, crying openly.

   Zod is unheard of, anyway, he is very soundproof here, not afraid of making any misunderstandings.

   After I checked the whole body up and down, there was no major problem, and Zord controlled the number 18 to move in front of him, and the spiritual power invaded her brain.

   freely shape and rewrite her memory, giving her consciousness and thinking ability.

   "I am, Robot 18?"

   On the 18th, he looked at the man in front of him. He was the one who created himself, and he was very powerful!

   "In this way, wouldn't I be able to create all the characters I have seen before? But they only possess their physical form, and their souls, abilities, and cores are different."

   Zod looked at Number 18, thinking in his heart.

   Then he released the magnetic field that bound No. 18, and immediately let No. 18 fall to the ground.

   The No. 18 he created naturally did not have the strength to crush the Super Saiyan. After all, even Zod could not beat the Super Saiyan. How could his creation be able to beat it.

   But that won't be the case in the future. After all, don't forget that Zodhis has the Code of Life, a gene bank that records all Kryptonian genes, and he can use the gene bank inside to create artificial humans.

   At that time, he will have a army of Kryptonians. The three empires of the universe and the Dark Order of Thanos are all a fart!

   "Just beware of unreasonable things like soul gems and soul gems."

   Zod has never dared to create the Kryptonian Legion. It is also for this reason and of course because of the lack of incubation rooms. After all, he used to be a weapon and material researcher in Krypton, not a genetics and biology researcher.

   "No. 18, how are you feeling now?"

  Zod asked No.18. Although the other party was impeccable, he waved his hand and Atom reorganized the clothes of vibrating fiber on No.18.

"I feel good."

   The 18th hesitated for a while, and did not refuse to answer the question of his creator.

  According to Zod's observations, he estimated that the power of No. 18 may have surpassed one hundred tons, close to two hundred tons. The body is invulnerable, highly resistant to physics and energy, and has the ability to release energy waves.

   In terms of strength, she may be similar to Bronsky's super-abhorrence.

   After telling the 18th to stay here and not run around, Zod went to Yoould's birthday.

   In the most exclusive restaurant in New York, Urd deliberately changed clothes that were quite different from what she usually wears.

   "Zod, you are here."

   Urd found that there was no one in the restaurant, only the waiter, and originally wanted to book the place. When he asked the restaurant manager, he realized that it had been bought by his owner Zordhis, and it was only used as a private restaurant.

This is a very low-profile restaurant, which is only circulated in the upper class. Before Ould could not even think about it. She was only eligible to enter after she became the assistant secretary to Zordhis of Blade Technology Industry. No one wants to take care of the order.

The owner behind the restaurant is a very capable person. Many people wanted to buy his restaurant. In the end, they fell into the dust and returned without success, only after Zodhis proposed to buy his restaurant. , The boss gave it directly to Zod~www.mtlnovel.com~ Zod also valued the view of New York's night view here, and he bought it after being a high-minded man. Normally, he would not be involved in such meaningless things. Wasting his own money, even if he is not short of money now.

   The restaurant manager's performance was a bit beyond Ould's expectation.

   He cleared the room directly, politely sent away all the guests who were dining, and changed into the costume of a waiter to serve Uuld himself.

   When a group of celebrities left, they looked at Uuld meaningfully. Not only were they not angry, they also handed their business cards enthusiastically.

  Zord raised his glass and touched Urd.

   "You are very beautiful tonight, like walking out of a painting, I am afraid that I will speak too loudly and disturb you to return to the painting."

"Thank you for the compliment!"

   Urder is very happy.

"birthday present."

  Zod took out a box.

   "You can come is the best birthday present for me."

   Even though Uuld said so, he took the box and opened it. It was a sapphire the size of a pigeon egg.

   is crystal clear, exuding a dazzling light under the light of the restaurant, at least Uuld's sight was taken away by it.

   "I think you are very suitable for cool colors."

   Zod said with a smile, he also likes cool colors, but they are all blue and black.

   "Does it have a name?"

   Urder was fascinated by it and couldn't help asking.

   "The blue queen, it is the best sapphire."

   Zod said.

   "I like it very much, thank you."

   Urd put away the sapphire.

   "You like it."

   Zod nodded.