
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 88: Blasphemous realm

   The spray freezes the opponent's arm to stop the bleeding, but this hand is also abolished.

   "Well, I have called an ambulance for him."

  Zord said, with an American ambulance... I guess this **** would want to die.

   Jessica followed Zod back home in a vague way, and she sat on the sofa without saying a word.

   "Relax, what you did is good, no one will blame you."

  Zod said to Jessica.

   "No, I'm just...some nausea."

   Jessica said that the **** scene frightened her.

   "Your current power is basically 30 tons starting, which is equivalent to the impact power of a large truck. It is not surprising that it will cause such a result."

  Zodhis said, it's impossible to get a punch from you. The **** just flies out, and then he can stand up without problems, then it's not a bastard.

   "Zord...what if I accidentally kill someone?"

   Jessica couldn't help but ask.

   "Depending on the situation, if you did not intentionally kill, then stay where you are and call Uuld, and she will take care of these things, and if you intentionally killed... then it depends on the laws of the United States."

Zod thought for a while and said that he had killed a lot of people, and he had no particular opinion on the concept of good and evil. After all, this world is not a black and white world. The gray area of ​​the shadow of chaos is actually larger than the black and white area. Much larger.

   Jessica hugged Zord.

  Zord felt a great impact, but there was a biological force field and a magnetic field, and the force was perfectly eliminated.

   "I'm not your father, is it really good to be like a baby like this?"

   Zod asked calmly.

   Then he saw Jessica wanted to kiss him, he smiled suddenly, then put his hand on her forehead, and opened Jessica.

   "This action, wait for you to do it when you are twenty, it will only make me want to laugh now."

  Zord looked at Jessica who was covering his forehead and said, although Jessica now has meat, Zord is not interested in green fruits.

  All he likes are mature women, of course, not wives.

   Jessica watched Zod leave with a gloomy look. Am I that bad? Many people in the school want me to go out to their party. Even the stupid guy on the football team wants to ask me...

  Of course, there are many people about Wanda.

  Zord is not in a hurry to catch the purple man, and he also felt other people in Hell's Kitchen today.


   But also called Daredevil.

  Matthew Murdoch!

  Is a lawyer who litigates the poor during the day, and a righteous police nicknamed "Hell's Kitchen Devil" at night. Simply put-Daredevil!

   Incidentally, Daredevil is one of the many ex-boyfriends of Black Widow, and he himself has many ex-girlfriends.

   Daredevil: Everyone knows that I am blind, so I have many girlfriends, not because I am greedy for their beauty. As for the reason for the breakup, after getting along for a while, I felt that everyone was inappropriate, so I chose to get together and relax.

   Because of a brave act in his childhood, Murdoch's eyes were contaminated with radioactive materials and blindness, but he also gained a special function.

   Except for eyesight, all of Murdoch's senses have reached superhuman level.

   After extremely cruel training, Murdoch has superpowers like radar. Even if he sits quietly at home, he can clearly'see' any corner of New York City.

   It's a bit exaggerated to say that, but scanning the Hell's Kitchen is easy. All objects and creatures will appear in blurred outlines in his brain, much like a 3D projection image.

   In the world of Marvel, many superheroes have powerful perception abilities.

   Spider-Man's spider-sensing will warn of danger before it happens. Wolverine's beast perception, although it can't profit, it can also avoid harm.

   And Murdoch's perception is different from them. It is more like the emission of electromagnetic energy caused by brain abnormality. There is no dead angle in 360 degrees to cover things around him, and the collection of information presents a 'visual' effect.

   It's just that because Daredevil's abilities are so average, Zod is completely uninterested.


   The little secretary opened the door and walked in. Then he saw Zod not knowing what to do in front of a mannequin.

"what's up?"

Zod noticed that Uuld did not call himself BOSS. He knew his secretary very well. He immediately knew that he was going to talk about private matters next, and it should be a very important private matter, otherwise Uuld would not be in the company. Talk about personal matters during work hours.

   "My birthday is today, so..."

   Urd looked at Zod.

   "Oh, I don't know that today is your birthday. You can pick whatever birthday present you want."

   Zod took out a bank card.

  He is not someone like Tony Stark who even has to remember his bank card password, let alone this bank card from Zod's own bank.

   That's right, he also opened a bank to make it more convenient for him to serve himself.

   But being a banker is not as cool as I thought.

   "I didn't mean this~www.mtlnovel.com~ I mean, can you join me for dinner tonight?"

Urder shook his head quickly, birthday gifts or something. Zod, a genius who is devoted to scientific research, would probably not come up with any special gifts. If he can give himself a bouquet of flowers normally, Urd would be pleasantly surprised. I was afraid of Zod. Give her something she doesn't know.

   "How many people belong to this kind of together?"

  Zod pointed to the key core and asked.

   "...just the two of us."

   Urd tucked the tips of his hair, revealing a delicate and moving facial curve.

  Zord understands Uuld's subtext, there are only two people...


  Zod nodded, and then planned to buy the best restaurant in Los Angeles to eat with Ould, and prepare a birthday present by the way.

   As for the birthday present, although it is a bit cheesy, Zod thinks that the gems should be good.

   Uuld left happily. Zod looked at the back of Uuld leaving and shook his head.

   Then the mannequin in front of him cracked.

   "It's hard to get to this point, alas."

   Zod sighed, he was doing a taboo just now, the human body is refined!

   Of course, that's alchemy, and Zod is just using atoms to form a human body like building blocks.

   However, this is already an act in the realm of blasphemy, and, without a soul, Zod's body is trained to activate his brain waves to see if he can create a person.

   If it succeeds, it will be Robot One!

   "The taboo in the realm of blasphemy, extremely evil behavior..."

  Zod began to rebuild the human body, and the atoms were bound by his magnetic field, controlling the combination of them bit by bit.