
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 82: Consortium

Using his powerful ability to control atoms, Zodhis created a super metal, which is more powerful than his sound-absorbing steel krypton gold combined with primitive krypton gold and vibrating gold, because it is composed from the atomic structure. Yes, so Zordhis can give it performance and characteristics far superior to other metals and alloys at will.

   Even a thickness of only one millimeter is enough to trap the Hulk, because Zod took Bronsky to experiment.

   Bronsky became super abominable, and no matter how he attacked, he couldn't break through the thin one-millimeter-thick super metal.

   "Should not be broken by Thanos with a big knife?"

Zod spit out, but he was full of confidence, unless the molecular man Owen took the initiative to accelerate the molecular motion, otherwise, the super metal that was compressed to the limit by the mutual electromagnetic force caused the originally moving atoms to have no possibility of being destroyed by physics, energy and space properties. Even if there is another master of electromagnetic force, there is no way to disintegrate it so easily.

He also used electromagnetic force to realize immortality, immortality, immortality, and forever young. Only one elementary atom can be resurrected directly. At the same time, after going deep into the field of atoms, it is easy to manipulate the entire earth's magnetic field and even affect the moon. Come one month fall attack!

  In other words, he already has the ability to erase all humans and species on the surface.

  Bronsky just thinks that Zodhis has changed, becoming...more dangerous?

   "Zod, there is a consortium boss who wants to see you."

   Uuld's face was not very nice and said to Zodhis.

The reason for her ugly face is simple. Blade Technology Industry and the American Consortium are not comparable at all, because Blade Technology Industry does not rely on absolute capital to operate, but is based on technology and patents, industrial technology and productivity, so it is far in scale. Much smaller than financial conglomerates.

If Zordheath is persecuted, they can only give up everything in the United States and go to other countries. As for the imprisonment of Zordheath... this is completely impossible, because Zordheath has realized the nano-robot steel suit. , Who knows if he will put on the armor directly and blow everything up?

   The evaluation of the Dark Knight armor is updated every day. Researchers can't even understand what Zordhis has made to his own armor, but it is certain that the Dark Knight armor has at least three armored divisions' combat effectiveness.

The person who wants to meet Zordhis is Staf, the controller of the American Stafford Consortium. He is an old, white, bald, and fat typical upper-class middle-aged and elderly powerhouse. He looks like a fifty-something. Human, but the social security record shows that he is over seventy years old. It is understandable. After all, he is at the top of the world, and he certainly does not need to talk about maintenance.

   He is as busy as a president every day, and he does have the power of a president.

   My great American national situation is like this, the district president is a shit! I think that when the ace president was still his real estate tycoon, Chairman Staf didn't sell his face at all. A small emerging capitalist, dare to compare with the 300 years of accumulation of the Staf family?

   But now, he has to make an appointment with the genius Zordhis, the reason is very simple, in a routine medical report, he suffered from cancer.

   Fortunately, it is an early stage, and there is a great possibility of cure. However, for Staf, it is tantamount to thunder. He has not had an accident in so many physical examinations. Why did it happen this time?

   On the one hand, they found someone to pack and send the whole family to Shen Hai by the private doctor who was in charge of their physical examination. After several inspections, Staf had to admit this fact.

  Although many doctors are saying that there is great hope of curing early cancer, in Staf's view, there is no one hundred percent just farting!

   It was at this time that Staf noticed Zodhis, he had a brilliant resume.

   It has defeated AIDS, which human beings have not defeated for so many years. At present, more than two million patients have been cured by AIDS-specific drugs. There have been no failures or deaths, and even patients with genetic AIDS can be cured.

Although after that, Zordheath didn't know what he was doing anymore. He didn't have any social activities. Unlike the dude Tony Stark who had been missing for a long time, Zordheath stayed in the Blade Technology Industry all day long. They are all looking forward to his next invention that will exceed the century. It is enthusiastic and eager to beat all scientific researchers in the world by one person.

Staf knew about the existence of Zordheath, and thought about swallowing Zordheath, but Zordheath's secondary krypton gold brought too much benefit to the world, and the United States could not resist the whole world. Threat, so no one dared to do anything to Zordheath. Many of the elders have not lived enough yet. They also hope that Zordheath can develop the technology to prolong life~www.mtlnovel.com~ This time he has an appointment with Zordheath. , Several "old friends" called to ask what was going on, and Staf sneered while coping skillfully.

   Of course Zod would not take the initiative to meet a capitalist, he is not a very powerful scientific researcher, and he is not a strong person. A mere head of a currency system that has billions of carbon-based life forms wants him to take the initiative to go to the appointment?

   Lao Tzu used to have several planets as research bases, and two planets as back gardens. Compared with the resources he has, Zod Bistaff is much richer.

  Staff was refused an appointment. Zodhis said that if he wanted to talk about it, he could use a video call or he could come by himself.

  Staff was naturally furious. He grew up so big that even the President of the United States would look at his face. When was he treated so rudely?

   But now the form is better than human beings. It is him who asks for others, not Zordheath, and there is no way to play against Zordheath.

   In the end, Staf asked to come to talk with the conditions.

   His bid is equivalent to 20 times the capital of Blade Technology Industry, and he wants Zordhis to conduct research on specific drugs for cancer.

   "These financial groups and consortia are lavish, twenty times the capital."

   After hearing the conditions, Zodhis said that he was too strong, so how did Kylian and the others guard Baoshan to become terrorists?

   Although it is said that Zodhis can develop specific medicines that can treat cancer without relying on the Extremis Virus, it is better to let yourself be relaxed if there is the Extremis Virus.

  Staff also wants to get shares in Blade Technology Industries, for which he said he can invest a lot of money.

   But of course Zordhis refused, and he asked for a hundred times the capital.