
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 80: Jessica

Jessica had to ask Wanda for advice, but Wanda grew up in a chaotic place like Sokovia, and has never read books. It is now at the learning stage. The two are sick and pity each other. After Uuld understands the situation. They arranged private education for them, starting with the basics.

On this day, Jessica went home with a lot of books, but she encountered a robbery on the road. She didn't plan to pay attention to it, but wanted to leave as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, the other party's gun went off and shot through the body of the old man who was talking , The warhead rolled in the air in an irregular manner. Jessica only felt that everything was slowing down. She watched the warhead eject towards herself, although most of its power had been reduced by the old man.

   But who knows if he can kill anyone, Jessica doesn't want to bet either.

   Just when Jessica was extremely anxious, she felt as if she could move. In such a slow world, her speed started to increase, and then she avoided the bullet.

   When Jessica came back to her senses, the bullet had hit the wall behind her, hitting rubble, leaving a small pit.

   While the robber was dragged away by his accomplices in a daze, the old man who fell to the ground was quickly watched and rescued. At this moment, a young man rushed in.

Jessica could only hear the old man calling him Peter, but after she had stimulated her superpowers, she only felt very uncomfortable. She would accidentally step on the concrete floor when walking, and holding a street lamp would knock the street lamp down. She was very scared. , Hurried back home.

   "Sir, I think you need to see this."

   The Black Queen released a video to Zod, and it was the scene of destruction where Jessica became a public enemy of highway administration.

   "Did you erase the trace?"

  Zord is not surprising, after Jessica woke up from a coma, she would be able to awaken her superpowers in a few days, but she hadn't awakened during this time, and Zord thought there was an accident.

   looks just right now.

   "It has been cleaned up."

   The Black Queen replied, otherwise, Jessica would be targeted by the Snake Shield.

   "Well, she should be very upset now, where is she?"

   Zod asked.

   "She is in Wanda's dormitory."

   The Black Queen gave another video.

   Jessica is telling Wanda about her changes. She has become infinitely powerful. At the same time, she is invulnerable and able to fly.

   is completely a shrunken version of Superman. Of course, because the DC company of Marvel World has not released the Superman series, they are the first Batman series, which is different from the real world, so this metaphor is a narration metaphor.

  Wanda looked at Jessica very enviously. Although Jessica is still scared now, can Jessica with super powers help Zordhis?

   And Jessica is probably the only human with superpowers, unlike herself.

   Originally wanted to go and appease Jessica's Zord, he stopped paying attention to this scene, he was not comparable to a girlfriend of others.

   Under Wanda's comfort, Jessica finally realized that this is not a bad thing, but a good thing.

   Reminiscent of today's robbery, she chose to escape instead of saving people because she was too scared. Did she kill a person?

  Jessica felt complicated when she thought of this, but she did what Wanda said and quickly contacted Zordhis.

   "Mr. Heath, I...I have a secret to tell you."

   Jessica saw Urder on one side and quickly changed her words.


   A faint light flashed through Uuld's eyes. Is there any secret to talk to a minor?

   It's illegal to talk to minors!

   "Uuld, why did the Legal Department receive more than a thousand lawyer letters?"

  Zord said to Urd.

"An investigator from a company disassembled our war machine, and found that a screw on it had a slightly higher similarity to their patent. It is suspected that we copied their patented product. At the beginning, there was only a lawyer's letter. , But I didn't expect them to send so many in a row."

   Urder said quickly.

  Because all parts of the war machine are produced by Blade Technology Industry, although it is actually easy to imitate, the most important technology is the energy core.

   "A screw?"

  Zod did not expect to be so outrageous.

"what company?"

  Zord is very curious.

   "Rosanne Energy Group, is a notorious energy company, famous all over the world for sending letters to lawyers."

   Urd said helplessly.

"At the same time, Roseanne Energy Group is also the first energy company on earth. In addition, there are more key global Internet users' main social software footbook, itterlat and other hundreds of social platforms were founded by them. As an oligarch in the petroleum industry, Roseanne also has many subsidiaries that are responsible for the production of some petroleum derivatives, such as lighters."

  Uuld continues to introduce.

   And Zod has recalled the memories of previous lives through the super brain, UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly knew the CEO of this company, who is the real owner.

The super villain, Dario Agger, is one of the big villains who appeared in the Marvel comics universe. While he was lucky enough to escape the pursuit of pirates, he encountered the tomb of the ancient Greek mutant "Minotaurs" and forced him to Yu was hungry and ate his remains.

   Unexpectedly, he had a genetic mutation and became the new Minotaur.

  Of course, because there is no mutant in this universe, even if he belongs to Gene X by fluke awakening, he is not a mutant, but a force that is biased towards the mysterious side.

   is the real tauren!

  Dario usually maintains the appearance of a human, and only transforms into Minotaur when fighting, possessing very powerful strength and defensive power.

   But if it's just a lawsuit, the legal department of Blade Technology Industry and the lawyers it maintains are not just plain rice. Basically, many of them are super elites or even bigwigs in the legal and political circles who have jumped over from other companies.

   After solving the problem of the large number of lawyer letters received by the Legal Department, Zod had time to deal with Jessica's affairs. He took Jessica into the secret room. This kind of respect moved Jessica very much.

   After all, many adults don't know how to respect minors. This is not okay in a place like the United States that yearns for independence and freedom.

   "Do you have any secrets to tell me?"

   Zod asked with a smile.

   "I, I had an accident today, and then in the process of avoiding bullets, I possessed super powers."

   Jessica was timid at first, but after seeing Zord's gaze, she mustered up the courage to say it.


  Zord's expression did not suspect that it was a prank or a child's fantasy. He repeated it in a serious tone.