
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 8: Start making money

Zod walked into the Midnight Hotel.

   "Mr. Heath Zod, it is an honor for you to come to our hotel."

   the hotel receptionist said with a smile.

   "I said the weapon I ordered is here for you?"

   Zod nodded, then asked.

   "Now at the weapon expert's."

   said the receptionist.

  Midnight Hotel provides various services. Weapon experts are responsible for selling or transforming and customizing weapons, as well as doctors, those who meet special needs, and so on.

   Zod took the elevator to the third basement floor.

   After the elevator door opened, a dazzling array of firearms came into view, including pistols, micro punches, and even rifles, sniper rifles, and shotguns.

  Many people in suits are standing next to weapon experts with signs on their chests. Most of these weapon experts are retired workers from various military factories or simply big men of military background.

   "Mr. Heath Zod, please come here."

   The weapon expert who had been notified by the front desk a long time ago came over.

   "My weapon expert is such a beautiful woman."

  Zord complimented him.

   "Kyala, my name."

   The other party smiled very satisfied, and then stretched out his hand to say, mainly saying that the person who praised this kind of praise was Zod with a good-looking face, otherwise Keyala would be expressionless when the other people said this.

"Nice to meet you."

  Zod held the opponent's hand, and then the gentleman wanted to pull away quickly, but Kaiyala grasped tightly so that he could not release it, and then she released her hand.

   Is it so strong even to shake a hand?

  Zord was clear, and didn't mind the other party's attitude.

   Kaiyala took him to the front of his own cabinet, took out a silver suitcase, and opened it.

"Israel .50 Desert Eagle, to be honest, I don't recommend you to use this gun. The gun body is too heavy and it will affect the stability, and most targets will not wear bulletproof helmets. You don't need to use such a big gun with your marksmanship. Weapons of caliber."

   Keyala naturally knows his customers. The "white devil" with a headshot of guns and guns should need a pistol with a longer range, more precision, and more ammunition capacity.

The bullet used by   .50 Desert Eagle is 0.50in, which is a 12.7mm fast bullet.

   Normally, 9mm caliber bullets are enough to solve most of the problems, 12.7mm, that is already excessive lethality.

  Zod looked at the two desert eagles with dazzling silver gun bodies in the suitcase, and nodded in satisfaction.

   Kaiyala doesn't understand, this is a man's pursuit, not to mention Zod's ability and willfulness.

   "According to your request, I increased the length of the cartridge case. The charge is more than that of ordinary cartridges. However, the recoil will be greater in this way. There is also a pointed steel core warhead."

   Keyala just gave her own suggestion, and then took out a suitcase with the bullets modified by her.

   What she can't understand is Zod's pursuit of power and lethality, and he is still a double gun. Can his hands bear and maintain stability?

   In order to match this customized bullet, the .50 Desert Eagle was naturally modified by Kayala, otherwise it would not be usable at all.

   There is also an extended magazine. The ammunition capacity was originally only 7 rounds, but the special extended magazine allowed the ammunition capacity to reach 9 rounds.

Originally, Keyala wanted to double-row magazines. However, the .50 Desert Eagle itself was already very heavy, 1.99 kg. After being modified by her, the empty gun reached 2.5 kg, plus the bullets. The double row is heavier. In order to prevent being too heavy to affect the feel, Kaiyala can only be changed to an extended magazine.

   Zod ordered five hundred rounds, and he needed to go back and fill them slowly.

   "Thank you."

  Zod paid gold pounds.

   All services at Midnight Hotel need to use gold pounds instead of cash.

   "Don't you need dessert?"

   Kaiyala opened the cabinet, revealing the neat dagger and short knife inside.

   "No, no one can approach me."

   Zod said blankly.

   Then there is custom clothing.

   Zod customized two black non-reflective trench coats with combat bulletproof lining and cut-resistant fabric.

   I returned to Zod, Texas, and I was left with bullets in my daily routine.

   shot at a momentary pleasure, filling the crematorium.

  Because loading bullets is the most troublesome thing, and Zod can't let Judlie and the Mexican laborers help loading bullets.

   I didn't believe it on the one hand, and on the other hand, Judley already felt that his new boss might not be that simple.

   "Judley, find a group of builders to build the villa."

Zod approached Judley. Judley's current house is just a house built by his parents and grandfather eighty years ago. Although it's solid, it's not that comfortable to live in. Now that Zod is rich, he still wants to live by himself. Be comfortable.

   "BOSS, labor is very expensive, you may not have enough money."

   After listening to Zod's words that a very large area of ​​the villa was to be built, Judley took a breath of air-conditioning and quickly dissuaded him.

   "No, it's millions, and it's not a big city. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

   Zod asked suspiciously.

   Forgive him for the two generations who have no idea about prices. When the Kryptonian was a Kryptonian, his father was a senior member of the Kryptonian, a member of the council, and his mother was a great scientist. There was no shortage of money at all.

   "In the United States, labor is the most expensive. Many capitalists choose artificial buildings in order to show their status and status."

   Judley said.

  In the United States, labor is extremely expensive. Whether it is mixing concrete or prefabricating steel bars, it requires a lot of manpower.

   Not to mention the villa built of reinforced concrete, the cost is probably very staggering.

   And when real estate tax is levied, the tax is not only related to the cost of the house, but also includes the cost of demolishing the house.

  Reinforced concrete houses that are difficult to demolish and expensive to build will only be built by real local tyrants.

   "It doesn't matter, money is not a problem, let someone build it first."

  Zod thought about his own speed of making money, it was not impossible.

The reason Superman is poor is because he is kind and law-abiding, but Zod doesn't. Twenty years of Krypton's career has changed Zod's three views. He has also been on the battlefield and killed many aliens. It is the truth of the universe that the weak and the strong eat, and everything else is imaginary.

   After filling all the bullets, Zod felt that next time he could ask Keyala to fill all the bullets for himself.

   Turn on the black phone, all tasks are displayed on it.

  Zod has a very high gaze, and those missions that only cost tens of thousands of dollars or hundreds of thousands of dollars don't look at him at all.

   The task of millions of dollars is very difficult for most killers. They have to rely on accomplices or teams. Zod can complete it by himself, so the money comes quickly.