
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 79: Today my birthday

After all, Zordheath has never seen the devil, Morgan is a rare sample.

   Morgan, who was in a coma, shivered all over his body.

   "Please rest assured, she will not be harmed in any way, and I will also guide her how to control her own power."

   Gu Yi said.

  Zord thought that the girl Gu Yi did not like pranks as much as the old man Gu Yi, so he was relieved.

   "I don't know how long it will take her to come back?"

   Zod asked.

   "Whenever she can control this power, she can come back anytime."

   Gu Yi answered.

  Zord heard what Gu Yi said, it seems that it is not easy for Morgan to control her power, and it is estimated that it will take a long time?

   But in any case, Gu Yi is a professional. Zod can't point fingers and feet from a layman's perspective. After all, as a scientific researcher, he also hates layman finger-pointing.

   Gu Yi left with Morgan. The walls of Blade Technology Industry were intact. It is estimated that Gu Yi helped to recover. At the same time, Zod asked the Black Queen to forge nearby surveillance video. He himself modified the memories of all witnesses.

   "I didn't expect to meet a son of a dimensional demon..."

   Zod felt that he couldn't understand the world more and more.

Fortunately, there is Wanda the Scarlet Witch. As a person who can crush Thanos one-on-one, in the universe where mutants exist, all mutants including superpowers can be erased in one sentence, and even the abilities of the little spider have been erased. , Wanda's strength and potential are definitely stronger than Morgan.

   After all, Morgan's father is estimated to be just a dimensional demon of the heavenly father level, at most he is a single universe level.

The strength levels of Marvel are-planetary star, heavenly father, almighty heavenly father (peak Odin), single universe, multiverse, super universe, almighty universe, OAA and OBA, transcendence And TOAA.

   Zod doesn't even have a planetary star, but his potential is very high, so there is no need to worry about this.

   In addition, there is still a long time before Gu Yihang, and Zod is enough to develop. Maybe when Gu Yi hasn't died, Zod is already a heavenly father.

   Morgan followed Gu Yi to Kama Taj, and then Wanda quickly came to ask where Morgan had gone.

   "Morgan went to a very important place for training."

  Zord explained to Wanda.

   He didn't lie either, after all, there is a magic school that borrows the power of the Dimension Demon God, Kama Taj!

   And, if Morgan really learns the tutorial on how to punch and kick the dimensional demon who comes to collect debts, he probably won't have to worry about her dad.

and so on!

  Zord suddenly thought that Gu Yi couldn't wait for Stephen Strange and planned to train Morgan as the successor of the Supreme Master!

   The son of the Dimension Demon God, theoretically, it is also possible to become the Supreme Mage. After all, Emperor Weishan and the three of them are going to be the Dimension Demon God.

   It's just that Zod thinks about it carefully and thinks it's impossible. Gu Yi shouldn't be such an irresponsible person. Morgan is so young that she should be a supreme mage, for fear of being fooled into opening the door.

Speaking of Stephen Strange, he is now a rising star in the medical field, and he has not yet become the pinnacle of fame. At this time, he is invincible to all difficult and high-risk operations, and he is not worried about his accident rate. After all, He is going to fight now, and he will refuse those very risky operations until he becomes famous in the future.

  Zord's attention to Stephen Strange is second only to Tony Stark and Reid.

   Tony Stark has nothing to pay attention to. He just finished a steel suit and was snatched away, and then asked him to produce more steel suits.

   Tony Stark had expected the backlash of the terrorists a long time ago, and he was not disappointed or desperate. It should be said that the terrorists did not choose to kill him, but he let Tony Stark breathe a sigh of relief.

   With this kind of purgatory life and spiritual torture, Tony Stark is like a piece of steel, repeatedly forged. It is conceivable that when he emerges from the cocoon, he will not have the anxiety of Fulian II.

   By the time Tony Stark probably thinks, this kind of anxiety is a shit.

   And Tony Stark already has muscles on his body because of the vegetarian nutrition meal prepared by Zord and the exercise of forging steel suits. The lines are smooth and not bloated. It is definitely a weapon for picking up girls. He has a good body he dreams of.

   His muscles were tense all over, and the muscles swelled up in an instant, the edges and corners were clearly cast like steel, and then they hit the steel with hammers.

   As for Mr. Fantastic Reid, he has already started to test the rocket's data and plans to launch it in a month. At that time, Lord Dom's bankruptcy has entered the countdown.

Alas, Zod learned from the Black Queen that Lord Dom not only sold all his cash flow and some assets, but also borrowed a large sum of money from the bank to support Reid's plan. After all, he trusted more than Reid. His talents.

   It can only be said that self-inflicted cannot live, and Lord Dom not only finds a bank loan~www.mtlnovel.com~, but also finds many people to invest and cooperate, among them, Blade Technology Industry, but it has not passed it.

   Lord Dom is very angry at Zordhis's ignorance of himself, hum, today you are indifferent to me, tomorrow I...I...I still can't afford it.

   Without him, compared to Zordhis's achievements, his project seems to be less than one-third of others' brilliance.


   Blade High-Tech Talent Training Institute, which was built by Blade Technology Industry at a cost of 100 million U.S. dollars. After its completion, it has become a dream school for many middle-to-high-level minors, because students who graduate from here will be admitted to Blade Technology Industry first.

   What is Blade Technology Industry? Today, it is the No. 1 super industrial group in the world. Countless elites from all over the world want to work in Blade Technology Industry.

Although it is estimated that half of it is a mess of secret agents, spies, undercover agents, etc., but these are talents, at least they are estimated to be more serious and responsible than regular employees, as if they have become a black widow with the 8117 work system. But the black widow also has a high salary.

   I heard that Black Widow has become a shopaholic recently. Now all the bags and shoes that I couldn't afford to see before have been swept away.

   So Blade Academy has received a lot of admission applications, but the score requirements are very high, not many people can enter.

   Jessica Campbell belongs to a privileged person and can directly enroll in it. However, she feels a headache for these super-elite education knowledge of Blade Academy.

   It's not that she is too stupid, but cell research, gene compilation, high-energy physics, astrophysics, space physics, theoretical physics, energy physics... she has never heard of these things.