
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 78: Gravity master’s fighting style

   "Gu Yi Mage, why did she become like this?"

  Zord broke free of Morgan's bondage, then looked at Gu Yi and asked.

   Morgan was surprised that Zord broke through her mind control so easily. Didn't he actually control Zord just now?

   "It is estimated that her blood was awakened by the Dimension Demon God."

   Gu saw everything about Morgan at a glance, and there was not much surprise that Morgan was the descendant of the Dimension Demon God, after all, she had seen a lot of them for so many years.

   Although some dimensional demon gods will make some objects with their own dimensional power like the red tank made by Setolak to make people their coordinates and chess pieces, a large part of them will choose to have children.

   Then these children can easily be stimulated to awaken their bloodline abilities and become the bone necrosis of the reality dimension. Gu Yi never thought that there had been no loopholes for so many years, but now a son of the dimensional demon **** appeared.

Because Morgan was born in the real dimension, he does not have the breath of the outer dimension of the dimensional demon god, so he will not be rejected by the real dimension, and Gu Yi will not expel her native products, just need to worry that her excessive use of her power will cause That dimensional demon gets more opportunities.

   Gu sighed. She felt that her job seemed to have increased a lot since Zord appeared. Gu Yi felt even more melancholy at the thought that it would take several years for Stephen Strange to take over.

   Morgan flung a bluish flame.

   "Be careful, her magic is very corrosive and will erode your life and soul."

   Gu Yi reminded.

   Then she saw Zord grabbing Morgan's magic flame with his bare hands.

   Under the triple defense of electromagnetic field, gravitational field and its own biological force field, the magic flame failed to corrode Zord.

  Although Zod wanted to test whether his energy absorption could absorb this magic power, he didn't die after thinking about it.

Gu Yi looked at Zod unexpectedly. She naturally also studied science. After all, life is too long, and when I was bored, I can still understand what Zod did, but I didn't expect him to come close to deducing a unified position so quickly. To the extent that, most magic and curses are estimated to have no effect on him.


   The two thermal sights went first. After Zod used gravity as a medium to conduct energy, the power of these two thermal sights far exceeded his original strength.

  The extent to which matter transfers energy is determined by its own nature, and air is really not a suitable carrier.

  , for example, gravitational conduction.

   The energy conduction capacity of gravitation is more than tens of thousands of times that of air. If the energy frequency of the thermal sight becomes a gravitational wave, the power will be beyond imagination!

  The energy of the photon is calculated by e=hv, where h is the Planck constant and v is the frequency. The higher the frequency, the higher the energy. The laser frequency range is only 3.84610^(14) Hz to 7.89510^(14) Hz.

   And if gravitational waves are used for transmission, this frequency can be increased tenfold!

   A microscopic particle has a set of energy levels. A particle can only be at one energy level at any time. A particle that transitions from a high energy level to a low energy level will emit a corresponding photon, which is stimulated emission.

   And the trigger of this process is another beam of lower energy photon.

   Two hot beams, carrying heat comparable to the core of the sun, were excited towards Morgan. The condensed energy even distorted the space, creating a strange wave in gravity.

   When I saw the red light, it was too late. This is a speed that humans cannot react, reach, or even understand. The speed of light is insoluble.

   At the same time, Zod also controls the surrounding electromagnetic field, making the transitional particles reach a limit state. This is a huge energy field with a range of more than a few miles, and the thermal vision is once again strengthened!

Wherever the hot line of sight passes, the twisted air bursts open in the air, where Zod's gaze is, all the existing matter tears into discrete particles in a ten-thousandth of a second, and the flying ashes swept like a sea wave. However, everything exists, no matter the quality, no matter the hardness, no matter the size and intensity, before this energy, it will fly into ashes.

Gu Yi frowned and distorted the mirror space within a ten-thousandth of a second, refracting the hot sight. Even so, Morgan, who was more than ten meters away from the hot sight, was also carbonized, and the shield she held up was even one. I couldn't hold on for a second.

   "Do you want to kill her?"

   Gu said to Zod speechlessly. If the two hot sights hadn't been refracted by her, Morgan would have disappeared and disappeared, leaving only the active elements.

Because Zod uses gravitational wave conduction coupled with electromagnetic fields to excite the high-level particles in the particle field to transition to the low-energy limit, the two thermal sight lines that can only be used to cut objects or destroy a building have become enough to turn the entire The huge energy evaporated in New York City!

   Morgan whole body carbonization ~www.mtlnovel.com~ but soon recovered.

   "I thought she was very strong now."

Zod said that he didn't understand the combat power of the mysterious side. If it's the Hulk, he doesn't need to use his fists and he can be abused by gravity, but Morgan's look looks very powerful, so of course Zod must go all out .


   Morgan rushed to Zod.


Zod spoke, and the sound waves were transmitted by gravitational waves. The original ordinary sound waves immediately caused terrifying effects. Morgan was directly shaken back by the sound. The seven orifices were bleeding, and the whole body was shattered by the sound waves. Even the mirror space appeared for a short time. It ruptured and put it outside, causing damage comparable to the shock wave released by the Hiroshima atomic bomb.

   The essence of sound is vibration, and all matter has its resonance frequency. As long as the resonance frequency is matched, even krypton gold and vibrating gold will easily disintegrate and break.

  Zord feels that he can take a cameo appearance on the Black Bat King.

   "Okay, leave it to me."

   Gu Yi stopped Zod from continuing to try, mainly because the mirror space could not bear the toss of Zod.

   "Master Gu Yi, what are you going to do to her?"

  Zod asked, Morgan was stunned to death by his sound. Fortunately, her own magic passively gave her the ability to regenerate over speed, although she was not immortal, but it was almost the same.

   "Soothe her soul."

   Gu Yi said calmly, throwing Morgan into the time loop hundreds of times and guessing that all the problems are gone.

   "Will she be harmed?"

  Zord then asked. Although Morgan did not even take two of his tentative attacks, he felt weak, but Zord was very interested in Morgan's current appearance, his body structure looked beautiful, and I really wanted to study it carefully.