
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 75: Luke Cage

During the experiment, Billy Bob, a prisoner hostile to Carl, broke into the laboratory to harm Carl. He was hit and hit by accident but accelerated the chemicals on Carl's body. As a result, his whole body cells were mutated and his strength was greatly increased. Gained invulnerability.

   After that, Karl used this power to escape from prison. After returning to New York, he decided to use this power to make money while maintaining justice. So he changed his name to Luke Cage and accepted employment to fight for justice.

   Of course, when Zord was eyeing him, he probably couldn't do it anymore.

Luke Cage's muscle tissue and bone density have been strengthened, he has super strength, can lift about 25 tons of heavy objects (after strengthening, he can lift heavy objects of 50 tons and above), and can be penetrated by his fists. 4-inch thick steel plate.

   Don't look at the power as much as the little spider, but the little spider is already a superhero among the superheroes. Among the more than 6,000 superheroes in New York, the little spider can at least rank in the top 100, so Luke Cage is already very powerful.

His skin is hard (the medical laser knife can cut his skin), can withstand the impact of 1 ton of heavy objects, can also withstand the attack of cold weapons such as knives and daggers, and can even withstand close-range shots of conventional pistols and explosions of 150 pounds of TNT explosives. It has the ability to regenerate 3 times faster than ordinary people.

   Hell's Kitchen!

   A place with a bad reputation on the street, poverty and violence are the endorsements here, if it weren't for the more valuable land in Manhattan, the US imperial government would not bother to manage it.

  Life is not easy, you can only have fun in hardship!

   People living in Hell's Kitchen have two basic characteristics: boldness, lack of money, and trouble-making, so even if the law and order is bad, they dare to go out at night.

   Luke Cage was originally a street gangster. As he grew older and his relatives passed away, he changed his previous decision to be a good man, and then...

   He went to jail.

   In prison, Luke Cage ushered in a turning point in his life. In order to be released early, he voluntarily accepted the super soldier transformation experiment. By coincidence, he obtained the invulnerability and his strength was greatly improved.

   Relying on this force to escape from the prison, he changed his name and settled in the Hell's Kitchen, intending to work hard to make money while being a chivalrous man...

   But who can tell him, what is the situation now?

   Looking at the terrifying monsters around, Luke Cage almost thought that he had strayed into another world.

   "The four beast soldiers should be able to defeat them."

Zod was looking forward to saying that the Browns base station next to him was straight, but he was ignoring Luke Cage. Even if Zod said that, taking Luke Cage back would probably be reformed, but Bronsky didn't care. After all, he was ignoring Luke Cage. It's so disgusting.

   To Zord's surprise, the four animalized soldiers were brought down by Luke Cage.

This is also impossible. Luke Cage's abilities seem to be specially created for being beaten. In addition to his powerful strength, he also has strengthened muscle tissue and bone density, whether it is cold weapons such as knives, or close routines. Pistol shooting, even blunt weapon hits, have great defensive capabilities.

   Coupled with the self-healing ability three times that of ordinary people, he has good endurance and considerable endurance.

   As soon as Luke Cage was about to leave, panting, his body stiffened in place.

   Murderous, terrifying murderous undisguised.

   A guy in a black leather jacket walked out and looked at Luke Cage with a look of dead objects.

   Bronsky is very dissatisfied with his men. The four animalized soldiers have the same basic abilities as Luke Cage, and even stronger than him. They can't beat Luke Cage?

   This is in front of the BOSS, making the BOSS think that I haven't taught you what to do?

   Go back, all must be practiced!

   Luke Cage had never felt such a terrible murderous intent, and he didn't even know if it was murderous.

  Bronsky was not polite with him either. He also watched all the videos of the World Fighting Tournament. He has refined his killing skills, so even if it is normal, it is not difficult to clean up this Luke Cage.

   In twos or twos, Luke Cage was brought down.

  Although he was really shocked and surprised Bronsky, he just warmed up Bronsky.

   Then Luke Cage was towed away, packed and sent to Zod's laboratory.

  Zord first gave him a spiritual hint, leaving a wave of thoughts in his mind by the way, and then began to transform Luke Cage.

For Luke Cage, Zod would not use Red Hulk serum and abomination serum. The upper limit of these two serums is very high. Zod intends to use it only on cadres, just like Bucky and the scheduled crossbones Lang. Mlow.

After becoming more and more powerful, Zod began to lose interest in animalized soldiers, because the upper limit is visible, the animal **** will estimate that it will be postponed indefinitely, lack of key bioengineering technology, it is better to get a few more powerful The men came out.

   The kind of super elite with one enemy to one hundred or ten to ten thousand!

Luke Cage fell into a deep sleep~www.mtlnovel.com~Zod transplanted him mutant genes. Recently, many mutant genes have been newly acquired. In addition, his mastery of electromagnetic force has become more subtle, and rejection has been rare. Up.

   Not to mention, Luke Cage has become such a powerful product of unmodern science, whose genes and cells are exactly the same as normal people.

   Because of the electromagnetic force added, the transformation process did not take time for the mutant to genetically modify Luke Cage, which was quickly completed, turning Luke Cage into a mutant.

Luke Cage opened his eyes. Under Zod's previous spiritual hint, he thought he was the second generation of snakes, his parents were both members of the world snakes, and he had just been appreciated by the current leader of the world snakes, Zodhis, and was transformed. A chance to become a world snake warrior.


   Luke Cage is a little excited, the transformation is complete?

   "Well, your transformation has been completed. I have added a few interesting genes to you."

   Zod nodded.

   The variant genes he gave to Luke Cage are very good.

First of all, it was originally only able to regenerate arms, but after being modified by him, it became a variant gene similar to the regeneration ability of Wolverine and Sabretooth, but it did not have the ability to be immortal and immortal like Wolverine and Sabretooth. Before normal death, cut it off. The head can grow out.

   Then there is the newly obtained mutant gene, which can transform one's body into the same material as the touched substance by touching the substance.

  Zod prepared a vibrating ring for Luke Cage, so that he can become a **** at any time, basically hard to be hurt.

   However, Luke Cage can only become a solid state of matter, and cannot become an energy state through contact with energy, such as the flame man and the lightning man.