
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 72: Special case

   The price modification of secondary krypton gold caused a sensation. Of course, it was a sensation on the American side. Teddy bears and rabbits are not bad money at all, and they are afraid that they are out of stock.

   So I should buy it.

   After Uld sent away the representative of the United States, saying that the output was in short supply and might reduce production, the United States stopped insisting.

  Although they said, they can help with production, but Ould is not stupid. He helped with production. America got the formula of secondary krypton gold, so would he care for you?

   Zod was not idle either, and went out again to solve a case of the robbery of a cash car.

   The appearance of the Dark Knight Zod made many people cheer, and some of the police breathed a sigh of relief, but the lead sergeant's brows were almost frowning.

   After all, if they are resolved by the Dark Knight Zord, it means that their Los Angeles police are as incompetent as the Washington DC police, and they take taxpayers' money for nothing.

   And the dark knight Zord looks like this time, his armor seems to have a new change, the gorgeous eight blade wings behind the last time are gone, replaced by a strange device, lighting up.

  Zord upgraded the high-frequency sword and floating gun behind the Dark Knight armor into electromagnetic generators, allowing him to do whatever he wanted and use electromagnetic force and gravity with openness.

   Now it is estimated that there are not many enemies that can explode this dark knight armor with electromagnetic force and gravity...

Therefore, the people present only saw Zod's hands pulled, and the robbers' guns twisted into twists and entangled their own hands. At the same time, electromagnetic force invaded their bodies, simulating nerve currents to deceive their bodies. , Making them fall to the ground immovably, the uncontrollable condition made the robbers feel terrified, but they couldn't even yell out.

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion nearby. Zod controlled the electromagnetic force to be bound into a circle. At the same time, gravity distorted the flames and shock waves. The explosion that was supposed to cause huge casualties was wiped out by Zod, but one person was affected. .

   That was a very beautiful girl. Zod picked her up, and then unexpectedly felt that her body was undergoing drastic changes.

Mutants? Inhumans? Or do the poor rely on mutation?

  Zord did not understand, but he was very interested in this change, and the explosion was estimated to be directed at him. After all, it was powerful enough to blow up the entire street.

   "Black Queen, find out the source information of this explosive, I want to know everything."

   Zod flew away with the girl in his arms.

   During the flight, Zod noticed that the edges of the girl's hair began to turn into blue luminous crystals, which looked as if they were dyed. He immediately shielded himself with electromagnetic force and teleported directly back to the base.

   The girl was placed on the experiment table, and the black queen immediately scanned and observed.

   "There is no such character in the comics. Is it because my intervention caused her to appear?"

Zod was meditating, and at this time, the girl's mutation had been completed. The edges of her long, black hair had all turned into blue crystal-like luminous objects. The strange thing was that this luminous object did not have radiation, and the crystals also Very soft, softness of the hair level.

   Then the girl opened her eyes, and Zod found that her eyes had also turned ice blue.

   "Where is this...?"

   The girl covered her head and got up.

   "This is the medical room of Blade Technology Industry. You were affected by the explosion when I was fighting with the robbers. I was worried that you would be harmed, so I brought you back."

   Zod said calmly.


   The girl was surprised.

   "Yes, it's me."

   Zod nodded. At this time, the aura of idols and heroes were very soothing. The girl was still upset just now. After recognizing him, they all turned into surprises.

   She even thinks this is her own luck, otherwise, in her own capacity, how could she be able to get in touch with a genius like Zordhis.

   Besides, he is really handsome.

   The girl couldn't help but stared at Zod, her heartfelt voice was completely heard by Zod.

   But Zod was not at all embarrassed, and instead produced a report.

   "Speaking of which, I have good news and bad news, which one would you like to hear?"

   Zod asked.

   "Is it related to my body?"

  The girl smiled wryly.

   "Well, the bad news is that you look like this now."

   Zod gave her a mirror, and the girl looked at herself in the mirror in surprise.

   She was already very beautiful, but when she became like this, she felt more dreamy.


   The girl didn't think this was bad news at all.

   "The good news is that your body has undergone a mutation that I don't know about. Maybe you have superpowers."

  Zod is still quite curious. He has already taken samples when the girl was in a coma, and the Black Queen is now analyzing and researching.

   "Super power? Really!"

   The girl got excited. Maybe other people said that, the girl would think it was ridiculous, but the person in front of him was Zodhis!

   "But ~www.mtlnovel.com~ how do I know if I have superpowers?"

   The girl recovered her calm.

   "I can arrange a test for you."

  Zord is also very curious about this situation, so he said.

   After a rigorous test, the girl's superpowers were also stimulated.

   To Zord's surprise, the girl does not possess superpowers, it should be magic.

   There is a special power in her body that was aroused. Zod suspected that her grandparents or parents were unusual. Wouldn't she be a celestial clan like Xingjue?

   But it could also be a demon or a devil. Ask Gu Yi another day to see the situation.

  The magical power of the girl is very special. They are molecules breaking down lightning, barriers, and absorbing the soul.

Molecular decomposition of lightning is the girl's ability to release blue lightning. This type of lightning has no current and voltage effects, but just has the shape and speed of lightning, but after being hit, it will decompose everything from the molecular level, and even the vibration of gold can directly Decomposition is very scary. Fortunately, Zod has mastered electromagnetic force and gravity, so there is no need to worry about this.

The    barrier is the girl's use of her magical power to create a blue polygonal crystal that covers the whole body. The defense is so high that even Zod's mental power can't invade.

   Sucking life and taking the soul is a situation that Zod can't understand. The target captured by the girl with magical power can absorb the opponent's power, life, memory and soul.

  Zord felt that the future Scarlet Witch Wanda could fight her.

   Then he noticed that Gu Yi, who was not a magical power of the earth dimension, ran over again.

   "Guyi Master..."

  Zord looked at Gu Yi who appeared out of thin air, and wanted to make a comment. Are you so free?