
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 70: Changes in the world

   At the scene of the tritium element reactor, Zodhess appeared as an investor. He knew that there would be accidents, so Zodhess did not find anyone else to watch, even if he checked the equipment and found that there was no problem.

   But this is the Marvel Universe after all, and Zodhis has seen a lot of unreasonable things.

  Dr. Otto seemed confident. He thought it was Zordheath's caution not to find reporters and colleagues. He thought it was very good. The caution of scientific researchers is the most important thing.

   So he doesn't mind installing the robotic arm in advance to demonstrate for his big boss, and his lover looks at him expectantly.

   "BOSS, even if there are palladium element reactors and Zord element reactors, I still want to say that a new chapter for mankind will begin today!"

   Otto is a little excited, because he is showing the results of his life learning to a genius who has surpassed a century, and he will become Planck's great scientists who have left the history of mankind in the future.

   Then Otto began to experiment, heating the tritium element through the instrument to make it reach the thermonuclear reaction.

  Zord couldn't believe that the tritium element successfully reached the nuclear fusion reaction, although he was a little used to it.

After all, according to the materialization he learned, helium-3 should be used for controllable nuclear fusion. He has always felt that it is estimated that the screenwriter confuses protons and neutrons. 2 proton 1 neutron is helium 3, 2 neutron 1 The proton is tritium.

  Theoretically, the best raw material to achieve controllable nuclear fusion is helium 3. In contrast, there is at least paper support for this.

   With tritium, he came to the Marvel Universe to let Zod open his eyes and gain insights.

   His heart suppressed the urge to complain about this scene.

   This is just to forcibly shrink the model of the sun...I didn't see where it was controllable, so a large group of tritium reacted directly to the laboratory, it is estimated that the laboratory was blown up...There were also rays that were released, and all the visitors would die.

  Mom, there are things like prominences. Can there be prominences at such a small size? The appearance of the sun is mainly the result of the balance of gravity and radiation pressure. The color is also that you are far away, so small, with a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, and still so close. The thermal radiation can scorch your head...

  The equation for the tritium fusion reaction should be D+T→He+n+17.6MeV, and when Zordby read Dr. Otto's thesis before, he wanted to complain that his equation was wrong.

   Dr. Otto and others looked at them excitedly.

   "Mr. Heath, the experiment was a perfect success."

   Dr. Otto looked at Zordhis and said.

   "Well, it worked."

  Zodhis was in a complicated mood, always feeling that he was hit by reality.

   But at this time, he keenly noticed that the gravitational and magnetic convergence of the model of the sun had changed, and the surrounding things began to tremble under the invisible force.

   "Dr. Otto, you should leave here first."

  Zodhis said, and before Otto could react, he was taken away by two war machines. As soon as his mechanical arm was about to resist, it was invisibly affected by Zodhis's magnetic force.

"What happened?"

   Dr. Otto's lover asked quickly.

   "There was an accident in the experiment."

  Zod stared at the miniature sun. At this time, the paper and other lighter objects in the laboratory flew towards the miniature sun, followed by the heavier objects.

   Everyone noticed something was wrong.

   "It can be saved!"

   Dr. Otto wants to save.

   "No, this is the wrong direction, it has been confirmed."

  Zord shook his head. After Dr. Otto and his lover were taken away, Zord strode forward and approached the group of tritium reactants.

   "The energy of the sun?"

Zod stretched out his hand and was immersed in this extremely dangerous group of energy. Biological force field + magnetic field + gravitational field made Zordhis's defensive power indestructible. In the comics, Magneto's magnetic field is sufficient to resist the center of the nuclear bomb. Absolutely destroy the area, let alone Zod.

   What disappointed Zod was that there was nothing needed by the Kryptonians in this group of reactants. Although the ingredients were very close,...the lack of criticality made it completely worthless.

   Dr. Otto couldn't accept his failure, and the whole person seemed to collapse.

   "Cheer up, Doctor, at least you have found a wrong direction for mankind. This is how science is accumulating and moving forward. The funds for Blade Technology Industry will not be cut off. I hope you can find other directions."

  Zodhis said to Otto who was lying on his stomach on the hospital bed.

   Otto's eyes were sad, but after hearing that Zod would not cut off his funds, he recovered a little brilliance.

   "I have spent so much youth and time, and I will probably be powerless to find a new direction. It is very likely that your investment will be useless."

   Otto is so touched by Zod that he is so optimistic about himself and he continues to invest, but he is not willing to let him take risks.

   "Doctor, money is just a number for me now, so I will use it to contribute to the scientific progress of mankind, and then, I trust your ability, Doctor, don't you have confidence in yourself?"

  Zod said beautiful things~www.mtlnovel.com~ But Otto's heart was also aroused by him.

   "In nuclear physics, I am confident that I will not be worse than anyone!"

   Otto said decisively.

   can be regarded as a guarantee to Zod.

   "I look forward to your surprise, Dr. Otto."

   Zod nodded.


   The world is quietly changing because of the appearance of Zod, especially the country of rabbits.

   It is estimated that no one except the rabbit can guess that countless high-precision parts that cannot be processed by machines or the processing cost is not worth the cost can be completed by hand?

   Those big country craftsmen, a master nicknamed Two Silk, have broken through their limits with new tools and are moving towards the road of no tolerance.

   There are also people who have used a blade made of sub-Krypton gold to replace the precision error of a certain part by several units.

   The error of each unit represents the difference of several kilometers after shooting!

  Reducing errors will undoubtedly save a lot of fault tolerance time for that cause!

   is a good thing with the state-owned benefits!

   With the deepening of the research and application of secondary krypton gold, more and more cutting-edge industries have applied this alloy, and thus made brilliant progress.

   More than ten important space projects have thus been able to speed up the progress, saving at least half a year.

   Experiments in many research institutes that were stalled due to material problems have also been restarted.

In addition, in a top-secret scientific research institute, the extravagant use of sub-Krypton gold parts made it possible for a certain engine that had been locked in the warehouse by the institute for many years because its design was too advanced and did not have an egg. Make an experiment.