
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 67: Red Hawk

This is the influence of the name Zodhis.

  Zord didn't deliberately ditch and hang Ross, on the contrary, he entertained Ross very warmly.

Ross couldn't hold back his anger, and it was straightforward that he had already given the initiative to Zod when he came today, so don't play with these politicians' routines. Let's get straight to the point. What Zod wants to turn him into Hulk .

  Zod is also thinking about where to put Rose on these days.


  Impossible, his position in the military has been stuck. Zodhis asked about it. The military did not consider letting Ross continue to be in the position, unless Zodhis sent a few war machines.

   Just kidding, Gears of War is so valuable. How could Zordhis give it away? It's better to give money than to give War Machines.

   Thinking of the location where Ross arrived in the original plot, Secretary of State...

   After the Hulk and Hate Street battle, not only did he not demote, but Rose, who became Secretary of State, although he didn't know how to do it, it was also a place to learn from.

   As for turning Rose into Red Hulk and putting it into Deathwing?

   That is purely a waste of talent.

   It's better to make Rose the Secretary of State, which would be more helpful to Zod.

   Ross was lying on the experimental platform, and Zod put on multiple protective suits. Of course, he was not afraid of gamma rays, but in order to prevent his cells from mutating due to gamma rays, Zod simply put on protective suits.

A large amount of gamma-ray radiation was irradiated on Rose. When Roston felt the pain of life inferior to death, the body's immune system was instantly destroyed. Gamma rays killed a large number of cells and gave birth to cancer cells. Rose Most of the body began to appear liquid under such high-intensity radiation, and it looked very disgusting.

  Zord felt that the reason Bronsky's hatred was so weak was probably because he did not absorb gamma radiation. After all, he was only injected with the Hulk serum.

At the same time, this kind of transformation also requires a strong willpower. Otherwise, if you pass out of a coma, you will fail. Rose gritted his teeth. Even if he looked bad, he did not give up because Zodhis was still standing next to him. , Which shows that this situation is still under Zordheath's control.

Indeed, in Zord's eyes, Rose's cells and immune system have miraculously recovered intact and become stronger, but these cells contain high concentrations of gamma rays, which is equivalent to that of ordinary people. When the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded, I went in and walked around.

   Rose appeared red, and then quickly swelled.

   He became a red Hulk!

Unlike the Hulk, the Red Hulk doesn't have the ability to become more angry and powerful, but it does have the ability to produce higher heat when the heat is generated. At the same time, the Red Hulk can absorb radiation energy (usually gamma ray energy). , He can also absorb other types of energy, such as cosmic radiation and so on. The more energy he absorbs, the stronger he becomes.

  Zord strengthened Rose's mind with spiritual power, so that he would not derive a Hulk personality, and at the same time planted a wave of thoughts.

  Ross was very excited. He felt that his body was full of power at this time, the restraint of the mere experimental platform, for him...

   Red Hulk moved a few times and found that the metal test bench was not moving at all. He increased his strength, but the handcuffs and shackles still did not react at all.

  How is it possible, I am Red Hulk now!

   Ross went all out, struggling for a long time, but couldn't shake this metal experiment platform.

   "It's useless, Rose, this is a new alloy I made. The Hulk can't break it."

  Zod said that since obtaining electromagnetic force and gravity, Magneto can perform metal fusion, not to mention Zord.

   Metals are like clearly visible molecules in the magnetic field. After mastering the manipulation of this microscopic molecular field, even if it is vibrating, Zord can create it out of thin air!

   Edman alloy will not be indestructible in front of him, because Zod can easily rearrange the molecular structure of Edman alloy.

The original krypton gold, which is the alloy that Zod brought from the DC universe, is no longer lacking in key materials and cannot be replicated. After all, Zod has recalled the molecular structure of the key new material and easily manufactured it. .

   This experimental platform is made of vibrating gold + original krypton gold, even if it is Lushang... Lushang is still a bit hanged, even if it is for most of the Hulk family, as long as it is locked on it, it is impossible to break free!

   Red Hulk regained his composure. Should he say that Zodhis is indeed a super genius. The new alloy he made can't even break Hulk. Is Hulk really outdated?

   Under the instruction of Zordhis, the experimental platform suddenly turned into countless nano-robots, and Red Hulk also regained his freedom.

   Then the nano-robot was reorganized into a huge machine with an electric current on its head.

"what is that?"

   Red Hulk felt very upset.

   "Electromagnetic generator, in order to prevent you from suddenly turning your face on me."

Zod said calmly, after all, he can't suddenly knock Rose to the ground with a punch~www.mtlnovel.com~ He is very capable of doing this kind of thing, and exposure must be reduced as much as possible, anyway, the use of electromagnetic force and gravity is enough. All problems are solved.

   "You mean, can you stop me by this thing?"

   Ross is eager to try.

   "If I were you, I wouldn't be so stupid to try to challenge a researcher who can manipulate magnetism and gravity, but you can also try."

  Zod sent out an invitation, and at the same time put on two gloves made up of nano-robots. It's easy to fool Rose, who doesn't know how to do it, and makes him think that he is relying on gloves to manipulate electromagnetic force.

   It is not recklessness that Ross wants to challenge, but he wants to prove to the proud genius Zordhis that Hulk's power is stronger than he thought!

   Red Hulk was about to grab Zordheath with one hand, and then saw the corner of Zordheath's mouth rise.

   The dazzling white light was shining, and scattered electric snakes sprang out from his body, swarming around in a manic hurricane, rippling waves in the air.

   After a while, the electric light gathered and turned into a group of plasma full of destruction.

   The energy is so strong that the stars spread out the aftermath, shredding the nearby space, and twisting the winding black lines.

   Hong Hulk was unclear, so just when he raised his hand to pick it up, a strange feeling came, and there was indeed something different in the air.

   He chose to avoid carefully, avoided the slowly falling plasma, and watched it fall to the ground.


   Noisy ears buzzed through the earth, and the plasma sank into the ground and spread out.

  Zod crossed the weird arc with his five fingers, then clenched his fist sharply.

  In an instant, the ground shaking stopped, but this space was completely different and became his private territory.