
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 64: Electromagnetic force

   was bullied by the Supreme Master Gu Yi again, and Zod learned from it, and felt that he was still too weak.

  If he is strong enough...I still can't beat him.

   After all, this version of the ancient master has a time gem on hand, and if he doesn't agree with him, he will banish you into the time loop. That Zod is estimated to be crazy.

   But Zord really figured out what would greatly increase his strength.

Electromagnetic force!

   The ability to absorb energy can also convert one's own energy into electromagnetic force. In the hands of people like Zord, who use quantum physics and applied mathematics, electromagnetic force can do too many things.

  For example, electromagnetic force manipulates cells, modifies DNA, manipulates atoms, rearranges elementary particles, and even attaches one's own thinking to the electromagnetic field, leaving the body to become a quantum life form...

  The scientific version of God!

  Electromagnetic force is a lever, which can arbitrarily move matter, energy, time, and space in the universe. It is a bug-like ability.

   Immortality, blood rebirth, and hard anti-nuclear bombs are all a piece of cake. Covering space, reversing time, deducing a unified position, and repeating ground, fire, water, and wind are the true uses of electromagnetic force.

   What's more, Zod also has the super senses of the Kryptonian!

   was born with deep atomic observation and control capabilities, and countless lines of magnetic force, just like real existence, hovered around his body.

   Zod gently flicked a magnetic line of force.

   A vibrating target in the distance was pulled over by a strong magnetic force.

   manipulated the magnetic field line in his hand and tore it into four or five pieces. With current and sparks, the vibrating target was pulled by the limbs by an invisible position, and torn apart with extreme violence.

On the earth and in the sky, Zod has never felt such a dense and powerful electromagnetic force, and he has also noticed the most subtle magnetic field. The most powerful geomagnetism can also be affected by him. Everything in the sky and the earth has been affected by countless Publicity and digital replacement, Zod continued to deepen the field of electromagnetics.

  Electromagnetic force affects all matter. It controls the atom, penetrates into the inside of the atom, and reveals the secret of the mutual conversion between mass and energy.

Kama Taj, the Supreme Mage Gu sighed. This is one of the worst futures she has seen, but if she does not rescue the venom and maintain the timeline, worse things will happen. At least now, Zo De only mastered the electromagnetic force, he has not yet discovered gravity.

   However, Zordhis became a master of gravitation in the next moment. Magnetism and gravitation are originally one, or mutual, there is no reason to control the electromagnetic force but not the gravitational force.

   Gu Yi was a little surprised. The future development has been out of the future she saw. Zordhis has mastered electromagnetic force and gravity so quickly. Fortunately, he is still too weak to perform...

Before his thoughts were over, Gu Yi saw that Zod distorted the earth's gravitational field and magnetism, binding the sun beams that fell on the earth together, illuminating the area where he was, and Zod was also in the sun, rapidly changing Strong.


  Zodhis's ability to draw inferences from one another is too strong, and Gu Yi wants to kick Stephen Strange and let Zord be the Supreme Mage.

Zod thought he would destroy the future if he took away the riots. Unexpectedly, it was a choice that Gu Yi had seen through the future. As a result, the Black Queen told Zod that the Life Foundation launched the rocket again before filing for bankruptcy. Fortunately, the rocket was Fucking Venom and Eddie stopped.

Zod watched the video. Drake dressed in a silver symbiote was fighting with Eddie dressed in venom. The two were beaten to the head and hit the streets of San Francisco. The police in San Francisco had no choice but to dare. Watching the battle, did not dare to do it.

   "What's the matter, where's the symbiote?"

  Zord can't believe it, the riot and the whip are all with me, swallowed to death, and the venom is with Eddie. Where did this silver symbiote come from?

   The black queen gave the answer through on-site monitoring.

The silver symbiote turned out to be the son of the Riot. I don't know when the Riot spawned. I only know that Drake was parasitized by this symbiote when he sold his assets. After gaining power, Drake naturally got rid of Zod's His psychic hints, after all, the symbiote is very resistant in this regard.

   The name of this silver symbiosis is "Tear". Seeing the scene where Tear completely lifts the venom to hit, Zod finds that the tear is stronger than the riot.

  Drake wore a tear and showed a stronger power and speed than the riot, and the venom was unable to fight back.

   Venom is also very helpless, even if my dad can't beat it, even his son can't beat it.

   Even Eddie can't stand it anymore.

   "Venom, come on, don't worry if you can't fight the riots, this is the son of the riots, and you can't fight them?"

   "Shut up, Eddie!"

   Venom roared, but was torn and beaten to find teeth.

   "You actually stopped me, traitor, I will kill you now!"

   The skin of tearing silver metal color is very hard, which is quite different from other symbionts~www.mtlnovel.com~ Venom is brave in the face of tearing, at least more courageous than in the face of riots.

   At this moment, two red lasers hit the tear and cut it directly from the waist.

   Venom and tearing are both startled, the difference is that tearing feels very painful.

   Then they saw Zod wearing Dark Knight armor.

   "It's you again, Zodhith!"

   The torn face split open, revealing Drake inside, and he yelled at Zordheath.

  Zord was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, the eight sword-like floating cannons behind him separated from his body, suspended behind him, and then fired a burst of plasma cannons.

Just like cannonballs wash the ground, Zordhis, suspended in the air, poured a large number of plasma cannonballs towards the two symbiosis on the ground. Regardless of the power displayed in the predator, these cannonballs were added to Zod. After being bound by magnetism and gravity so that they would not escape so severely, these plasma shells exerted amazing destructive power.

   "Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

   The San Francisco police and the crowd were stunned looking at this huge scene of artillery fire that at least one tank company can cause. It is estimated that even dozens of tanks will be blown to pieces.

   After the explosion, neither the venom nor the tearing died, but Zod just blasted them half to death, by the way, to prevent them from laying eggs and fleeing.

   Then Zod manipulates high-energy electromagnetic waves to heat the tissues in their bodies, just like a microwave oven.

   Venom and tear were tortured to death by high-energy electromagnetic waves, curled up into a ball, no longer able to resist.

   But Zord still only took away the tear, the venom should not lay eggs like the riot, anyway, there is Gu Yi, let Gu Yi take care of it.