
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 63: Symbiote

Wow! !

   A cloud of dark, sticky liquid gushes from the shoulder blades and turns into a hideous face with a big mouth in the blood basin, grinning and looking at Eddie.

   Looking at the demon close at hand, especially the pale evil eyes, Eddie couldn't help but burst out a swear word.

   "What the **** are youTM?"

   "My name is Venom, and now I am the master of your body."

   "You...you just..."

   Eddie's face was ugly, and he raised his hand and gestured, turning his stomach upside down.

   "You just used my body to bite off a person's head."

   "I need to replenish my energy, and..."

   Venom narrowed his eyes and said with a dark smile.

   "It tastes good, doesn't it?"

   "Oh! Vomit--"

   Eddie vomited and retched instantly, even if he stuck his fingers in his throat, he couldn't vomit anything.

   Obviously, it has been digested by the venom.

   Eddie felt like he was going to die, he actually cannibalized.

   "Listen, Eddie, if you want to live, you have to do something for me."

   Venom's eyes narrowed, and the blood basin widened, letting Eddie stun him.

   "What, what's the matter?"

   Eddie said tremblingly, if he was asked to eat people, then he would definitely have to refuse!

   "I want you to join me to stop the riots. If the riots return to outer space, they will surely invade the earth with a group of symbionts. This is not what I want to see..."

   Venom's words made Eddie's eyes widen, with an expression of disbelief.

   In the comics, Riot is a direct descendant of Venom, possessing more powerful abilities than Venom.

   The movie modified this setting, and the riot became an independent symbiosis with nothing to do with Venom.

   Not only that, but riots play a pivotal role in the symbiote society. He is a powerful leader. He raised his arms, and the younger brother exceeded one million.

   Correspondingly, the venom became a complete dick, and like Eddie, he failed to live.

   In the movie, Venom spontaneously prevented the riots from returning to space and led the army of symbionts to invade the earth, because he lived very well on the earth and did not want his good life to be disrupted.

   And, because of the strong sense of substitution, it also likes Eddie.

   Eddie expressed his disbelief that Venom does not seem to be a good thing, and would actually betray his race for the earth?

   I know the style of painting is not right at first sight!

   Venom couldn't persuade Eddie in a few words, so he was ruthless and took Eddie away to find the riots. As for Devouring and Whip...Huh? Aren't they two already hung up?

On the other hand, Zod studied the whip and found that there is nothing to study. The whip is similar to swallow. They are all cobwebs in the symbiote. Thinking of the venom taken away by Gu Yi, Zod put on the dark knight and went directly to the Life Foundation Up.

The owner of the Life Foundation, Drake, is a super-rich man who is close to hundreds of millions of people. He is a young but not rich second-generation. He founded the Life Foundation when he was twenty-four and grew it to today's scale, perfectly transitioning from a scholar to a businessman. .

   When he was a child, he was a child from another family in the eyes of his parents. When he grew up, he was a rising star praised by academia.

   Today is a turning point in Drake's life, good luck ends.

   The laboratory was stolen, and experimental information that violated humanitarianism was leaked. It was a complete mess.

   When Zord arrived, his super vision + clairvoyance eyes let him see the riot, and then Zord witnessed the riot parasitize Drake, and then rushed in.

   "The Dark Knight Zod!"

   Drake was taken aback, but his body had just merged with the symbiote, and he was in the stage of psychological expansion.

  Zodhis is a genius, but he is also a genius who makes countless people jealous. Drake is also one of them, and he just brought it to the door by himself.

   As a result, Drake saw Zod whistle and produced an ultrasonic attack. The riot could not be held back, so he jumped directly off Drake.


   Then the gray riot pounced on Zod, this is an extremely powerful host, if you get him, the riot will definitely...

The next moment, the riot rolled back faster than he rushed over, because there was a blazing flame in Zord's hand, and the riot was forced into the air to brake, then rolled on the spot, and returned to Drake. .

  Zord's reaction to the riot was very satisfied, it was indeed much stronger than Venom.

  The same is true in the original movie, where Venom was beaten throughout the entire process, forcibly and rioting out of bounds.

   If Riot hadn't insisted on boarding the spaceship, the venom would never have a chance to kill it.

  Its ability is better than that of venom. All parts of the body can be freely transformed into weapons. With super strength, speed, and nerve response, it is remarkable whether it is attack or defense.

   The riots launched a surprise attack when Zod put away the flames, his hands turned into sharp-edged long swords, and directly... was caught by Zod with one hand.

   "It's useless, in front of my powerful Dark Knight armor, you are a scorpion~www.mtlnovel.com~ Dark Knight Zod said lightly.

Drake quickly told the riot about Zordheath's information. The Dark Knight armor on his body was extremely powerful. He didn't expect to have the ability to produce ultrasonic waves and flames. Drake had to admit that Zordheath was indeed a genius. Regarding the technical content of this war machine, all geniuses in the world have not cracked it yet. They are like a century behind Zordhis.

   Riot After hearing what Drake said, it was judged that Zodhis had more parasitic value than Drake, as long as it could solve his armor...At that time, it can do whatever it wants with Zodhis.

   "I just found out that you seem to be afraid of ultrasound and flames."

  Zod said suddenly, his body stiffened in the riot, and the next moment, a high-power ultrasound enveloped the riot.

The weakness was immediately discovered. The riot secretly thought it was worthy of the most genius life form on this planet. It was powerless to resist, and it was quickly packaged and taken away by Zod with refrigerated gas. As for Drake, it was used by Zod before he left. The psychic power hinted at him, and then the assets of the Life Foundation were sold, and then handed over to Blade Technology Industry. By the way, he would surrender himself. Anyway, he has solid evidence, so he doesn't need to bother to find evidence.

In the research room, the gravity-free environment created by Zod for the riots is suspended in mid-air. There are repulsion generators on the edge of the tempered glass in the non-gravity room to prevent the riots from contacting the glass. The black queen is not interrupted for 24 hours. Monitoring.

   The whip and the riot analysis Zod also got his hands, after removing a part of the whip and the riot, Zod began to research.

   Apart from anything else, the symbiote battle suit, Zord still wants it, the main reason is to be prepared, when the enemy uses magic, the symbiote battle suit can block a wave.