
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 61: Got the homepage!

"BOSS, congratulations, you have now become the dream lover of all American women."

   Urd put the file on Zod's desk.

  Zord raised his head, Urder's narrow western skirt wrapped his buttocks completely, and his two straight long legs were dazzling white in the light.

   Looking at Uuld with a business-like attitude, Zod shrugged.

   He heard that Uuld had something to say.

   "Boss, you don't intend to talk about it. Why did you suddenly put on a war machine and ran out to be a hero?"

   Urd couldn't help asking, she also didn't approve of Zod's taking such risks.

   "Don't worry, Urder, I won't make fun of my life."

   Zod said.

   Urd's lips squirmed, but he didn't say anything in the end.

   "I don't want to change my boss."

   She can only say that.


   The branch in Los Angeles was completed more than five months later, and Zod moved directly there, using it as the headquarters.

  Washington DC is not abandoned, but used as a branch, although Blade Technology Industry does not have many employees.

But there is also good news, that is because Tony Stark has disappeared for too long and has been tacitly dead. The stock price of Stark Industries has been declining. Obadiah has exhausted all means and can't hold the stock price. Employees of Stark Industries Feeling that the future is bleak, Blade Technology Industry is digging corners at this time, so most of the weapons department of Stark Industry is about to be poached by Blade Technology Industry.

A small part of Obadea found out in time and increased their salary. In addition, they are also old employees of Stark Industry and have feelings. Anyway, even if Tony Stark is not there, Stark Industry can also rely on weapon patents. Make money by producing weapons.

   has gained the strength of the Blade Technology Industry from the Stark Industrial Weapons Department, coupled with the durable Maozi brand weapons designed and produced by Vanke and his sons, Blade Technology Industry has also begun to enter the market for conventional weapons in the military industry.

This is very bad news for Hanmer Industries. Both Blade Technology Industries and Stark Industries have begun to grab the conventional weapons market and the heavy weapons market. Hanmer Industries, which originally had to pick up some orders that Stark Industries didn't want to live on. There is no business now.

   After all, fools know which industrial weapon to choose.

  Zord doesn't like the workers of Hanmer Industries. He is fond of the production lines of Hanmer Industries, but Justin Hanmer is not too sad now, so he probably won't sell it. Wait a minute.

  Wanda and Kuaiyin can't believe that they are living a life now.

  In the United States, even if Washington, D.C. is not a big economic city like New York, it is much better than Sokovia, especially Zod has let them go to private schools.

Public schools in the United States are free education. You can do whatever you want to learn. Even if you really study hard, you will actually not learn anything. This is the reason why most American citizens and non-American citizens are only below the high school level. Only private schools are available. Elite education will be provided. This is to further widen the gap between the rich and the poor and ensure that those at the bottom are not so smart and capable to shake the rich and capitalists.

   It is no exaggeration to say that the education level of American private schools is stricter and more advanced than most schools in the rabbit. This is where you can really learn.

Wanda knows that all of this is hard-won today. Although she doesn't know where it is, the mature Wanda knows that there is no free lunch in the world. All gifts given by fate have already been secretly priced. And she still didn't know what the price she was going to pay.

   Kuaiyin quickly fell into the hustle and bustle of entertainment in the big city. He learned to play games, clubbing, drinking, and even racing cars and playing with the police in Washington, DC.

Wanda went to school today and heard that her classmates were discussing the Dark Knight, Zordheath, and so on. She asked with interest and learned that Zordheath had become a hero. Yesterday, she helped the Brooklyn police uniform a group. Except for a few of the criminals who robbed the bank, this group of wealthy or middle-class children, most of them looked forward to Zordheath's approach.

The flying steel suit is estimated to be a very unforgettable memory for them, compared to the Batman and Superman and Justice League comics that DC is selling hot (note that Marvel World is sold by DC comics Yes, the DC world also has a comic company called Marvel.), Zodhis is a real superhero.

  Wanda, after listening to the students, went to buy a copy of the Planet Daily after school, and saw the big cover high-definition photo of Zodhis.

   "The super genius and super hero of the new century, the knight who guards the darkness."

The title is exaggerated, but the sales of the Planet Daily have quickly caught up with the Clarion Daily and the Daily News ~www.mtlnovel.com~Zodhis has detonated most people's topics and enthusiasm for superheroes, even if he is now It's not an exaggeration to be the hottest figure in the news all over the world.

   It's a pity that he doesn't accept interviews from any reporters. Ould also helps Zord block many young models who come to the door.

  Wanda felt the throbbing in her heart. She stroked the Zordhis in the photo and made up her mind.


   The new laboratory in Los Angeles, where Zod did not have so many bells and whistles, he just got a strength tester at the door, and only applied a hundred tons of force to open the alloy door.

   Inside the door is his new work, the Dark Knight armor.

The cloak behind    is full of handsomeness. Zod doesn't use the cloak tactics. He only makes a cloak to be handsome, but Zod thinks of it as a more handsome way.

  For example, the raiders floating artillery system that strikes freedom.

After Zord's research and manipulation, the cloak behind the Dark Knight turned into an eight-bladed floating cannon. It is usually attached to the Dark Knight's back and can also be used as a propeller. When needed, use it. Mental force connection control, these floating cannons fire powerful laser cannons, which are amazingly powerful, and there are two modes of continuous plasma cannon mode, which can continue to fight for ten hours, and then they have to return to the dark knight armor to replenish energy .

Of course, these floating cannons also have a slash mode. When turned on, these floating cannons will become high-frequency sword blades. Under the control of Zod's mental power, it is equivalent to eight swords. If Zod makes two more knives. , It is the unprecedented ten-sword style, but only Zod has a super brain to play with one mind or ten uses, others can't play it at all.