
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 58: Genetic modification and human experiments

  Through research, Zod quickly discovered and confirmed that this was an alien gene, but the gene was in a dormant state because of lack of a certain key substance.

   "Terrigan is in the fog?"

  Zord has a profound meaning. Compared with mutants that are difficult to control, Inhumans is a super-powered crowd that is easier to control, and the upper limit is also high, such as the black bat king.

   "Not enough, more comparison is needed."

  Zod thought for a while, and called Uuld.

   So, Blade Technology Industry bought and built 20 private hospitals. This is for Blade Technology Industry to give back to the society and decided to spend a portion of the money to build American medical system services.

   And, Zod promised that these twenty new private hospitals will have a one-year free medical examination!

   These twenty private hospitals are distributed in New York, Los Angeles, Boston and other places. They are not small in scale and belong to very large hospitals.

   As soon as the charity event for free medical examinations came out, many people in the United States felt that Ezod Heath's medical genius might be better than other hospitals?

So, Zodhis harvested a large number of samples after more than two months. From it, he screened out more than 1,000 variant genes and nearly 20,000 alien genes. It is necessary to know that the base number is more than 19 million. Humans, putting aside the repeated types of variant genes and alien genes, this number is also amazing.

   The mutant genes are all in a mysterious sleeping state, just like the ancient gene fragments inherited by humans, but Zord feels as if he can activate these mutant genes and make mutants appear in this world as long as he deals with them.

   However, Zod intends to temporarily put down the mutant genes, the alien genes are safer.

With the help of the Black Queen in mathematical modeling, supplemented by a templated human body data model, the calculation exercises carried out, the probability of error is only 10%. This 10% is caused by the complex conditions of the real human body and is not as ideal as a mathematical model. , There may be mutations at any time.

   Then the Black Queen made a calculation and quickly stopped.

   The key material is missing, and the experiment cannot be carried out. The nearly 20,000 alien genes are all like a pool of stagnant water.

  Zord wondered if this alien race completely relied on Terrigan's Mist, would the Terrigan Mist disappear in the future, would it be extinct?

  Although it is said that in the movie version, there is a shock wave girl detonating the Terrigan crystal over New York, activating the genes of the alien race among humans, but if Zord is present, he will not let this happen.

   "Terrigan Crystal, get some and see."

  Zord remembers that the Mist of Terrigan is a kind of poison beyond imagination for mutants. If mutants appear in the future, he can try it.

   Just like Batman, be fully prepared and not fight uncertain battles!

   "It seems that people have to go to Egypt to see if they can dig the apocalypse..."

  Zord thought, if the apocalypse cannot be dug, it is a good thing, if it is dug...that is also a good thing, after all, the sleeping apocalypse, Zod can do whatever he wants.

Although there are more and more subordinates of the world snake, in terms of strength, even the strongest super animal soldier, Asura Unicorn Bucky, actually fights against the Hulk at most, a few hand-to-hand combat, and waits for the green. After the giant increased his strength due to anger, he had to be crushed by the Hulk.


  Zod looked at the more than a thousand kinds of non-repetitive variant genes collected, it was really tempting.

   But I don't know if it's a Pandora's Box or a golden apple?

  Zord could not stop his flaming scientific research (death) spirit, the mutant gene immediately started work.

Sure enough, the situation is completely different from the alien genes. After two rounds of calculations, the Black Queen eliminated a large part of the variant genes that would make people grow scales, grow taller and shorter, and turn their hands into fish tails. , And record it, the same variant gene can be eliminated directly in the future.

   In fact, the number of Marvel mutants is beyond imagination. The Kenosha incident alone killed 16 million mutants.

   Why is this happening? That's because the mutants you see are 0.1% of the top of the pyramid, and most of the mutants' abilities are basically negative or can't be used for combat at all. The subordinates of the X-Men and Lao Wan are the elites of the elite. Look at the talents of the North Star people who are bullied by humans...

   So, more than a thousand variant genes seem to be many, but in fact there are very few useful ones.

   After passing the calculation experiment of the Black Queen, Zod began a human experiment.

   The subjects of the human experiment are naturally Zod who arranged animalized soldiers and grabbed them from places like the Golden Triangle, the dark streets of Brooklyn, the Middle East, and the like.

In order to prevent the car from overturning, Zod also specially implanted his own thought wave into each subject. Once there is a problem, he will directly detonate the thought wave. Even a mutant at the level of Professor X~www.mtlnovel.com~ can't hold it. Zod detonated a wave of thoughts in his mind. It didn't mean that Professor X couldn't fight it, but that it was already implanted in the brain. How can you resist?

   The results of the experiment were not very satisfactory. Although a lot of junk mutant genes that were calculated and practiced have been eliminated, there are still a lot of mutant genes that are not good when they are actually experimenting.

   The experimental subjects have become deformed monsters, wailing on the hospital bed.

   However, there are also successful individuals. He has become a mutant like Steel Lux.

Through research, Zod found that his whole body has become a bio-metal that is similar to metal steel, but whose hardness and toughness are stronger than steel. All the internal organs are gone. When it becomes this state, the inside is filled with this bio-metal, and the weight is It also changed from 80 kilograms to 200 kilograms.

   Under the control of Zod's Missing Wave, this mutant couldn't resist, and cooperated with the experiment.

  His power is amazing, he can lift about fifty tons of things, and he can fight against the evil **** Loki.

   That's right, don't look at Loki and a Crispy Mage, being smashed by the Hulk, in fact, he also has fifty tons of power, which is bigger than the little spider.

   The strength of this bio-metal is also very surprising to Zod. The heat resistance reaches 9000 degrees Celsius, and even the 12.7 mm diameter armor-piercing blasting bomb can't cause him damage.

   was very strong, and then Zod found one of the big veterinarians to inject this mutant gene.

   successfully turned this big man into a steel man. As for the original one, it can only be called the steel man.

   The big steel man became stronger than the steel man, reaching about seventy tons. In addition to the same resistance to heat, even the attack of the tank's main gun can be ignored.