
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 55: Gears of War and Attacks


   The gate was blasted open by a rocket, and the security guard was seriously injured and fell to the ground. Then the mercenaries in other vehicles got out of the vehicle, filed in and rushed into the blade technology industry.

   The black widow who heard the explosion was shocked. This is Washington, DC, or the city center. Is it so rampant?

   Zod took out the surveillance video, and saw the fully armed attacker holding an automatic rifle and it was meaningful.

   I thought I would deliver a package, and there was a bomb in the package, but this was the result?

  The black widow quickly notified her boss of the one-eyed black-skinned marinated egg. The marinated egg obviously didn't expect these mercenaries to be so frenzied and brave. Is it true that they don't even want their lives for the money?

   "Natasha, protect Zodhis. His company has fifty war machines, enough to support the police and the military. I will contact the nearby National Guard."

Bittern immediately said, no matter if Zodhis kidnapped or killed Tony Stark or not, after he cracked AIDS and developed a special medicine, he already had an extra layer of death-free gold medals, and many big men would not. Want to see Zodhis die, because they see hope in Zodhis.

This genius, who has surpassed the entire century, may be able to crack the secrets of human aging, as well as treat cancer and other terminal diseases of human beings. In short, his potential value is too great to imagine. Whoever dares to touch him is to talk to all mankind. Right!

The military that received the notification from the salted eggs was quickly dispatched. In order to hurry, they directly used the helicopters. It seemed that the battle was very large. There was also the war machine that Zodhis had traded to the United States. In addition to performing tasks outside, The others ran over.


  The animalized soldiers of the security department put on the war machine, and the mercenaries facing the first wave were directly beaten into a honeycomb by the war machine.

The war machine in Blade Technology Industry can basically be said to be War Machine No. 2. There is an automatic machine gun on the right shoulder, the auxiliary system automatically locks the target, and then fires a bullet enough to penetrate the 20mm standard steel plate, and the back has thicker ammunition. In the backpack, there is a missile slot on the left shoulder, which is filled with missiles with silver-painted warheads. These missiles use new types of chemicals. A missile the size of an index finger is enough to smash the tank. The flame of the chemical reaction can be extremely short. The high temperature is generated within time, and even the titanium alloy can melt.

   The two breastplates on the chest are opened, and inside are missiles with golden spray warheads. These golden missiles are more powerful and are blasting missiles specifically aimed at construction targets.

   The fierce war machine quickly suppressed the mercenaries.


   Suddenly there was a loud noise in the aisle, and the head of a war machine exploded directly, and the impact caused its heavy body to fall backward.

   A mercenary armed with an anti-material sniper rifle sneered. Although the war machine is very powerful and ignores most of the weapons, this is a blasting armor-piercing bullet, plus the anti-material sniper rifle, basically one shot is accurate.

   But he was quickly surprised to see that the fallen war machine stood up again, and the missile slot on the left shoulder was raised. After opening, a silver missile roared out directly.


  The mercenary quickly rolled on the spot holding the sniper rifle, but the silver missile did not hit the wall as he expected, but a very elegant turn and hit him who had been locked.


   After a loud noise, the mercenaries could not even find their ashes.

   Beastized Soldier MMP screamed. Fortunately, the war machines in the company are all coated with secondary krypton gold, otherwise they would have a headshot just now.

Ordinary war machines are all steel alloy armors, but Zod is of course different from his company's war machines. They have secondary krypton gold coatings on the surface, and their defensive power is exploded. He also ate a blasting armor-piercing bullet issued by Barrett. It's just recessed by 10 mm.

  I don't care if he hits the beast soldiers in other places, but his head is not good. The head is the weakness of the beast soldiers, so he just used silver missiles to vent his anger.

At this time, American helicopters and war machines had arrived. They entered directly, but were knocked down by the mercenaries guarding the door. Then the war machines were in front, and other soldiers hid behind the war machines, from time to time. The probe strikes back.

   War machine is much easier, just lift up the big killer equipped by the military, the Browning 12.7mm M2HB large-caliber machine gun, which is a vehicle-mounted heavy machine gun!


   With a deafening continuous loud noise, more than a dozen war machines fired and advanced at the same time, which means that the building materials of Blade Technology Industry are good. Even M2HB can't make much mark, otherwise it will be destroyed directly by the bunker.


   There was a loud noise, and one of the war machines exploded a big hole in the head, and then fell directly to the ground.

   "Stay back! The enemy has armor-piercing bullets!"

The war machine was taken aback~www.mtlnovel.com~ quickly scattered. Fortunately, they are not heavy machinery. On the contrary, with sufficient energy, the war machine is more flexible than humans, and can run better than humans. Much faster.

Machines of war have been used many times to find out their weaknesses. Ordinary large-caliber weapons can't help but the steel alloy, but what mankind is best at is to slaughter his own kind. There are no armored units that are more powerful than machines of war. The method of using armor-piercing bombs to deal with war machines soon appeared. Blasting armor-piercing bombs were the most frequently used, and some even used depleted uranium bombs madly.

   Life was threatened, and the war machine became more ferocious. He took a weapon box from the logistics team. After opening it, it contained a special rocket launcher.

   The mercenaries saw that there was no movement outside, chewing gum, what kind of war machine, in this cramped environment, a sniper rifle could make them afraid to appear.

As a result, there was a sudden movement outside. A war machine quickly came out. The mercenary's pupils shrank from what he was holding, and he quickly wanted to shoot to stop the opponent. As a result, the war machine was faster than him and directly stunned. Triggered and fired two rockets.

   With the aid of laser guidance, the war machine does not need to worry about being missed, not to mention that the rocket has also increased the explosion range.

The mercenary didn't even need a gun. He got up and wanted to run. Before he could run a few steps, he exploded from behind. The shock wave directly sent him flying. The internal organs were shattered by the shock wave, and he died in mid-air. And the flame just caused the whip corpse effect.

   The black widow witnessed Zod's surveillance in the office, and she had a full understanding of the armed forces of the Blade Technology Industry, but she didn't know that Zod's automatic mechanics had not been dispatched yet.