
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 54: Assault

  The purpose of Zod's KOF competition is to collect talents, but also to obtain these exhaustive skills.

   is compiled by the black queen, plus Zod's super brain, he only read it once and learned all the muscle-strengthening skills, that is, fighting skills.

   "No, these are just killing techniques against humans. Are there any killing techniques against monsters?"

   After Zord learned, he shook his head and said.

The enemies in the Marvel world are not only humans or humanoid creatures, but also various monsters. Although Kryptonians don't need fighting skills, they beat them with a punch, but they encounter Hyperion, Sentry, Blue Miracle, Captain Marvel, Dou Jian, these plagiarisms... No, for these big super-type opponents, skills are very important at that time.

   Not to mention facing monster-type enemies.

After studying for a while, Zod returned to the building of Blade Technology Industry. The Los Angeles branch had already begun to be built. Urd reported that it would take about a year to complete because the land was too big, with two football fields. Such a large scale, and it includes the auditorium.

   "BOSS, this is the target file you requested today."

   Zod just sat down in his office, and then a woman with fiery red hair walked in in a hot office OL costume, and the deep ditch in the middle was unobstructed.

"you are?"

   Of course Zord knows who the other party is, but he can't say it directly.

   "I'm Natalie, Secretary Uuld's senior assistant."

   said the black widow.

   "What about Ould?"

   Zod nodded and asked.

   "Secretary Urd has asked you for leave, she has a private business to do."

   The black widow put the file on the table. When she bent down, the button she left off was very eye-catching. It was nothing, she just wanted to see what the button looked like.

   But what surprised Black Widow was that the previous all-inclusive methods did not work on Zod. He just glanced at it casually and focused on the file.

   pretending to be a gesture? Want to catch up?

  No, as an old agent who is only seven years younger than Captain America, Black Widow's subtle reactions to people's facial expressions are naturally clear at a glance. She can see that Zod is really not interested.

  Zod erected the document, blocking the direct eye between himself and the black widow, and then admiring the scenery of the black widow, it was almost unobstructed, clear and clear...

   The black widow stood and waited for instructions, actually looking for more opportunities.

   With the video she brought back that day, S.H.I.E.L.D. experts have studied for a long time and haven't figured out where to open the door, and there is no way to start.

   And the Hydra inside S.H.I.E.L.D. also got this video. They couldn't analyze how the door could be opened. They could only say that Zordheath was a genius, and the door he designed stumped all experts.

   Violent destruction is also undesirable, but there are more than fifty war machines in Blade Technology Industry on standby at any time, even if tanks are deployed, it is difficult to solve.

   The black widow brought it over and asked for the destination document, but it wasn't very important, and there was some news in it.

For example, Blade Technology Industry's AIDS drug turned out, the hundreds of billions of funds and efforts that had been thrown by private research laboratories and national research laboratories were wiped out. The investors almost went bankrupt, and they quickly withdrew their capital and accountable for the project leader. , Why have you spent so many years and spent so much money on, and there is no result at all, Zordhis has directly produced results!

And those who want to make achievements in the field of AIDS have also been forced to collapse by the knife edge technology industry. They have invested too much in this field, time, money, youth..., the result is now all in the water, even if If you want to stick to it, the investors have withdrawn their capital. If they want to increase investment, they are not stupid, and there are ready-made ones. Why don't I keep the money and invest directly in Blade Science and Technology Industry on the day when Blade Technology is listed?

   In desperation, they want to report or discredit AIDS specific drugs, for example, they actually failed the drug test and have side effects.

   But the AIDS specific drug has been 100% successful. Hundreds of AIDS patients have been cured as soon as it went online. Those patients who have been infected by maternal-fetal blood transfusion or born with AIDS must treat Blade Technology as the savior.

However, in this case, Zod's personal safety has also been seriously threatened. S.H.I. The soldiers are jealous. They don't know what human interests are, they only know money. What kind of consequences will kill Zordhess, the only genius of the century? Who cares about those.

   At present, a large number of unidentified people have entered the United States, and their targets are undoubtedly Zord Heath.

Zod just wanted to laugh when he saw the news. The Black Queen directly retrieved it. UU read www.uukanshu.com and discovered that most of the red rose was actually funded by researchers who were cut off by Zod, and the rest Although those scientific researchers in, have also been cut off their financial resources and have a hopeless future, they only feel that they have been born in the wrong era and have become the background board to accompany the running. These people Zord asked the Black Queen to send them an invitation, and they have Qualified scientific research personnel with scientific research spirit, anyway, now the blade technology industrialists have big business and rich wealth, and they are not afraid that they can't afford these people, let alone what they learn is not in vain, and they can continue to research.

  Zord does not hope that AIDS and other diseases can only count on the vampire virus, technology, or scientific development must be comprehensive.

   What cannot be copied is not called science.

   Then it was about the acquisition of YouTube and Twitter, which was rejected as expected.

  Zod thought for a while, decided to do it himself, and the other is the Clarion Daily where Spider-Man Peter Parker works. Newspapers are still very marketable in the United States.

   It's just that the boss of the Clarion Daily refused to sell it. This surprised Zod. According to his stingy character, if he bought it himself, wouldn't he be happy to sell it directly?

   can't figure it out.

   At this time, the gate of Blade Technology Industry.

   A convoy stopped nearby.

  The people on the motorcade looked at the "B.T.I." logo spelled out in English by Blade Technology Industrial, and showed a bad smile.

   The security guard at the door was still looking at the young model in the adult magazine. As a result, at this time, the door of one of the cars opened, and inside was a man holding an RPG, wearing a black body armor and wearing a headgear.

   "HolyShit! (Damn it!

   The security guard at the gate of Blade Technology Industry's eyes widened.