
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 50: Arrangement arrangement

"Tony Stark, return home to me!"

   "Tony Stark, you killed my family, you are an executioner!"

   "Tony Stark!"

   "Tony Stark!"


"Do not!"

   Tony woke up suddenly from his dream, he glanced around blankly, and the clear and audible wailing sound seemed to have just left his ears.

   "Are you okay, Tony?"

   Yin Sen got up from the next bed.

   Tony rubbed his temples and smiled reluctantly.

   "I'm fine."

   The thick dark circles make Tony look haggard like a dying person, but since he has woken up from the wailing, Tony has no sleepiness anymore, so hurry up and finish the steel suit.

   Yin Sen seemed to be awakened by him too, and did not continue to sleep.

   After a while, a cup of steaming hot chocolate was placed in his hand.

"this is?"

Tony was surprised. It has been a long time since he was caught here. He has become accustomed to the terrible food here, the sticky dough and the fresh fruit and meat that only happen every other month. As for the Americans like coffee and chocolate The most needed thing is nothing. There is only water here, and even the water is not very clean. At first Tony was stubborn and refused to eat. The terrorists ignored him. After a few meals, Tony licked the plate. It's cleaner than a dog.

   There is no human being who can resist hunger by his own willpower. A person who is hungry can even put dirt in his stomach, so there is no need to force him to eat.

   "I used a lot of money in exchange for it, but you don't have much energy recently.

   Yin Sen said with a smile.

Tony had a meal, and his throat was a little itchy. Tony was very touched by Yin Sen's hostility when he came to the present. He didn't know what to say, he could only vowed to rescue Yin Sen together. He was able to return to his daughter.

He didn't say much, just said thank you. Tony drank the hot chocolate in a few sips, and then he felt as if he had come back to life again. He knew that this was a psychological effect. In fact, the heat provided by the cup of hot chocolate was not enough. Meet his recent needs, but this is enough.

Tony Stark, who inspires enthusiasm, put out 100% energy to forge the steel suit. The moment the steel suit was shaped with a hammer, Tony's heart was excited, but at this moment, it came from outside. There were fierce explosions and gunfire!

   The animalized soldiers outside swept fiercely with machine guns, then dropped bombs, threw grenades and so on, and soon turned the surroundings into raging battlefield ruins.

"what's happening?"

   Tony is very puzzled. Could it be that the terrorists outside are fighting inside?

Immediately afterwards, before Tony thought of taking this opportunity to put on a steel suit and kill him, a rocket flew in with a roar. Tony didn't know why he could see the rocket flying at a very slow speed at this moment. So, of course, the speed of himself and everything around him was even slower.

   The rocket ejected tail flames, and while spinning slowly, Tony saw the "Stark" logo on the rocket, and his pupils suddenly shrank.


The rocket hit the wall and suddenly burst open. The explosion directly blasted Tony's steel suit of hope. He and Inson were also blown up and hit the wall. Tony Stark fell heavily. On the ground, before he could digest the explosion of his steel suit, he saw a piece of shrapnel inserted into Yin Sen's left chest. At this time, blood overflowed and dyed Yin Sen's clothes black.

   "No! No, no, Yin Sen!"

   Tony struggled to get up, Yin Sen shook his head hard, and he was dying, showing a smile that would make Tony unforgettable and unforgettable from now on.

   "Tony... Come on..."

After speaking, Yin Sen's head tilted. Tony only felt like a bolt from the blue sky. The whole person was at a loss. Even the group of people who rushed in ignored him. He stared at Yin Sen's body in a daze. He was erected unresponsively. When he was taken out, Tony Stark saw the corpses all over the floor, the corpses of the terrorists who had threatened him, and then he was covered with a hood, watching everything. Gone, I only knew that I was in a helicopter.

   As soon as Tony Stark left, the animalized soldiers pretending to be dead immediately got up and pulled out the hot bullet from the wound.

   "Why did you just shoot at me with a machine gun? Didn't you say that you can only use a pistol!"

  Especially a beast soldier with holes all over it like a beehive condemned his companion. He would not die if he died, and he would be able to recover without breaking his head.

   But it hurts, OK, next time I fortress a grenade into his body!

   The helicopter landed not long after it flew. Tony Stark had no idea that the entire helicopter was taken by Zord and transported to the second simulated Tony Stark torture room he carefully prepared. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   It's common sense that the flight time is short, and there can't be so many terrorists who just flew far away in a helicopter.

Tony Stark, who got off the plane, was taken off his headgear. It was a place full of yellow sand, but it looked a little better than the terrorist group he had been with before. No wonder he was able to kill the terrorist group. Element, it just looks like he has fallen into the hands of another group of terrorists...

   Then Tony Stark saw the dazzling array of munitions and weapons of Stark Industries, his face suddenly became very ugly, even if a group of terrorists have them, this group of terrorists actually have them too!

   Are the weapons of Stark Industries serving justice and the United States, or are they serving terrorists?

   Thinking of the weapons that he is proud of, killing the rebels and innocents every day, Tony Stark's conscience has been tortured and condemned again.

   "They found out that you are Tony Stark and want you to help them build a steel suit."

   A second Inson, who was about the same size as the previous Inson, and even slightly different in appearance, was taken to Tony Stark's cage by the terrorist leader and then acted as an interpreter.

In fact, Tony Stark does not need to translate. These days, Inson's conversations with terrorists on the 1st, Tony Stark who is listening has mastered this unfamiliar language system, and there is no problem in daily communication. Up.

   But looking at this translator, which is very similar to Yin Sen, Tony still did not refuse.

   "Tell them, it's impossible."

   Tony had just been bombed with his steel suit, and Yin Sen was still dead. He was in a time of sadness and disgust, and his temper was up.