
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 49: arrangement

But now he has figured it out. There is actually no point in delaying it. There is no way to change the current dilemma. It is better to take the initiative in his own hands. After all, this group of terrorists will definitely not know a big character. Fudge yourself, and then put on the steel suit you made to fight out of the siege!

Zod's war machine has already demonstrated its power and war value, otherwise there will not be so many people in pursuit of it. With actual combat proof, Tony Stark is naturally confident, although he produced it in this simple environment. The steel suit cannot be as powerful as Zod's war machine, but it is enough to deal with these terrorists.

   In fact, Zod is also very curious. The original Mark 1 did not have a shock absorption system. How did Tony Stark fall from such a high place and survived?

  Or, in such a crude environment, Tony Stark knocked out the shock absorption system of the Mark 1 with one hammer and one hammer?

   Too magic...no, too sci-fi.

   Since the new element, Zod has been paying close attention to Tony Stark, thinking that there will be many things that will subvert his worldview, and this is the second time.

   "Cause him a little trouble, don't let him go too smoothly, I don't want him to come back so soon."

  Zod said to the animalized soldier over there.

   "BOSS, what should I do?"

   The animalized soldiers over there showed a difficult expression, they only knew that Tony Stark could not be killed, other things were not clear.

"For example, you can suddenly be attacked by another group of terrorists when he is about to complete the steel suit, Yin Sen can die under the attack, and then the steel suit is accidentally blown off, and Tony Stark is caught by you. Live, the group of people before was completely wiped out. At this time, you recognized Tony Stark by accident, so you asked him to continue making steel suits."

Zod said that it was difficult, so he arranged a script directly, and the recyclability of the script was very high. If he died, Inson estimated that Tony Stark's determination to become a superhero would stabilize Tony Stark's determination to be a superhero, and then give him Arrange for an Inson.

During this period of time, terrorist attacks have become more and more rampant. The Manchus of the Ten Commandments have expressed responsibility for these terrorist attacks. The biggest headache for the United States is that they cannot find any traces of explosives and bomb fragments at the explosion site. It stands to reason that no matter what No matter how powerful a bomb is, it is impossible to completely burn out explosives. Even a nuclear bomb can't do it. Then they can find information about the bomb based on the part that is not burned out, and investigate the horror that may carry this kind of bomb. molecular.

However, they never thought that these terrorist attacks were actually full of accidental and non-proactive nature. Kylian and his group had no intention of terrorist attacks. This was just a time for the extremist fighters and experimental products to relieve the extremis virus. Excessive doses caused accidents to these stable and desperate creatures and caused big explosions. So even if everything is well monitored and recorded, it is impossible to find terrorists, because Kirian just pushed the accidental accident of the experiment to He created a man of Manchuria as his terrorist attack.

The American side thinks that the Mandarin is the most terrifying terrorist in history, comparable to the one who has been killed. Behind him there must be an excellent intelligence team and operatives, and even the United States suspects the world's top employment. Among the soldiers, there may be a large number of people serving the Manchus, but they can't understand why the Manchus choose terrorist attacks in places where there are more ordinary people. There has been no accident of terrorist attacks in the rich areas. Didn't he know that as long as the Mandarin arranges a terrorist attack on Wall Street, the United States will almost collapse?

   The United States has also strengthened the security work on Wall Street and most of the wealthy areas. Zod's blade technology industry has also received strong attention.

Zordhis, who knew what was going on, didn't panic at all, and he didn't let Kilian continue to act like this, even if Zord claimed that he was not a justice fighter or a superhero, but as a person, some I will do what I can.

   So, Kylian was controlled by Zod with psychic power, then grabbed him and threw him into a small black room, planning to let him out after Tony Stark came back.

  Killian fell into a sleepy state like the Winter Soldier, and was frozen by Zordhis's freezing breath while maintaining the effect of the freezer around him.


  Zod found Bronsky.


Bronsky hurriedly responded. He didn't know why Zod came to him. Don't come to practice with him. Since Zod became stronger and stronger, Bronsky felt that he was not Zod's opponent at all. , It's unfathomable, even Zod can beat him without any hands~www.mtlnovel.com~ Don't worry, I'm not here to practice with you. "

   Zod said calmly.

  Bronsky was startled, but he didn't think much about it, just thought his expression was too obvious.

   Zod also didn't tell him the truth, otherwise a BOSS who can see through the minds of his men would bring very uneasy emotions to his men.

As his mental power became stronger and stronger, Zord had the ability to penetrate into other people's hearts and perceive other people's thoughts. This powerful ability similar to mind reading is simply a copy of Professor X. Of course, it can only be used at present. It's on a weak person.

   But it is also very incomprehensible. Facing enemies weaker than him, he directly controls the field without worrying about being siege.

   "Bronsky, do you want to become stronger?"

  Zod was not interested in seeing through Bronsky's heart, so he asked.

  Bronsky's eyes suddenly became excited. He thought he was going to level up again. I don't know what comes after the Super Beast Soldier, the Super Beast Soldier? Ultra-Ultimate Beastized Soldier? The invincible ultimate beast soldier of the universe?

   "Of course I want, BOSS."

Bronsky patted his chest and said, there is no man who does not desire power, and Bronsky is a man who abandons other desires for power. He has not found any woman, and has no idea of ​​getting married. It is pure but also very good. Good use.

   "Now I will give you a way to gain strength."

Zod asked Bronsky to go back to Great Britain as a super soldier. With his now remodeled and strengthened body, it was more than enough. Then he spent a few years and was loaned by Great Britain to General Perak Ross, and then went to capture the Hulk, and... Bring him the Super Soldier Serum and the Hulk Serum!